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Muscle Attachments

Origin, Insertion & Action

Subscapularis subscapular fossa lesser tubercle of humerus medially rotates & adducts arm; help hold humeral head in glenoid cavity
Rectus Femoris AIIS base of patella via patellar ligament to tibial tuberosity Flexes thigh at hip extends leg at knee
Gluteus Medius external surface of ilium <-> anterior & posterior gluteal lines lateral surface of greater trochanter abducts & medially rotates thigh; keeps pelvis level when opposite leg is raised
Pectoralis Major CLAVICULAR HEAD-> anterior surface of medial 1/2 of clavicle. STERNAL HEAD-> anterior surface of sternum, superior 6 costal cartilages & aponeurosis of external oblique lateral lip of intertubercular groove of humerus TOGETHER-> adducts & medially rotates humerus; draws scapula anteriorly & inferiorly. ALONE-> clavicular head flexes humerus & sternocostal head extends it from flexed position
Serratus Anterior superior 8 or 9 ribs medial border & inferior angle of scapula abducts scapula & rotates it upward, elevates ribs when scap stabalised
Quadratus Lumborum Iliac Crest inferior border of 12th rib, transverse processes of L1-L4 extends & laterally flexes vert. column; fixes 12th rib during inspiration Iliac Crest 4 QL
Sartorius ASIS medial surface of tibia flexes, abducts & laterally rotates thigh @ hip jt; flexes leg @ knee jt
Vastus Lateralis greater trochanter & lateral lip of linea aspera base of patella via patellar ligament to tibial tuberosity extends knee,
Peroneus Longus head & superior 2/3 of lateral fibula, lat condyle of tibia base of 1st metatarsal & medial cuneiform everts foot @ weakly plantarflexes ankle All Peroneus Everts - SNEAKY goes under prominence on little toe
Extensor Digitorum longus Lateral condyle of tibia, superior 1/3 of anterior fibula & interosseous membrane middle & distal phalange of last 4 toes extends 4 digits & dorsiflex foot
Flexor Digitorum Longus Medial posterior tibia inferior to soleal line plantar aspect middal & distal phalange of last 4 toes flexes 4 digitse & plantar flexessupports longitudinal arch
Tensor Fascia Lata ASIS & anterior part of iliac crest iliotibial tract that attaches to lateral condyle of tibia abducts, medially rotates & flexes thigh; steadies trunk on thigh; helps to keep ? extended
Vastus Medialis medial lip of linea aspera base of patella via patellar lig. to tibial tuberosity extends knee
rhomboid major transverse processes of C1-C4 medial border of scapula retracts, elevates, adducts & stabalises, rotates medially
Gracilis body & inferior ramus of pubis superior part of medial surface of tibia adducts thigh, flexes leg & rotates medially
Sternocleidomastoid superior sturnum & medial 1/3 clavicle Mastoid process Uni - extends & rotates head on opp sideBilaterally - flexes neck & head & elevates sturnum during forced inhalation Extends & rotates OPPOSITE Side
Scalenes Transverse Processes of C2-C7 1st & 2nd ribs BILATERALLY raises 1st & 2nd rib; Unilaterally -laterally flexes & rotates neck on same side
Trapezius medial 3rd of superior nuchal line; external occipital protuberance; nuchal ligament & sp. processes of C7 to T12 vert. lateral 3rd of clavicle, acromion & spine of scapula elevates, adducts, depresses, rotates & stabalises
Pectoralis Minor ribs 3/4/5 near costal cartilage coracoid process stabilizes scapula by drawing it inferiorly & anteriorly against thoracic wall
Piriformis anterior surface of sacrum & sacrotuberous ligament superior border of greater trochanter laterally rotates extended thigh & abducts flexed thigh; steady femoral head in acetabulum
Splenius Capitis inf 1/2 of nuchal ligament & sp. processes of T1 to T6 lateral aspect of mastoid process & lateral 3rd of superior nuchal line ALONE-> laterally flexes & rotates head ipsilateral. TOGETHER-> extends head & neck
Gluteus Maximus ilium posterior to posterior gluteal line, dorsal surface of sacrum, coccyx & sacrotuberous ligament most fibres end in IT band inserting into lateral condyle of tibia extends thigh from flexed position; assists in lateral rotation; steadies thigh & assists in rising from seated position
Latissimus Dorsi sp. processes of T7 to T12 vert.; thoracolumbar fascia, iliac crest & inferior 3 or 4 ribs floor of intertubercular groove of humerus extends, adducts, medially rotates humerus; raises body toward arms during climbing
Semitendinosis ischial tuberosity medial surface of superior part of tibia extends thigh, flexes leg & medially rotates when knee flexed; can extend trunk when thigh & leg are flexed
Teres Major dorsal surface of inferior angle of scapula medial lip of intertubercular groove of humerus adducts & medially rotates arm
Supraspinatus supraspinous fossa superior facet of greater tubercle of humerus initiates & assists deltoid in abduction of arm & acts w/ rotator cuff muscles
Deltoid lateral 3rd of clavicle, acromion & spine of scapula deltoid tuberosity of humerus ANTERIOR PART-> flexes & medially rotates arm. MIDDLE PART-> abducts arm. POSTERIOR PART-> extends & laterally rotates arm
Biceps Brachii Short Head-> tip of coracoid process. Long Head-> supraglenoid tubercle of scapula radial tuberosity & fascia of forearm via bicipital aponeurosis supinates forearm & when supine, flexes forearm
Brachialis distal 1/2 of anterior surface of humerus coronoid process & tuberosity of ulna flexes forearm in all positions
Coracobrachialis tip of coracoid process middle 3rd of medial surface of humerus helps to flex & adduct arm
Brachioradialis prox. 2/3 of supracondylar ridge of humerus lateral surface of distal ends of radius flexes forearm
Gluteus Minimus external surface of ilium & anterior & inferior gluteal lines anterior surface of greater trochanter abducts & medially rotates thigh; keeps pelvis level when opposite leg is raised
Temporalis floor & deep fascia of temporal fossa tip & medial surface of coronoid process of mand; anterior border of ramus of mand elevate mandible; retract mandible
Masseter inferior border & medial surface of zygomatic arch lateral surface of ramus of mandible & coranoid process elevates & protrudes mandible, deep fibres retrude
Levator Scapulae Posterior tubercles of TVP's of C1-C4 superior part of medial border of scap (above root of spine) elevate scap, rotate scap to depress glenoid cavity
Teres Minor superior part of lateral border of scap inferior facet of greater tubercle of humerus laterally rotate arm, hold humeral head in glenoid cavity
External Oblique Inferior surface of last 8 ribs iliac crest, linea alba Compress & Support abdomenFlex & Rotate vertabral column Hands in Pockets
Internal Oblique Iliac Crest Linea Alba, costal cartilage of last 3 ribs Compress & Support abdomenFlex & Rotate vertabral column
Transverse Abdominis Iliac Crest, cartilage of last 5-6 ribs Xiphoid process, linea alba & pubis Compress & Support
Rectus Abdominis Pubic Crest & pubic Symphysis Xiphoid Process, costal cartilage 5-7 ribs Compress & Support AbdomenFlexes Vertebral Column MAIN FLEXOR
Triceps Brachii Long head -Inferior glenoid tubercleLateral head - posterior humerous superior to radial grooveMedial Head - posterior humerous inferior to radial groove olecranon process of ulna Extend forearm, extend arm
Psoas Major Transverse processes & bodies of lumbar vertabrae Lesser Trochanter of Femur Flexes thigh & trunkLaterally rotates thigh Psoas Major marches lumbar, lessor flexes
Tensor Facia Latae ASIS ITB attaches to lateral condyle on tibia (over knee) flexes & abducts thigh at hipmedially rotates thigh
Vastus Intermedius anterior lateral surface of femur patella via quad tendon then tibial tuberosity via patella ligament flexes thigh at hipextends leg at knee
Created by: LInda_J
Popular Massage Therapy sets




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