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Unit 5 Cognition Qui

answer Definition
Retrieving info that is not currently in your conscious awareness but was learned at earlier time. Like an essay question on a test. recall
Identifying items previously learned like multiple choice on test. recognition
The process of getting info into the memory system encoding
: Immediate very brief recording of sensory info in memory system very short id you dont use it you loose it sensory memory
Activates memory that holds few items briefly is stored or forgotten. Rehearsal. 30-60 seconds. short term memory
Relatively permanent and limitless store house of hte memory system. Includes knowledge skills and experiences. long term memory
Actively processing incoming auditory and visual info. Retriefved from long term. Linkings things back to what we have learned. working memory
Retention of facts and experiences that one can know and be explained to others. Effortelss processing. explicic memories
events of your life become aunt epsidoc memories
general knowledge states and capitals semantic memory
Skills encoings track and is stored righ away. implicict memory
AUtomatic sills happens effortlessly. procedural memory
A momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli lasing 3-4 seconds. ionic memory
encoding on basic level based on structure or appearence of words. Phonemic encoding what a word sounds like. shallow procesing
encoding semantically based on meaning of word tend to yield best retention deep processing
inability to recall memories from first 3 years of life infantile amneisa
: It does something because it was trained to do it. synaptic changes
: Recall the first things and last things not middle. serial positiino effect
Remember first things spend more time rehearsing those easily recalled primacy effecct
Remember last items remember cecause theta re in working memory. recency effect
cant learn new things anterograde
:Inability to retrieve memories from ones past retrogranae
Basic stuff sticks the course of forgetting positive interference
New learning disprupte the recall of old info. . Moving abckwards new repleaces old. New lyrics to tune of old song prevents you form remembering newe words. retroacrive interfereance
” Mental groupings of similar objects birds fruits concept
mental image. New items to protyptpe penguins and birds olive fruit protoytpes
: Narrowing available problems solutions to determine single best solution. What bricks are used for convvergent thinking
Expanding number pf possible problems solutions creativity test. Measure of nerudivergent thinking. How many ways can you use a brick. divergent thinking
: Cognitive skills that work together enabling us to generate organise important goal directed from activities exceptive funcitons
Logical rule of procedure that guarantees solving a particular problem. Can be time consuking frustrating to work through. algorithm
A simply style of thinking to make jushments and solve problems efficiently. Short cut heuristic
The inability to see a problem from a new perspective fixtaiton
way you approach something that has been successful in the past mental set
An effortless or automatic feeling or thought when we read to make fast judgment. Could be poor judgment though. insitution
Estimating likelihood of events in terms of how well they seem to represent particular prototype. Like what do you think a college rpfoessos looks like. Skinny tall but actually probably a truck driver representives heurisic
overconficence. Overestimate yourself you misjudged future events. Flip coin 4 times so you think it will be heads again gamblers heuritc
Likelihood of events based on memory. THings that come to your mind. People involved or impression can shape goru. Fear wrong thing because of lack of available personal info avaibility herusitc
: in a language the smaleles distinctive sound that has 3 th,a,t phoneme
in a language a system of rules the smalles unit that carerries meaning readers read, er,s morphemes
set of rules for delivering meaning from sounds. semantics
: set of rules for combining words into grammatically sensile sentences. Word order syntax
: babies ability to understand what is said to abd about them by 4 months. receptive language
babies ability to produce words by 12 month productive language
child speaks like a telegram sying nouns and verbs go car want juice telegraphic speech
imparnement of language. Usually caused bu damage to left hemis[her. Broca=struggle to speaking. Wernickers struggle to udnerstnad those who are speaking. aphasia
Created by: Pettymac
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