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Breast disorders

What characterizes fibrocystic breast changes? Proliferative changes of epithelium ans stroma, "lumpy bumpy breasts", in pre menopausal women , originated in TDLU. Symptom: premenstrual mastodinia.
Types of fibrocystic breast changes Non proliferative: 68% not associated with Breast Ca. Proliferative w/o atypias : 26% mild riks of Br Ca, Proliferative with atypia: 4% High risk of Br Ca (includes ductal and atypical lobulillar hyperplasia)
At what age is cyst formation more frequent? 40-50 yo
Cyst characteristics Mobile mass, painless, round. US for diagnosis , dark fluid inside "blue domed cyst", forms in TDLU. If a cysts breaks it can cause fibrosis
Name benign tumors of breast Cysts, fibroadenoma
What is apocrine metaplasia benign, epithelial cells lining the breast ducts transform into cells resembling those found in apocrine sweat glands, can sometimes present as palpable breast masses or be detected as microcalcifications on mammograms
What is the most frequent benign breast tumor? Fibroadenoma (stromal tumor), (<25 yo), high incidence in 15-35, mobile, well defined, upper external quadrant. Estrogen dependent, Dx: US hyperechoic. Qx removed if > 30 yo or rapid growht or 2-3 cm.
Name proliferative disorders of breast Epithelial hyperplasia, sclerosing adenosis, intraductal papilloma,
Characteristics of epithelial hyperplasia proliferative breast disorder, associated with Br Ca risk, high luminal epithelium
Characteristics of sclerosing adenosis proliferative breast disorder characterized by the enlargement and distortion of the breast lobules due to the presence of scar-like (sclerotic) tissue, dense stroma, microcalcifications
Characteristics of intraductal papilloma proliferative breast disordder, growth of ductal epithelial cells ,"finger like proyections", bloody discharge , small mass near nipple
What is the phyloids tumor Stroma tumor, bening, > 60 yos, might metastasize, "leaf like" appearance
At what age does ductal ectasia present? 50 yo or older (inflammatory condition that mimics Br Ca), multiparous women, ectasia due to chronic fibrosis, nipple discharge: white , green, no pain, no erythema
Dirty white or greenish nipple discharge ductal ectasia
Bloody discharge Intraductal papilloma, trauma, Br Ca
If there is history of trauma or previous surgery , what inflammatory condition of the breast must you think of? Fat necrosis
What are the 2 ind of mastitis? Lactational (acute) fever, malaise, s. aeurus , treatment with dicloxa or cephalexin. Periductal (squamos metaplasia) from cuboid epithelium to squamos of lactiferus ducts. Risk factor: smoking (Vit A deficiency). Redness, tenderness, warmth
What are the stromal tumors of breast? Fibroadenoma and phyloid tumor
Created by: marticaospina81
Popular Pathology sets




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