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Breast cancer

At what age is Br Ca more frequent Over 25, Pm women. The incidence rises after 30.
What are Br Ca risk factors Woman, age 70-80, fiRST degree relative with Br CA, early menarche, late menopause, Obesity, Nuliparity and hormone replacement therapy. Breast feeding is protective. The age of first birth: before 20 protects, after 35 is risk factor.
What is the screening tool for Br Ca mamography
How can we classify Br Ca? According to invasion of basal membrane: non invasive (Ductal in situ-DCIS) and lobular in situ (LCIS). Also paget disease is considered as non invasive.
What can differenciate DCIS from LCIS? DCIS has microcalcifications
What can differenciate DCIS from paget? Paget is like an extension of DCIS, there is dermal invasion and extendes t o the nipple
Patterns of DCIS Central necrosis , precancerous esion, high risk of Ca
Caharacteristics of Paget Erythema of the nipple due to UL malignancy, extension of DCIS into ducts, bloody discharge (differentiate from intraductal papilloma), Dx: Biopsy (halo in cells): paget cells. Its rare. Palpable mass in over 50%.
LCIS pattern Discohesive growth, loss of E cadheine (lose of intercelular connections), NO MICROCALCIFICATIONS, Usually INCIDENTAL FINDING in Bx. Often bilateral
Is LCIS visible in mamogram? NO! Only Bx, RF for invasive carcinoma
Treatment of LCIS Surveillance plus Chemoprevention : Tamoxifen (SERM) --- similar to estrogen , block estorgen effects No sense on surgical because is mutilfocal , this is a ER AND PR POS TUMOR
Which is the most common type of Br Ca? Invasive Ductal carcinoma
Bx and clinical characteristics of invasive ductal carcinoma Duct of cells with stroma, cords of cells and nests . Firm, hard, stellar morphology.
Peau d`orange Inflammatory carcinoma, invasion of sin, thourgh lymphocitic vessels , high grade, poor prognosis ( 3 year survival: 3%)
Small cells in single file with mamary stroma invasion Invasive lobular carcinoma
How is the prognosis of Br CA defined? Depending on axillary lymph node methastasis (bx of sentinel node) and HERR2 (+)
What are the marers for Br Ca ER(+), PR (+), HERR2 (+) Precitive markers: - ER+ and PR +--------> Tamoxifen -HERR2 + ---------> Trastuzumab (monoconal Ab against HERR) - Triple negative tumor: very aggresive , less than 40 yo women
Percentage of genetic influence in Br Ca 10%, AD, incomplete penetrance BRCA1 and BCRA 2 (both code for DNA repair proteins)
BRCA1 Ovarian Ca
BRCA 2 Male breast cancer, pancreatic cancer
Key associations of male breast cancer Klinefelter sx (47XXY) 3-8% BRCA2 4-14%
Created by: marticaospina81
Popular Pathology sets




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