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Digestive System

What are the functions of the Gi tract Motility, Secretion, Digestion, Absorption
What is motility Movement- starts w/ swallowing
What is secretion stats in the mouth w/ saliva (goes through GI) pH in stomach is <1.0 breaks down food. Chime in the stomah when dumped to deuodum neutralizes
Parasympathetic nervous system is controlled by what nerve vagus nerve
What triggers peristalsis foot streching stomach, increase in pH (when food enters stomach HCL acid is secreted, pleasant smell and hunger
Sympathetic Nervous System when is it triggered? conversely inhibits gastrointestinal activity, causes vasoconstriction, and reduces regeneration of epithelial cells
What symptoms occur when PNS is inhibited by SNS anorexia, nausea, vomiting
Nausea vomiting are initiated by what? medulla oblongata
what is triggered with N/V SNS
what causes N/V SNS being triggered, medications, noxious, IICP (increased intercranial pressure)
Hematemesis coffee ground vomit - partially digested food mixed with old blood
what does it usually mean if stool is a deeper brown color obstruction from lower intestine
With dehydration what is the outcome metabolic acidosis
recurrent projectile vomiting may be what? pyloric stenosos (seen in newborns)
short tansit time, excess fluid volume flooding intestine, lactose intolerence, leads to hypovolemia and metabolic acidosis large volume osmotic diarrhea
bowel disease, may contain blood, pus, or mucous associated with chrones disease small volume diarrhea
fatty diarrhea, greasy, loose, and fould odor. MALABSORPTION SYNDROMES Steatorrhea diarrhea
small hidden amounts of blood blind to the naked eye occult
dark colored tarry stools associated with GI Melena
passing frank red blood Hematochezia
what can constipation lead to? impaction
what are these signs a cause of? ^ age, inadequate fiber, inadequate fluid intake, ignore urge, muscle weakness and activity,Neuro disorders, drugs, obstruction constipation
Cleft lip or palate neural tube disorder
thrush (overgrowth of yeast) Aphthous ulcers
HSV-1 transmittied through kissing or close contact- reactivates with stress Herpes
precancerous lesions (looks like thrush but in areas where things stimulate frequently) ie: chewing tobacco Leukoplakia
difficulty swallowing dysphagia
failure in esophageal sphincter to relax Achalasia
blind pouch congenital atresia
stenosis or stricture Fibrosis
undigested food in puch obstructs esophagus diverticulum
squamous cell carcinoma esophageal CA
where is esophageal CA most commonly found? distal esophagus
Chronic irritation (esophagitis, Achlasia, hiatal hernia, alcohol abuse, smoking) causes of chronic irritation
what are the two types of hiatal hernias sliding, paraesophageal
slides up and back down with position change. esp when lying down. Part of the stromach slies up and then down sliding hernia
part of the fundus of stomach moves above diaphragm (leads to mechanical constriction of blood vessels in stomach) sac forms above but never slides back down. Infection can form and sacs get full/ tight causing possible death to tha area of the stomach paraesophageal hernia
stomach contents chronically regurgitate into esophagus GERD (gastroesophageal Reflux disease)
weak esophageal spincter, obesity, hiatal hernia GERD
burning sharp pain in stomach leading to ulcers acute gastritis
infection, allergies to food or drugs, ingesting irritants frequently, excessive alcohol intake, ingestion of asprin, radiation, usually self limiting acute gastritis
characterized by atrophy of mucosa of stomach and loss of secretory glands chronic gastritis
Helicobacter pylori (h. pylori) chronic gastritis
bacteria that many times leads to ulcers H. pylori
ulcer found in proximal duodenum Duodenal ulcers
75% of what ulcers are located where duodenal area
found in stomach and lower esophageal duodenal ulcers
usually small cavity develops in mucosa that continues to erode into further layers below mucosa peptic ulcers
what ulcer may perforate stomach or intestinal wall and spill gastric contents into peritoneal cavity peptic ulcers
H. pylori is the most common cause peptic ulcers
inadequate blood supply, ulcergenic substances, atrophy of gastric mucosa, inc # of acid pepsin secretory cells in the stomac peptic ulcers
peptic ulcers cause gastric CA
epigastric aching, burning pain 2-3 hrs after meals or at lnight relieved by ingestion of foods or anacids, heartburn, Nausea, and intake spicy foods Peptic ulcer syndrom
Sever trauma, burns, headaches, hemorrhage, and sepsis cause stress ulces
Bruns cause Curling's ulcers
injury of head Cushing's ulcers
medications given with stress ulcers to prevent hemorrhage
control of gastric empting is lost (many times seen after gastric resection or partial gastrectomy dumping syndrome
what is lost with dumping sydnrome appropriate dilution of chyme
dizziness and weakness, weak pulse, hypoglycemia (distension of hypter-activates PNS increasing perstalsis and gastric dumping) dumping syndrome
formation of gallstones (calculi-bad fats LDL) that form in bile in the gallbladder cholelithiasis
stones obstruct duct and leads to inflammation of gallbladder and bile duct cholecystitis
Sever RUQ cholicy discomfort (biliarycolic) that leads to waves of deferred pain, epigastric pain, N/V, eventually jaundice, fever, leukocytosis gallbladder attack
inflammation of liver hepatitis
idopathic (fatty liver-obesity), viral hepatitis, mono, chemica/drug toxicity, chronic inflammation that begins to cause irreparable liver cell damage (cirrosis) Hepatitis
Virus that attacks the liver viral hepatitis
hep A & E, self limiting, oral/ fecal route of transmission actue hepatitis
Hep B, C, and D, blood/body fluids, life-long liver damage Chronic forms
liver disease alcholic
cirrhosis (stoes or cystic fibrosis) gull stones back up causing cystic fibrosis biliary
cirrhosis(chronic hepatitis or long term exposure to toxic material) post necrotic
storage disorder such as nemochromatosis metabolic
dec removal of bli, dec production of bile, impaired digestion and absorption, dec production of blood clotting factors, impaired glucose metabolism, dec removal of toxic substances, dec inactivation of hormones cirrhosis
r/t obstruction of bile ducts and blood flow by fibrous tissue cirrhosis
blockage of blood flow through liver and leads to increased pressure in portal veins- veins that go straight to the liver portal HTN
congestion in the spleen due to increaseing hemolysis splenomegaly
varicose veins appearnace along esophagus esophageal varices
causes ^ in hydrostatic pressure causing fluid build up in peritoneal cavity ascites
back up of bile in liver jaundice
phase that a person with hepatitis deveolops jaundice icteric phase
GI cancer generally causes problems with dysphagia esophageal CA
fatigue, ^ bili, anorexia, increased ATL hepatitis
epigastric pain, during night, improves when eating or anti-acid duodenal ulcer
bleeding in liver failure is from esophageal varices
loud gurglinlg abdominal sounds borbarygmi
fullness, anorexia, epigastric pain chronic gastritis
iching (common with biliary cirrhosis) pruritis
decr. bulk in diet->decr diameter of color->incr. pressure-> diverticula divertiuclosis (pocket formation)
colicky pain, upper rt. quadrant cholelithiasis
McBurney's point appendicitis
pt has been vomiting for the bast 4 hours acid balance is metabolic alkalosis
pt has been vomiting for the past 24+ hours and is dehydrated metabolic acidosis
bowel disease involves ulceration of the sigmoid and rectum ulcerative colitis
portal HTN causes splenomegaly (enlargement of the spleen)
failure to relax (IE dysphagia) achalasia
autodigestion acute pancreatitis
digestion of tissue by their own secretions acute pancreatitis
granulomas developing in areas of the small and larege intestine Crohn's disease
inflmammatory bowel disease marked by patchy areas of full-thickness inflammation anywhere in the GI tract from mouth to anus Crohn's disease
S&S of Crohns disease is diarrhea
stricture of the larege intestine mechanical bowel obstruction
fatigue, anorexia, wt loss, anemia, diarrhea, dull aching in RUQ, ascites, esophageal varices, edema, ^ bruising, jaundice, encephalopathy cirrhosis
inflammation of the pancreas resulting in autodigestion of tissue pancreatitis
premature activation of proenzymes in pancrease, activation of proenzyme trypsinogen to trypsin, trypsin converts other proenzymes and chemicals to activae amylase and ipase, enzymes digest pancreatic tissue, leads to massive inflammation, bleeding, nec Acute pancreatitis
severe epigastric or abd pain, shock, low grade fever (from inflammation), ascites, leukocytosis gallstones and excessive alc. intake
low b/p, pallor, sweating signs of shock
malabsorption syndrome that prevents breakdown of gluten-leads to malnutrition and intestinal inflammation celiac disease
Genetic link, steatorrha, muscle wasting, failure to thrive, must be on gluten free diet, ^ risk for intestinal CA Celiac Disease
Chronic inflammatory bowel disease- most frequently in small intestine Crohn's Disease
occurs in mucosal layer, develops shallow ulcerations, leads to thickened walls (OBSTRUCTION), destructive masses from granulomas in the intestin wealls and regional lymph nodes, decr. ability of Small Int. to metabolize and absorb nutritients, ^motility Crohn's Disease
Symptoms: Diarrhea, cramping, melena, pain RLQ, anorexia, Wt. loss, fatigue Crohn's disease
caused by continuous stress ulcerative colitis
inflammation begins in rectum and prgresses through the colon ulcerative colitis
mucosa and submucosa inflammed, tissue becomes fragile, vascular, bleeds easily, tissue destruction, inflammation impaires peristolsis, ^risk for colon CA Ulcerative colitis
Sever abd cramping, tenesums, bleeding with diarrhea, medical emergncy, toxic megacolon ulcerative colitis syndrome
tenesums rectal spasms
sigmoid colon and end of descending colon diverticular disease
herniation or outpouching of the mucosa through the muscle layer of the colon wall, frequently the sigmoid colon diverticulum
asymptomatic diverticular disease, usually multiple diverticula are present diverticulosis
refers to inflammation of the diverticula diverticulitis
low residue diets, irregular bowel habits, aging diverticulum
intestinal obstruction, perforation w/ peritonitis, abscess formation complications of diverticulum
mild lower abd pain, diarrhea/ constipation, flatulence, LLQ pain, fever, N/V, leukocytosis Symptoms of diverticulum
abd surgery, spinal cord injuries, inflammation w/ sever ischemia (decr in blood flow), infection of abd cavity functional obstruction
adhesions, hernias, strictures, masses, intussusception, volvulus, hirshsprung's disease mechanical obstruction
don't have intervation you need for perstalisis needed in colon Hirschsprung's disease (diverticuli)
intussusception bowel telescopes into itself(diverticuli)
strictures adhesions
pain develops as peristalsis increases colicky abd (diverticuli)
heard from the obs in attempt to propel interstinal contents forward intestinal rushes (diverticuli)
dyspnea clinical manifestation seen with ascities
most common complication with gastric uler bleeding
malabsorption syndrome's most common symptom diarrhea
paresophageal part of the fundus of stomach moves above the diaphragm leading to mechanical constriction of blood vessels in the stomach
sliding slides up and then back down with position changes (esp. lying down)
Created by: Ramartin07
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