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Government Exam 4

preamble a statement in the constitution that sets forth goals and and purposes to be served by the government
supremacy clause constitution, laws passed by congress, and treaties shall be supreme law
article one legislative branch
article 2 executive branch
article 3 judicial branch
article 4 relationship of states
article 5 spells out constitution, can be amended or changed
article 6 supremacy clause
article 7 ratification
the amendments 3rd part of constitution
3 building blocks of American democracy preamble, amendments, and articles
adam smith-wealth of nations free market economic system....America now has a mixed-market economy...some businesses are owned or controlled by government
5 things to have democracy flourish -active citizen participation-a favorable economy- widespread education-social consensus-strong civil society
4 characteristics of democracy -individual liberty-majority rule with minority rights-free elections-competing political parties
John Locke -took social contract theory a step further-he wrote that people are all endowed with life, liberty, and happiness
Thomas Hobbes first to theorize social contract theory
4 purposes of government 1.) maintain social order 2.) provide public services 3.) provide for national security and commom defense 4.) provide for and control the economic system
4 theories of the origin of state -evolution theory-divine right theory-social contract theory-force theory
4 essential features of state -territory-sovereignty-government-population
4 principles of God and man -nature's god-creator of man-supreme judge-divine providence
federalism a system in which power is divided between the national and state government
popular soveriegnty ruled by the people
judidcial review the power of the supreme court to declare laws and actions of local, state, or national governments unconstitutional
limited government a system in which the power of the government s limited, not absolute
six goals of the government -form a perfect union-establish justice-ensure domestic tranquilty-provide for the common defense-promote the general welfare-secure the blessings of Liberty
purpose of legislative branch congress and house of reps..lawmakers
enumerated powers same thing as expressed...they are numbered
expressed powers powers directly stated in the constitution
elastic/necessary and proper clause to carry out the powers in the other clauses of article 1
purpose of the exective branch to have an overall power of our country
veto rejection of a bill
executive agreement an agreement made directly between the president and the hear of state or another country; it does not require senate approval
inherent powers example powers the government can exercise just because they're a government....they can control immigration
concurrent powers...example powers that are shared by national and state governments
denied powers powers that are denied to both the state and national governments...cannot tax imports
full faith and credit each state must recognize and respect other states legal proceedings
interstate compacts written agreements between states
what type of case would federal court not take involving divorces
16th amendment ratified...gave congress the ability to tax incomes
sunshine law prohibiting public officials from holding closed meetings
bureacracy government administrators
a term in congress 2 years
Created by: Hannah P
Popular AP Comparative Gov. sets




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