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Theories test 2

Stack for the second half of an Ed Psych course

A relatively permanent change in a person's knowledge or behavior that results from experiences. Learning
The association between a stimulus and a response that occur together. Contiguity
) In classical conditioning, the response made to the unconditioned stimulus before conditioning occurs Unconditioned response
) When a particular tone is presented repeatedly but is not followed by a conditioned stimulus, it has occurred, if there had been no response earlier with no previous conditioning. Extinction
Any consequence that strengthens the behavior it follows is a(n) Reinforcer
The schedule of reinforcement that produces the highest and most consistent response rate Variable ratio schedule
Removal of a given reinforcement leads to Extinction
The behavioral strategy of successive approximations is called Shaping
The information processing model of memory involves encoding, storage, and ________ of information. Retrieval
The memory system that initially receives stimuli from the environment. Sensory Memory
The process of detecting a stimulus and assigning meaning to it is Perception
Short-term memory is often called ________, because it is where our current thinking or "consciousness" takes place. Working
According to current theories of memory, the flow of information through information processing systems is guided by the ________ processes. Executive Control
The term used to describe the best example of a particular concept category is a(n) ________. Prototype
Formulating new answers by going beyond the simple application of previously learned rules to reach a goal is ________. Problem solving
An exhaustive, step-by-step approach for solving a problem, in which a solution is virtually guaranteed is a(n) ________. Algorithm
The ability to regulate one's thinking and learning. Metacognition
The alternative conception of learning based on the view that students actively create their own knowledge through their interactions with tasks and resources is the ________ perspective. Constructionist
A teaching strategy in which the teacher presents a problem and students ask yes/no questions to gather data and test hypotheses is called ________ learning. Inquiry
When students are confronted with real situations that have meaning for them, the learning is ________. Problem based
Mo is able to rehearse and elaborate her knowledge as a result of her cooperative learning experiences. This explanation of the benefits of cooperative learning is grounded in ________ theory. Information Processing
In cooperative learning, students interact with ________. Group Communication
Beliefs about our ability to accomplish tasks in a given situation is Self-Efficacy
Students who have good learning skills and can control their own thoughts and behaviors are referred to as Self-Regulated Learners
Self-regulated learners are ________ to learn. Motivated
Self-regulation involves activating and maintaining one's ________, behaviors, and emotions. Thoughts
The interest state that arouses, directs, and maintains behavior is ________. Motivation
) The natural tendency to engage in certain types of activities is called ________ motivation. Intrinsic
It can interfere with attention, learning, and testing even at the same time. Anxiety
Motivation created by external factors such as rewards and punishments. Extrinsic
More important than ability, luck or help from other people in achieving success. Effort
Created by: Albie
Popular Psychology sets




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