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BR - Cell Tissues

Board Review - Cell Tissues

What is the function of the serious membrane and serous fluid? Reduce friction between visceral organs.
What is the name of the process whereby a cell duplicates itself by dividing? mitosis
Ultimately, energy for ATP synthesis comes from where? Breakdown of foods.
All of the cells that a person has and will have for his entire life are present at birth in which type of cells? Muscle Cells
Which is not connective tissue? Squamous Epithelium
Which is not a function of epithelial tissue? Exchange of Gases
Which is not a part of a cell? Hyalin
White type of tissue is Disc Cartilage? Connective Tissue
What type of tissue is Hyaline Cartilage? Connective Tissue
What type of tissue is Adipose tissue? Connective Tissue
Absorption is a function of which tissue? Epithelial Tissue
Secretion is a function of which tissue? Epithelial Tissue
Stimulus detection is a function of which tissue? Epithelial Tissue
Mitochondria is a part of a ____ ? cell
Ribosome is a part of a ____ ? cell
Centrosome is a part of a ____ ? cell
Which is the name for the process of cell eating by which solid particles are engulfed by the cell? Phagocytosis
What best describes a progression of the levels of organization of the human body from simple to complex? cell, tissues, organs, systems, organism
What is comprised mainly of dense fibrous connective tissue? tendon
What is not considered to be connective tissue? myeloid
What types of cells are in nervous tissue? neuroglia
What type of tissue forms serous membranes? epithelial tissue
Which types of fibers are located in the dense fibrous tissues? collagen
What does osseous tissue store? calcium
What is a defining characteristic of all epithelial tissue? avascular
What is the function of epithelial tissue? absorption, secretion, protection
What is another word for aerolar tissue? loose connective tissue
Where can you find chondrocytes? cartilage
What does blood tissue contain? RBC's WBC's & Platelets
What type of tissue is red bone marrow? Hemopoietic
Nerve tissue is derived from which type of germ layer? Ectoderm
What is the most widespread and abundant tissue in the body? Connective Tissue
Where can you find hemopoietic tissue? spleen, tonsils, & thymus
Which tissue stretches in all directions? epithelial tissue
What is a type of white fibrous tissue called? ligaments
What is comprised of dense fibrous connective tissue? tendon
What is the most vascular tissue in the body? skeletal
What are the two major characteristics of nervous tissues? irritability & conductivity
What describes the structure of the plasma membrane of a cell? Two lipid layers arranged tail to tail in which protein molecules float.
The plasma membrane is selectively permeable. What is permeable? Water & most lipid-soluble molecules
What is cytosol? The liquid portion of the cytoplasm.
What is the term for movement of molecules from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration? diffusion
What is the term for movement of water through a selectively permeable membrane from higher water concentration to lower water concentration? osmosis
What is it called when ATP is used to drive a substance uphill against a concentration gradient? active transport
What is the main function of microvilli on the cell membrane? to increase the cell's surface area for absorption
About 2/3 of the fluid in the human body is contained inside body cells. What is this fluid called? ICF Intracellular fluid
What is the portion of extra cellular fluid that fills microscopic spaces between cells of tissues? Interstitial fluid
What is it called when a pressure gradient forces fluid or dissolved particles across the cell membrane? filtration
At what phase of mitosis does the centromere separate and the chromatid become individual chromosomes that move to opposite sides of the cell? anaphase
What is the difference between mitosis and meiosis? mitosis doubles the number of chromosomes while meiosis halves the number of chromosomes.
Where in the cell are the organelles? cytoplasm
Which part of the cell contains a variety of digestive enzymes and has demolition site as its nick name? lysosome
Which part of the cell is the site of most ATP production and has the nick name of power house of the cell? mitochondria
Which part of the cell is studded with ribosomes and provides vesicles to transport synthesized protein? rough endoplasmic reticulum
Which part of the cell functions to metabolize lipidsas well as provide detoxification of a variety of harmful substances? smooth endoplasmic reticulum
Which part of the cell modifies and packages proteins and has traffic director as its nick name? golgi aparatus or golgi complex
Which part of the cell is the site for protein synthesis? ribosome
What is a term for a cell that does not have a nucleus? prokaryote
What is the name given to spherical bodies inside the nucleus of a cell that produce ribosomes? nucleoli
What are small spindle-like organelles that suprervise cell division and aid in distributing DNA during cell division? centrioles
The sodium-potassium pump is part of the active transport process. What is its essential function? Normal transmission of nerve cell impulses requires the sodium-potassium pump to move sodium ions out of the cell and potassium ions into the cell.
What is the name of the process of cell drinking by which fluids are engulfed by the cell? pinocytosis
What is the study of tissues? histology
What are pleurae, pericardium, and peritoneum? serous membranes
Which tissue is characterized as having rapid cell division to replace injured or dead cells? epithelial tissue
From which type of tissue do endocrine and exocrine glands develop? epithelial tissue
Which tissue is avascular and depends on the underlying connective tissue for food and oxygen? epithelial tissue
Which tissue has cell membranes with one free surface or edge exposed to the body's exterior or the cavity of an internal organ? epithelial tissue
Which is not a type of connective tissue? skin
What are 3 types of connective tissue? bone, cartilage, blood
What are the 4 basic types of tissues? connective, epithelial, muscle & nervous tissues
Which is NOT found in the extra cellular matrix of connective tissues? keratin
What is found in the extra cellular matrix of connective tissues? elastic fibers, collagen fibers & fibroblasts
What has branching cells connected to each other by intercalated discs? heart muscle
Which type of tissue has osteocytes and haversian canals? bone
Squamous, cuboidal, columnar, stratified, and glandular are all descriptions for the structure of which kind of tissue? epithelial tissue
What kind of cell lacks a nucleus? erythrocyte
Which is the term for the building up phase of metabolism when nutrients that the body has broken down are used to build cellular components? anabolism
Which of the following can be found in the extracellular matrix? elastin fibers, hyaluronic acid & collagen fibers
Which is the most common type of cartilage found in the body? hyaline
Which is the most widely distributed connective tissue in the body? areolar
Which is the organelle that controls all cellular activity? nucleus
Which membranes surround internal organs and body cavities? serous membranes
Anarobic means ____ oxygen. without
Another name for the anaerobic respiration of glucose is _____? glycolysis
Glucose is transformed into pyruvic acid during _____? anaerobic respiration
Which produces more ATP? Aerobic or Anaerobic respiration? Aerobic respiration
What is another name for a white blood cell? leukocyte
What is another name for a red blood cell? erythrocyte
What is commonly known as fat? adipose tissue
What is commonly known as vascular tissue? blood
What type of muscle tissue is found in the walls of hollow organs? smooth
Of the 4 general types of tissue, which has the poorest capacity for repair or renewal? nervous
When the body is involved in tissue repair or wound healing, what is the difference between regeneration and fibrosis? Regeneration is the replacement of destroyed tissues by the same kinds of cells, whereas fibrosis involves repair by dense connective tissue that forms scar tissue.
What type of cell contains oxygen-carrying protein hemoglobin? erythrocyte
Which tissue is for covering? epithelial tissue
Which tissue has the unique ability to contract? muscle tissue
Osseous tissue is a type of ____ tissue? connective
What tissue can be smooth or striated, voluntary or involuntary, and usually surrounded by connective tissue? muscle tissue
What tissue is specialized for transduction & transmission of information? nervous tissue
What tissue includes sensory and motor neurons? nervous tissue
What tissue conduction is considered an electro-chemical response? nervous tissue
Nervous tissue has the ability to contract. FALSE
Where is epithelial tissue formed from? mesoderm, endoderm, & ectoderm
Where do you find simple columnar cells? respiratory, urinary & digestive systems
The following are characteristics of ________ : responds to tension, is found in urinary system and is the most stretchable of all the epithelium tissues. transitional epithelium
What kind of glands is breast milk produced from? aprocrin glands
Holocrine, Aprocrine, & Merocrine glands are examples of _____ glands. exocrine
Osmosis, filtration and diffusion are all considered passive processes
_________ of moving material across the cell membrane is considered when: there is movement against the concentration gradient, when it requires participation of the protein pumps in the cell membrane, and when it requires energy put out from the cell. Active transport
Both phagocytosis and pinocytosis are examples of _______. Endocytosis
_________ is composed of water, proteins, carbohydrates & lipids. cytoplasm
______ is the smallest functional unit of a living organism. cell
Cytoplasm primarily consists of _______. water
A ______ consists of membranes, cytoplasm and organelles. cell
DNA of a cell can be found in _________ nucleus
Where are proteins synthesized in the cell? rough endoplasmic reticulum
Where is the powerhouse in the cell? mitochondria
What is the most abundant protein in connective tissue? collagen
What is the osygen rich juicy substance found in connective tissue? fibroblast
Which protein gives the connective tissue its elasticity? elastin fiber
Which of the cells synthesize and store fat? adipocytes
Which cells are eating bacteria in the connective tissue? macrophages
Which is the deepest wrapping of connective tissue around a muscle? endomycium
Which is the wrapping of connective tissue around the brain and the spinal cord? dura mater, pia mater, & arachnoid
What is the tendon a continuation of? endomysium
Created by: Gneblu
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