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APGov Vocab I & II

Government those institutions that create public policy
Unitary system of government type of government that centralizes all the powers of government into one central authority
Direct democracy type of government characterized by citizens attending a town meeting and voting on issues raised, with the majority prevailing
Representative democracy form of government that relies on the consent of the people and is often called a republic government
Political Party group of people joined together by common philosophies and common approaches with the aim of getting candidates elected in order to develop and implement public policy. It organizes and is responsible to the electorate and has a role in the government
Politics who gets what, when, how, and why
Public policy the final action(s) taken by the government in promotional, regulatory, or distributive form
Policy agenda agenda that results from the interaction of linkage institutions
Elite and class theory a group theory that revolves around an economic strata of society controlling the policy agenda
Hyperpluralism a group theory characterized by many interest groups vying for control resulting in a government that is tied up in gridlock
Pluralism a group theory that involves different groups all vying for control of the policy agenda. No single group emerges, forcing the groups to compromise
Linkage institution the means by which individuals can express preferences regarding the development of public policy
Loose construction a liberal interpretation of the Constitution
Strict constructionists individuals who believe in a conservative interpretation of the Constitution
Natural rights part of Locke's philosophy; rights that are God given such as life, liberty and property
Consent of the governed a derivative of the doctrine of natural rights; a philosophy, later adopted by Jefferson when he drafted the Declaration of Independence, that puts the authority of the government in the people's hands
Limited government derived from the doctrine of natural rights, it was adopted by Jefferson and restricts the power of government especially in the area of protecting the rights of the people
Unalienable rights rights such as life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, which are derived from the doctrine of natural rights
Second Treatise of Civil Government written by John Locke, it contains the blueprint principles found in the Declaration of Independence
Declaration of Independence blueprint for the American Revolution. 1st part-an introduction with ideas such as natural rights, the consent of the governed and the concept of limited government. 2nd-a list of grievances against the King of England. 3rd-a declaration of independence.
Federalist papers John Jay, Alexander Hamilton, James Madison wrote articles urging the adoption of the Constitution. They argued for establishing a government that could deal with "the tyranny of the majority" by making 3 branches of government having different powers.
Articles of Confederation the first adopted written constitution of the newly independent U.S. Because of its weaknesses, the period of time it governed (1781-1789) became known as the critical period.
Shay's Rebellion failed attempt by Daniel Shay, a farmer who lost his property, to revolt against the state government
Constitution provides the basic framework of the government and is the supreme law of the land
New Jersey Plan offered at the Constitutional Convention at Philadelphia, it urged the delegates to create a legislature based on equal representation by the states
Virginia Plan offered at the Constitutional Convention of Philadelphia, it urged the delegates to create a legislature based on the population of each state
Three-Fifths Compromise offered at the Constitutional Convention of Philadelphia, it was adopted by the delegates and counted every five slaves as three people for representation and tax purposes
Connecticut Compromise offered at the Constitutional Convention of Philadelphia, it was adopted by the delegates and created a bicameral legislature, where one house is represented by population, and the other house is represented by the states
Anti-federalists led by Thomas Jefferson, one of the first political parties urging the rejection of the Constitution. Its members were farmers and represented the interest of the common people
Federalist Party headed by Alexander Hamilton, this party, made up of the country's upper class, supported a strong national government and set a policy agenda that would solve the nation's economic problems
Democratic-Republicans led by Thomas Jefferson, they were characterized as the part of the "common man". They believed in a more limited role of the central government
Created by: doppelganger
Popular AP Comparative Gov. sets




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