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Nat. Review chpt. 8

Nervous system

Neurons Nerve cells responsible for conducting action potential
Neuron cell body Main mass of the nerve cell
Dendrites Sensory receptors extending from the cell body
Axon Long extension off the cell body
Axon terminal Far end of the axon containing synaptic vesicles
Synaptic vesicles Tiny vesicles or sacs that contain neurotransmitters
Neuroglia Supportin cells for neurons
Neurilemmocytes Form the myelin sheath around nerves of the peripheral nervous system
Schwann cells Neurilemmocytes
Nodes of Ranvier Tiny gaps in the myelin sheath at which action potential is relayed along the neuron
Nerve Collection of nerve cells outside of the central nervous system
Neurotransmitters Hormone or chemical messengers contained and released by the synaptic vesicles
Synapse Space between a dendrite and a connecting axon terminal
Epinephrine Sympathetic hormone released into the blood to prepare the body for "fight or flight", opens bronchial airways
Adrenaline Epinephrine
Acetylocholine Parasympathetic hormone released at neuromuscular junction to initiate muscle contraction
Central nervous system Main control center (brain and spinal cord)
Peripheral nervous system All of the nervous system except CNS
Somatic nervous system Nerves that control skeletal muscle contractions
Autonomic nervous system Nerves that control smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, internal organs, and glands
Sympathetic nervous system Prepares the body for stress, the "fight or flight system"
Parasympathetic nervous system Prepares the body for rest, the "rest and digest system"
Meninges Three layers of tissue that surround the CNS
Dura mater Thickest, most external layer of meninges
Arachnoid membrane Delecate web-like middle layer of meninges
Pia matter Thin, vascular, innermost layer of meninges
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) Clear liquid formed in the vetricles of the brain tha tsupport the brain, cushion the CNS and carries nutrients
Cerebrum Superior portion of the brain about 80% of brain mass
Gyri Convoluted ridges in the cerebrum
Sulci Shallow grooves in the cerebrum
Central sulcus Seperates frontal and parietal lobes
Lateral sulcus Seperates parietal and temporal lobes
Brainstem Interconnects many nervous pathways and helps regulate many visceral functions
Diencephalon Thalamus and hypothalamus
Midbrain Below diencephalon, responsible for visual and auditory reflexes
Pons Rounded structure under midbrane, controls respiration
Medula oblongata Enlarged portion of the brainstem directly above the spinal cord, contains cardiac control center, vasometer center, and respiratory center
Ventricles Four pockets or spaces in the brain
Right hemisphere Contains sensory and motor pathways for the left side of the body
Left hemisphere Contains sensory and motor pathways for the right side of the body
Frontal lobe Responsible for personality, judgment, planning, and speech; contains the motor cortex
Parietal lobe Responsible for determining distance, size, and shape; contains the sensory cortex
Motor cortex Initiates movement of skeletal muscles
Sensory cortex Detects general sensory impulses from the skin
Temporal lobe Contains auditory and olfactory areas, stores memories of auditory and visual experiences
Occipital lobe Contains visual area for interpreting impulses from the eye
Insular lobe Integrates cerebral activities, may also assist in memory
Cerebellum Second largest found posterior and inferior to cerebrum, coordination of voluntary muscles, maintanence of balance, maintanence of muscle tone
Thalamus Sorts out incoming sensory impulses (except smell) and directs them to the proper areas of the cerebral cortex, also filters stimuli
Hypothalamus Controls pituitary, regulates water and eletrolyte balance, hunger, temperature, sleep, sexual response, and emotions
Dorsal horns Gray matter in the spinal cord that extends posteriorly
Ventral horns Grey matter in the spinal cord that extends anteriorly
Reflex arc Route followed by nerve impulses to provide protective response to potentially harmful stimulus
Receptor organ Organ that contains dendrites and receives stimulus
Afferent neuron Relays action potential to the spinal cord
Sensory neuron Afferent neuron
Interneuron Short neuron in the CNS
Effector neuron Conducts action potential to the effector organ to elicit a response
Motor neuron Effector neuron
Effector organ Organ that produces or carries out a response
How many cranial nerves are there? 12
How many pairs of spinal nerves are there? 31
How many pairs of cervical nerves are there? 8
How many pairs of thoracic nerves are there? 12
How many pairs of lumbar nerves are there? 5
How many pairs of sacral nerves are there? 5
How many pairs of coccygeal nerves are there? 1
Dorsal root Nerve root that protrudes posteriorly from the spinal cord
Dorsal root ganglion Collection of sensory nerve cell bodies outside of the dorsal root
Ventral root Nerve root that protrudes anteriorly from the spinal cord
Dermatome Sensory area of the skin innervated by a particular spinal nerve root
Nerve plexus Network of interconnecting nerves
Cervical plexus Nerve roots C1-C4 and part of C5; Provides sensory innervation for skin around the head, neck, and shoulders along with motor innervation for some of the muscles
Brachial plexus C5-T1 and sometimes portions of C4 and/or T2; Provides sensory and motor innervation for the upper extremity and some neck muscles, gives rise to the axillary nerve, musculocutaneous nerve, radial nerve, median nerve, and ulnar nerve
Lumbosacral plexus Nerve roots L1-S4; Provides sensory and motor innervation for the lower extremities and gives rise to the obturator nerve, femoral nerve, and sciatic nerve
Special sensory Smell, taste, vision
General sensory Pain, touch, temperature
Somatic motor Voluntary movement
Visceral motor Involuntary movement
Transmissions on nerve cells are ____ way One
Microglia Clean up dead cells
Neuroglia Astrocytes, star shaped cells found in the brain that connect capilaries and neurons
Oligodendrocytes Produce myelin which coats nerves
Afferent nerves Sensing, bringing info. in
Efferent nerves Outgoing, motor response
Dopamine Inhibitory, stops muscles from constantly contracting
Norepinephrine Adrenaline
Seratonin Calming
Endorphins Natural pain killers that act like morphine
Meningitis Inflamation of meninges
Do neurons miotically divide to form new or additional neurons or do they regenerate to allow a severed segment to grow back? Regenerate to allow a severed segment to grow back. They once dead a neuron cannot be replaced.
Myelin Layer made up of protein and lipids that forms a sheath around nerves and speeds the transmission of impulses along nerve cells
Cauda equina Lower end of the spinal cord about L1 down
Lumbar puncture When a special needle is placed into the lower back, into the cauda equina. The pressure in the spinal canal and brain can then be measured. A small amount of cerebral spinal fluid can be removed and sent for testing to determine if there is an infection
Carpal tunnel syndrome When the median nerve becomes compressed
Created by: skpoem
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