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BR - Pathology Signs

Board Review - Pathology Signs & Symptoms

What best defines pathology? study of disease
What best describes osteoporosis? poor metabolism of calcium; ca is pulled off bone faster than it is replaced
What can cause swelling of inter-phalangeal joints? both rheumatoid and osteoarthritis
What is lordosis? anterior curvature (swayback)
This pathological condition is characterized as an autoimmune disease that causes inflammation in joints and can lead to deformity. What is the name of the condition? rheumatoid arthritis
Which condition involves injury to the soft tissue of the neck caused by high velocity flexion and extension? whiplash
Which disorder is characterized as a chronic pain syndrome that involves a complicated combination of related sleep disorders, tenderness and stiffness, endocrine and neurotransmitter imbalances, and emotional state? fibromyalgia
What pathological condition is also known as wryneck? torticollis
Which structure is poliomyelitis associated with? lower motor neurons
Rickets is caused by a deficiency of which of the following? vitamin D
Muscle atrophy of the entire arm is most likely caused by which of the following? brachial plexus injury
What best describes herpes zoster? viral infection of sensory neurons caused by chicken pox virus, aka shingles
Which condition is present when there is ulnar nerve injury that causes an inability to flex the fingers fully? flaccidity
What does Erb's paralysis affect? brachial plexus
In Still's disease, what happens? causes swelling of lymph nodes and spleen
What can impetigo be caused by? staphylococcus infection
What are claw hands an example of? spastic paralysis
Which is a sign of a first degree burn? reddening of the skin
What is the responsible organism that causes individual boils (furuncles) or clusters of boils (carbuncles)? staphylococcus infection
Which of the following is a contagious skin disease? Impetigo, dermatomyosis, psoriasis, eczema impetigo
A person with aphasia has difficulty doing what? speech production
Which is a characteristic of tenosynovitis? inflammation of a tendon sheath, usually in the wrist, with swelling and audible creaking on movement, often results from repetitive movements
Which is not a symptom of hyperthyroidism? Weight gain, irritability, tremor, weight loss weight gain
Which is associated with CTS? Pain with flexion of wrist, hypertonic forearm flexors, numbness/tingling in digits 1-4 all
How are the blister-like skin lesions of herpes zoster distributed over the body? following course of peripheral nerves
Following activity that generates a lot of sweating, which is most likely the cause of muscle cramps and/or muscle pain? loss of sodium
How would you characterize rheumatoid arthritis? chronic systemic disease
What is a symptom of synovitis? joint is warm, puffy, boggy to touch, it is inflammation of synovial membrane.
Your client has sprained his ankle multiple times in the past 15 years. Range of the connective tissue structures in this area has been increased. Which pathological condition might the client experience? hypermobility
Which of the following describes torticollis? a painful shortening or spasm of the neck muscles
What is multiple sclerosis a result of? degeneration of myelin sheathes
What is the word for the probable progression of a disease? prognosis
Repetitive overuse of which muscle is most likely to be the cause of tennis elbow? extensor carpi radialis brevis
What muscle is directly affected by TMJ dysfunction? Masseter
Which of the following activites is most certain to aggravate popliteal tendonitis? Swimming, running downhill, reclining, serving in tennis? running downhill
Which of the following are autoimmune diseases? HIV/AIDS, Fibromyalgia & amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), Lupus and scleroderma, Osteoarthritis & gout lupus and scleroderma
What is a disabling temporary muscle condition? cramp, charlie horse, spasm
What is the name for inflammation of a tendon that is caused by trauma, overuse, or inflammatory disease? tendonitis
What is the usual location for inflammation and pain when tennis elbow is the diagnosis? at or distal to the tendon of origin of wrist extensors
Where does a sprain usually occur? ligaments
What is most likely to be the cause of a sprained ligament distal to the lateral maleolus? excessive inversion of the talocrural joint
Which condition can adversely affect the legs in jogging? achilles tendonitis, bone spur on calcaneus and plantar fascilitis
If a client has torticollis, where on the body are muscles most likely to be hypertonic? neck
A person in early stages of hypothyroidism will most likely require which of the following? warm room
Which condition is highly contagious and characterized by pustules which become crusted and rupture? Adipose, impetigo, eczema, psoriasis impetigo
What is chronic inflammation of sebaceous glands caused by bacteria called? acne vulgaris
What is a condition that is characterized by dry or wet lesions that are red, itchy and burn? Eczema
What is the technical name for a bruise? contusion
What layers of skin are involved in a third degree burn? epidermis, dermis, subcutaneous
Which of the following is a contagious skin disease? Scleroderma, mole, scabies, psoriasis scabies
During a massage, your client is sweating excessively, the skin is warm and moist, and appears red and flushed. The client seems agitated and has some edema, and slightly bulging eyes. What endocrine pathology may these symptoms indicate? hyperthyroidism
What is the spreading of a pathogen by particles in the air considered? transmission by inhalation
What is the inflammation of pleural membrane known as pleurisy
What does sinusitis indicate? infection in the sinus
Emphysema results in an individual's decreased ability to exhale. Frequently the accessory respiratory muscles used for inhalation are strained. What would be a reason for emphysema? the lungs hold residual air, and the chest becomes barrel-shaped so the diaphragm and intercostals are not able to function as efficiently
What happens in an asthma attack? muscles of the bronchioles are in spasm making the air passages squeeze shut and therefore making breathing difficult
What does a strain involve? muscle tendons
What joint structure is worn down in osteoarthritis? articular cartilage
What is the condition that is characterized by a lost of bone matrix which makes bones brittle? osteoporosis
Which part of heel bone has spur formation? calcaneus
A lateral curve of the spine is characteristic of which of the following conditions? scoliosis
What is the bony landmark for tennis elbow called? lateral humeral epicondyle
What pathological condition of the skeletal system would most likely appear in a person 50 years or older? osteoporosis
What is called when there is inflammation in the connective tissues? fibrositis
With a peripheral nerve lesion, which would not be a common consequence? Paralysis, coldness, parasthesia, swelling swelling
What is peripheral nerve damage least likely to cause? tremors
When the spinal cord is damaged at the 12th thoracic vertebrae, what part of the body will benefit from massage because it is most directly and most likely affected? legs
If lymph is obstructed in the right lymphatic duct, where would there be pain and numbness? right neck and arm
What is a primary sign at the onset of grand mal seizure? unconsciousness
Where does polio, which is a cns viral infection, affect motor neurons? brain stem and spinal cord
In which of the following is atrophy of the crebra cortex present? alzheimer's
What is Parkinson's disease caused by? brain neurotransmitter deficiency
Which of the following is most directly associated with the cause of migraine headaches? Sleep patterns, blood vessels, eyeglasses, altitude blood vessels
What disorder is characterized by brain damage symptoms and can include movement abnormality and cognitive problems? cerebral palsy
What does a malfunction of the brain's electrochemical balance result in? epilepsy
Facial paralysis may be due to a lesion in which cranial nerve? seventh
Damage to which cranial nerve would result in the drooping of the lower lip? facial
Which nerve does carpal tunnel syndrome usually affect? median nerve
What is a seizure called that lasts 10-30 seconds and invoves clouding of consciousness? petite mal
Which condition is characteristic of a patient who has suffered a stroke? hemiplegia
Which condition is most likely to be found in the right hand of a left hemiplegic? tonicity
What is stroke most commonly associated with? embolus
What is an inflammation of a lymph node known as? lymphadenitis
What type of cancer is associated with lymph nodes? hodgkin's disease
Edema confined to an upper extremity is most likely due to which condition? lymphatic blockage in the axilla
What is swelling in a woman's upper arm following a mastectomy most likely caused by? radical removal of lymph nodes
What is another term for hypersensitive immune response? allergy
A function of the immune system is to differentiate between normal components of the body and abnormal substances. If the immune system begins to attack itself, which of the following conditions might occur? rheumatoid arthritis
The ability to endure sustained stress is related to which phase of the general adaptation? resistance phase
Describe another dysfunction of the immune system that would go along with these symptoms; swollen nodes, non-restorative sleep, and muscle/joint aches? CFS
What is inflammation of the urethra called? urethritis
Cystitis spreads to the kidneys through which of the following structures? ureters
Improper diet and dehydration can lead to the formation of abnormal deposits in the urinary tract. What are these deposits called kidney stones
Progressive renal failure can lead to the need to filter blood through an external source. What is this process called? hemodialysis
If an area becomes painful, hot & swollen, particularly a toe with no known injury, which condition could this be? gout
What could a client experiencing insomnia complain about? depression, stress, anxiety & Physical pain
What are the most common symptoms for mononucleosis? fever, sore throat & swollen lymph nodes
What is a sign of CFS? low levels of cortisol in the blood with extreme allergies
Which is a main diagnostic feature for sinusitis? throbbing headache especially when bending over
Which of the following describes diabetes mellitus? blood glucose is too high, leading to excretion of glucose in urine
What is the cause of spina bifida? a birth defect of the neural tube
Which of the following are autoimmune diseases? HIV/AIDS, Fibromyalgia & amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), Lupus and scleroderma, Osteoarthritis & gout lupus and scleroderma
What best describes warts? slow-growing viral infections of the skin
What best describes meingitis? a viral or bacterial attack on the meninges
What is a sign of a second degree burn? blisters form on skin
Which are characteristics of scar tissue? fewer blood vessels are present, hair follicles and sensory neurons are possibly missing, collagen fibers are much more dense than normal skin
What is the cause of ringworm? fungus
In what manner are fungal infections communicable? surface to skin contact, animal to human contact, skin to skin contact
What is the primary cause of the symptoms that indicate the presence of head lice? saliva from the lice which causes irritation
What is the prmary cause of symptoms that indicates the presence of mites? irritating waste is deposited under the skin by female mites
Which is true of tuberculosis? it is caused by mycrobacterium, can exist outside the body, and it is airborne
What are other names for decubitus ulcers? trophic ulcers, bed sores, pressure sores
Which forms of hepatitis has symptoms of fatigue, jaundice, abdominal pain, nausea and diarrhea? A, B & C
Which form of hepatitis is most likely to be transmitted through food or water contaminated with fecal matter? A
Which form of hepatitis is most known to be transmitted through blood transfusions causing blood to blood contact? A, B & C
Which is a condition in which blood factors such as platelets, fibrin and entrapped cellular elements leads to vascular obstruction? thrombosis
Which best describes Dupuytren's contracture? flexion deformity of a finger is caused by shortening thickening and fibrosis of palmar fascia
What is the leading cause of death by skin cancer? malignant melanoma
Created by: Gneblu
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