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Ap Gov Unit 2 lowi

Public opinion in america, political culture

Agents Of Socialization Unstitutions through which people learn the core values of their society and political culture (family, educational institutions, peers, media, gender, religion)
Communism political power lies in the hand of workers
Conservative One who resits change in the status quo
Consevatism A term for a set of belifes that includes a limited role for the national government in helping individuals, and a cautious response to change
Fascism the extreme right, uses principles of dictatorial leader, one-party state, .... arbitrary exercise of absolute power by the regime
Gender gap describe the diffrent voting patterns of men and women.
Generational effect Effect that events have on a the political opinions, thoughts and prefrences of people from a single generation
ideology A person or group's political or economic, beliefs, ideas, values, concerns, and goals
Inalienable Rights rights that people hel as a consequence of natural law. Not given by the government and the can not infringe on them
Individualsim places primary emphasis on the worth, freedom, and well-being of the individual rather then a group, society, or nation
Liberal A person slightly to the left of the center of the political spectrum, believes change is both progress and good
Liberal democracy democratic model, which accepts the basic principles of democracy, such as representation, majority rule, etc.
Liberalism Belief that people are rational beings who can ise their intelligence to create a better world, overcoming social and natural obstacles
Liberty the right and power to act, believe, or express oneself in a manner of one's own choosing
Moderate Opposed to extreme or radical views or measures
Opinion leader A person who can influence other people's opinions. (help form public opinion)
Peer group a group whos members share common relevant social characteristics
Political culture political beliefs and attitudes concerning gov. and political process held by a group of people, such as a community or nation
Political ideology the collectivly held ideas and beliefs concerning the nature of the ideal political system, economic order, social group, and moral values
Political socialization the method through which people lear and develop their political attitudes and opinions
Political spectrum the range of political ideas and beliefs
Popular sovereignty political authority rest with the people and not the gov.
Radical left Extremist political group who advocate substantial or fundamental political, social and econimic changes
Reactionary A person favoring a return to an earlier, more conservative system
Socialism A political and economic theory based on a mixed gov. and priv, control of economic activity and the means of production
Tyranny of the majority Abuse of the minority by the majority through excessive use of power.
Universal suffrage the right of all people to vote
Aggregate opinion Opinion shared by group of people
Census the counting, every ten years, of the population of the USA
Cognitive dissonance A psychological condition where an individual is presented with conflicting or inconsistent beliefs, in order to resolve conflict, must ignore the inconsistencies, or develope irrational explanation for them, or reject some beliefs
Congressional reapportionment Relocation of legislative seat, based on population
Consensus General agreement on an issue
Demographics characteristics of human population and population segments
Fluidity change of public opinion over time
Intensity strength with which one feels for or against a public policy or issue
Latency degree to which an opinion is held but not expressed
Consensus General agreement on an issue
Demographics characteristics of human population and population segments
Fluidity the change of public opinion as time passes
Intensity strength with which one feels for or against a public policy or issue
Latency degree to which an opinion is held but not expressed
Latent public opinion Political opinion that citizens hold bit do not express or act on
Opinion Poll Questioning a selected sample of people that are considered representative of population on a given topic or topics
Policy agenda Issues arising form the aggregate public opinion that politicians have decided to pay attention to and respond to.
Political agenda A list of issues on which a variety of political agents, such as intrest groups,social movments who want to see gov. take action
Polls Place wger votes are cast and registerd
Created by: sabriell
Popular AP Comparative Gov. sets




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