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The Cardiovascular system consists of:
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Hollow, cone-shaped, muscular pump; Generates force to transport respiratory gases, nutrients, and wastes through body
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Anatomy & Physiology

Cardiovascular System Part 1

The Cardiovascular system consists of: Heart and Blood Vessels
Hollow, cone-shaped, muscular pump; Generates force to transport respiratory gases, nutrients, and wastes through body Heart
_______ ________ transport blood throughout the body Blood Vessels
_______ transport blood throughout the body. Arteries
_____ transport blood toward the heart. Veins
_______ transport blood between arteries and veins, and perform nutrient, gas, and waste exchange. Capillaries
Two _____ _____ (______) are included in the Cardiovascular System. Closed Circuits (Pathways)
The two closed circuits in the Cardiovascular System are: Pulmonary circuit and Systemic circuit
The ______ circuit carries oxygen-poor blood from heart to lungs, drops off carbon dioxide, picks up oxygen, flows back to heart. Pulmonary
The ______ circuit transports oxygen-rich blood and nutrients to body cells, flows back to the heart. Systemic
Organization of the heart: _____ side pumps to pulmonary circuit, blood returns to left side. Right
Organization of the heart: ____ side pumps to the systemic circuit, blood returns to the right side Left
Both sides of the heart pump at the same time? True False True
Covering over heart and proximal ends of large blood vessels Pericardium (Pericardial Sac)
Portions of the Pericardium: -Tough outer layer, surrounds double-layered serous membrane Fibrous Pericardium
Portions of the Pericardium: -Deep to Fibrous pericardium; outer layer of serous membrane covers the inner surface of the fibrous pericardium Parietal Pericardium
Portions of Pericardium: -Inner layer of serous membrane; attached to surface of heart; also called the epicardium Visceral Pericardium
Portions of Pericardium: -Space between visceral and parietal layers of serous pericardium Pericardial Cavity
Wall of Heart: -Outer layer -Thin -AKA Visceral Pericardium -Reduces friction Epicardium
Wall of Heart: -Middle layer -Thickest Layer -Composed of cardiac muscle tissue Myocardium
Wall of Heart: -Inner Layer -Thin -Forms inner lining of all heart chambers Endocardium
Wall of Heart Function: -Forms a protective outer covering -Secretes serous fluid Epicardium
Wall of Heart Function: -Contracts to pump blood from the heart chambers Myocardium
Wall of Heart Function: -Forms a protective inner lining of the chambers and valve Endocardium
Types of Heart Chambers: 1. 2. 3. 1. Atria (Atrium) 2. Auricles 3. Ventricles
Heart Chamber: 1. Thin-walled upper chambers 2. Receive blood returning to heart Atria (Atrium)
Heart Chamber: 1. Flap like projections from Atria 2. Allow Atrial expansion Auricles
Heart Chamber: 1. Thick walled lower chambers 2. Pump blood into arteries Ventricles
There are _ chambers of the heart. 4
4 Chambers of Heart: -Receives blood returning from systemic circuit (from the superior and inferior vena cavae and coronary sinus) -Pumps blood into the right ventricle Right Atrium
4 Chambers of Heart: -Receives blood from the right atrium; pumps blood to lungs Right Ventricule
4 Chambers of Heart: -Receives blood from the pulmonary veins -Pumps blood to left ventricle Left Atrium
4 Chambers of Heart: -Receives blood from the left atrium -Pumps blood to systemic circuit Left ventricule
Heart Valves: 1. Separates right atrium from right ventricle Tricuspid Valve (Right atrioventricular valve)
Heart Valves: 1. Separates right ventricle from pulmonary trunk Pulmonary Semilunar Valve
Heart Valves: 1. Separates left atrium from left ventricle Mitral (Bicupsid) Valve (Left Atrioventricular Valve)
Heart Valves: 1. Separates left ventricle from aorta Aortic Semilunar Valve
Valve: ____________ Location: Right atrioventricular orifice Function: Prevents blood from moving from the right ventricle into the right atrium during ventricle contraction Tricuspid Valve
Valve: ____________ Location: Entrance to Pulmonary Trunk Function: Prevents blood from moving from the left ventricle into the left atrium during ventricular relaxation Pulmonary Valve
Valve: ____________ Location: Left atrioventricular orifice Function: Prevents blood from moving from the left ventricle into the left atrium during contraction. Mitral Valve
Valve: ____________ Location: Entrance to aorta Function: Prevents blood from moving from the aorta into the left ventricle during ventricular relaxation Aortic Valve
Septum: -Separates left and right atria Intertrial Septum
Septum: -Separates left and right Ventricles Interventricular Septum
Large Veins that Return oxygen-poor blood to the heart Superior and Inferior Venae Cava
Fibrous strings that attach cusps of tricuspid and mitral valves to papillary muscles in wall of heart. Chordae Tendinaea
4 veins that return blood from lungs to left atrium Pulmonary Veins
Oxygen-poor blood from the vena cavae and coronary sinus enter the _____ ______. Right Atrium
Blood flows from right atrium, through the ______ valve into the ______ ventricle. Tricuspid Right
Right atrium contracts, sending remaining blood into ______ ventricle. Right
Right ventricle _________. Contracts
Tricuspid valve closes _______ _________ ________. RIght atrioventricular orifice
As pressures rises in right ventricle, the __________ ________ _______ opens blood flow into __________ _______. 1. Pulmonary Semilunar Valve 2. Pulmonary Trunk
Blood then flows into the ______ trunk. Pulmonary
Blood flows to _____, drops off carbon dioxide, picks up oxygen. Lungs
Blood returns to _____ atrium via pulmonary ______. 1. Left 2. veins
Blood flows from left atrium, through _______ valve, into ____ ventricle. 1. Mitral 2. Left
Left atrium ________, sending remaining blood into left ventricle. Contracts
Left ventricle ________. contracts
Mitral valve closes ____ ____________ ______. Left Atrioventricular Orifice
As pressure rises in left ventricle, ______ _________ _____ opens. Aortic Semilunar Valve
Blood flows into ______, transporting oxygen-rich blood to body cells. Aorta
Supply blood to tissues of the Heart Left and right coronary arteries
The coronary arteries are first 2 branches of the ____. Aorta
Branches of right coronary artery: 1. Posterior Interventricular artery 2. Right Marginal Branch
Branches of right coronary artery: -Supplies posterior ventricles Posterior Interventricular Artery
Branches of right coronary artery: -Supplies right artrium and ventricle Right Marginal branch
Branches of left coronary artery: Circumflex Branch Anterior Interventricular
Branches of left coronary artery: Supplies left atrium and ventricle Circumflex Branch
Branches of left coronary artery: Supplies walls of ventricles Anterior interventricular (Left anterior descending) artery.
______ veins drain blood from Myocardium. Cardiac
Enlarged vein into which other cardiac veins drain; drains into right atrium Coronary Sinus
Contraction of a heart chamber Systole
Relaxation of a heart chamber Diastole
The events that occur during a heartbeat. Cardiac Cycle
____________ _____ between cells contain desmosomes for structural support, and gap junctions to spread action potentials through a network of cells Intercalated discs
Cardiac Muscle cells have how many central nucleuses? 1
Cardiac Muscle Cells form a _________ _________, mass of merging cells that function as a unit Functional Syncytium
Specialized group of cardiac muscle cells, which initiate and distribute cardiac action potentials through myocardium Cardiac Conduction System
Sinoatrial (SA) Node: Pacemaker Initiates rhythmic contractions of the heart
Internodal Atrial Muscle Conducts impulses from SA (Sinoatrial) node to Atria
Junctional Fibers: Conduct impulses from SA (Sinoatrial) node to Atrioventricular (AV) node
AV (Atrioventricular) Bundle (of His): Conducts impulses rapidly between SA (Sinoatrial) node and bundle branches
Left and Right Bundle Branches Split off from AV (Atrioventricular) bundle, conduct impulses to Purkinje fibers on both sides of heart
Purkinje Fibers: Large fibers that conduct impulses to ventricular myocardium; conduct impulses to apex first; whorled pattern of muscle in ventricles contract with twisting motion
-A recording of electrical changes that occur in the myocardium during the cardiac cycle -Used to assess ability of heart to conduct impulses Electrocardiogram (ECG, EKG)
Atrial depolarization; occurs just prior to atrial contraction P Wave
Ventricular depolarization; occurs just prior to ventricular contraction QRS complex (3 waves):
Ventricular repolarization; occurs just prior to ventricular relaxation T Wave
Heartbeat through a stethoscope sounds like: Lubb-Dubb
1st heart sound S1
2nd heart sound S2
1st Heart sound occurs during ______ _______. Ventricular Systole
2nd heart sound occurs during __________ ________ Ventricle Diastole
Closing of the AV valves is associated with _________ _______ Ventricle Systole
Closing of the pulmonary and aortic semilunar valves is associated with _________ _________ Ventricular Diastole
Abnormal heart sound derived from incomplete closure of cusps of a valve Murmur
True or False: During the cardiac cycle, the pressure in the heart chambers rises and falls True
In Ventricular _________: -Pressure is lower than atrial pressure -Atria and ventricles are relaxed -AV Valves are open, and semilunar valves are closed -About 70% of blood flows passively from atria into ventricles Diastole
During Atrial _______ and Ventricular ______: -Atria contract and ventricles are relaxed -The AV Valves open and the semilunar valves close -Atrial systole pushes remaining 30% of blood into the ventricles, causing ventricular pressure to increase Systole Diastole
Cardiac Center in _______ ________ performs neural regulation of heart Medulla Oblongata
_____________ ______ that Innervate Heart: -Reach heart via vagus nerves -Decrease heart rate, due to influence on SA and AV nodes Parasympathetic Impulses
_____________ ______ that Innervate Heart: -Reach heart on accelerator nerves -Increase heart rate, due to influence on SA and AV nodes, atrial and ventricular myocardium Sympathetic Impulses
_____________ ______ : Involve cardiac control center in medulla oblongata -Balance inhibitory and excitatory effects of parasympathetic and sympathetic fibers -Contains a cardioinhibitor reflex center and a cardioaccelerator reflex center Baroreceptor Reflexes
Altered heart rhythms Arrythmias
-Uncoordinated, chaotic contraction of small areas of myocardium -Atrial fibrillation not life-threatening; ventricular fibrillation is often fatal Fibrillation
Abnormally fast heartbeat, >100 beats/min at rest Tachycardia
Abnormally slow heartbeat, <60 beats/min at rest Bradycardia
Rapid, regular contraction of a heart chamber, 250 to 350 beats/min Flutter
Beat that occurs before expected in normal cardiac cycle; often originates from ectopic regions of heart (other than SA node) Premature Beat
Damage to SA node may lead to AV node taking over, and act as secondary pacemaker; 40 to 60/min, instead of 70 to 80 Ectopic Pacemaker
Device used to treat disorders of cardiac conduction system; implantable and battery-powered Artificial Pacemaker
Blood vessels that carry blood towards the heart are called ______, those that carry blood away from the heart are ________ Veins, Arteries
Deoxygenated blood travels from the heart to the lungs via the ______ circuit. Pulmonary
What is the function of the systemic circuit? The systemic circuit carries oxygenated blood from the heart to the rest of the body
Supplies blood to the systemic circulation to deliver oxygen to tissues Left Side of heart
Supplies blood to the lungs for exchange of respiratory gases Right Side of heart
The heart is housed within the mediastinum and rests on the ___________, a muscle Diaphragm
Which circuit carries oxygenated blood from the heart to the rest of the body? The systemic circuit
Which side of the heart pumps blood through the systemic circuit? Left Side
What is the pericardium? The covering that encloses the heart
Which statement accurately describes the fibrous pericardium? Outer portion of the pericardial sac composed of tough connective tissue
The pulmonary circuit receives blood from the ______ of the heart and the systemic circuit receives blood from the ______ of the heart. Right side Left Side
What is the visceral pericardium? The serous membrane attached directly to the surface of the heart
The heart, and the proximal ends of the large blood vessels to which it attaches, are enclosed in a membranous sac called the ______. Pericardium
The _________ pericardium covers the inner surface of the fibrous pericardium. Parietal
The outermost layer of the sac surrounding the heart is composed of tough connective tissue. What is this layer called? Fibrous pericardium
What is the space between the visceral and parietal pericardium called? Pericardial cavity
Which side of the heart pumps blood through the systemic circuit? Left Side
Which describes the parietal pericardium? the outermost serous membrane
The auricles are flap-like projection off of the ________ and serve to increase their blood volume. Atria or Atrium
The middle layer of the heart wall, known as the myocardium, is composed primarily of _______. Cardiac Muscle
The inner layer of the heart wall, the endocardium consists of ______. epithelium and underlying connective tissue rich in elastic and collagen fibers
What is the interatrial septum? the wall that separates the right and left atria
Describes the parietal pericardium? The outermost serous membrane
What is the earlike extension of each atrium called? Auricle
The thick-walled inferior chambers of the heart that pump blood into the arteries are called Ventricles
What vessels bring blood to the right atrium? inferior vena cava coronary sinus superior vena cava
The wall that separates the upper chambers of the heart is the ______, and the wall that separates the lower chambers is the ______. interatrial septum; interventricular septum
Where is the tricuspid valve located? Between the right atrium and right ventricle
How does the tricuspid valve close? The contraction of the right ventricle forces blood against the cusps, which closes the valve.
What are the ventricles?Where is the the pulmonary semilunar valve located? The thicker-walled, inferior chambers of the heart
What are the chordae tendineae? Tough fibrous cords that anchor the AV valves to the papillary muscles
Contraction of the right ventricle leads to what action? closing of the tricuspid valve
The wall of the left ventricle is thicker than the wall of the right ventricle. Why? The left ventricle has to pump blood farther.
What chamber of the heart pumps blood into the pulmonary trunk? Right ventricle
Blood from the superior and inferior vena cavae and the coronary sinus flow into the ______. Right Atrium
The blood from the right ventricle travels only to the lungs. This physiological attribute explains what anatomical feature? The wall of the right ventricle is thinner than the wall of the left ventricle.
Blood from the right ventricle flows to the ________ ________, which then splits into two arteries (left and right) that lead into the lungs. Pulmonary Trunk
Where is the the pulmonary semilunar valve located? between the right ventricle and the pulmonary trunk
Where does the blood that enters the left atrium come from? pulmonary veins
The left atrioventricular valve is also called the ________ valve. mitral or bicuspid
Blood leaving the right ventricle flows into the ______. pulmonary trunk
Created by: McGallonOfSoup
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