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Question | Answer |
what kind of culture is a distinctive and patterend way of thinking about how political and economic life should be carried out? | Politcal culture |
what is civic duty? | a belief that one has an obligation to participate in civic and political affairs |
what is civic competence? | a belief that one can affect gov. policiies |
what belief is the importance of hard work and personal achievement? | Work Ethic |
what is class consciousness? | an awareness of belonging to a particular socioeconomic class whose interests are different from those of others. Usually used in reference to workers who view their interests as oposite those of managers and business owners. |
what kind of person is orthodox? | people who believe that moral rules are derived from the commands of God or the laws of nature. they also beleive that tradional morality is more important than individual liberty. |
what kind of person is progressive? | a person who believes that moral rules are derived in part from an individual's beliefs and the circumstances of modern life. They're likely to favor gov. tolerance and protection of individual choice. |
what is political efficacy? | a citizen's capacity to understand and influence political events. |
what kind of efficacy has the ability to understand and take part in political affairs? | internal efficacy |
what kind of efficacy has the ability to make the system respond to the citizenry? | external efficacy |
what is political subculture? | fundamental assumptions about how the politcal process should operate that distinguish citizens by region, religion, or othe characteristics. |
what is polical ideology? | refers to more or less consistent sets of views concerning the policies gov. ought to persue. |