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Psychology chapter 4

Stack #50921

Sensation How we detect and encode physical energy
Perception How we organize and intrepret sensation
Bottom up processing start with sensory info and then interpret
top down precessing start with mental idea and apply to sensory info (reading)
Absolute threshold min stimulation needed to detect a particular stimulation
difference threshold min difference between two stimuli required for detection
subliminal below our absolute threshold, percieved unconciously
electromagnetic energy color: wavelength=color, height=brightness
vision light enters cornea, passes through pupil,pupil size controlled by iris, lens focuses light on retina (upside down),
fovea point of central focus
Retina receptor cells
rods black/white, dim light
optic nerve carries messages from the eye to the brain
blind spot where optic nerve leaves the eye
optic chiasm optic nerve chords
Trichromatic theroy young and helmholtz: receptors for red, green, and blue color, all other colors are a combination
opponet process theroy some neurons turn on or off, red/green, blue/yellow, black/ white
color constancy colors are percieved as constant even if sensation changes
soundwaves wavelength=pitch, height=loudness
hearing/auditory outerear funnels in sound waves through auditory canal to ear drum, vibrations sends messages to midear to cochlea which vibrates and moves fluid causes ripples in baislarmembrane-lined w/hairs, hair cells send neural messages thru auditory nerve to brain
theroies of hearing place theroy, frequency theroy
place theroy percieve differncet pitches at different "places" on membrane
frequency theroy percieve pitch by "frequency" of vibrations on membrane
touch 4 skin senses, more alert to sensations from others, processed in sensory cortex (proprialtal lobe-thalamus)
4 skin sensations pressure, warmth, cold, pain
taste 5 sensations, taste receptors on tongue, sensory interaction,
5 taste sensations sweet, sour, salty, bitter, umami (meaty)
Smell/olfaction scent receptors at top of nose, unique receptors for 1000 smells, combien for 10,000 total smells, connect to limbic system
Kinesthesis sense fo position and movement of each body part
vestibular sense sense of bldy movement, position, and balance
Gestalt whole form
figure ground percieve object as seperate from background
grouping organizing figures
proximity nearby figures go together
similarity like figures go together
continuity patterns are uninteruppted
connectedness single unit
closure fill in gaps
depth perception binocular cues (rely on both eyes), monocular cues (one eye)
retinal disparity difference between the images seen by each eye
convergence how inward the eyes are turned
relative size smaller=farther away
interposition object blocking, another is closer
relative height higher=farther
relative motion think objects are mooving when we are actually moving
linear perspective parallel lines converge with distance
light and shadow dimmer=farther
Created by: ontre
Popular Psychology sets




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