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associanism sensations or experiences created knowledge; and knowledge was in the mind as associations
brocas area production of speech.
coktail party effect we are bale to attend to a single message, while ignoring the messages simultaneously delivered by others in the crowd.
cognitive psychology
computional mind
constructivist we get knowledge and meaning from our interaction with the world.
double dissociation a lesion affects one skill but not another, and another lesion affects on skill but not another.
empiricist "blank slate" the organization of of the external world is thru the sensory.
equipotentiality tells the body to take over when some parts are damaged.
gestalt unconscious processes and active mental preparations that influenced how the mind registered experience. looking at the mind as wholes instead of smaller pieces.
hoslisitic internal representations, which exert a top dpwn organizing force on experience and active adaptation of these internalized mental structures in response to experience.
information processsor
logical positivism truth lies in scientific explanations, and those scientific arguments must be stated in a way that is measurable or verifiable.
methodological doubt everything must be doubted
middle ages g growth of arts
neural networks cells were connected to other excitetiry cells that respond to derees of stimlulation
ockhams razor KISS
rationalists they argue that we possess innate ideas, organizing tendencies or innate cognitive mechanisms, which determine the nature of human knowledge.
syllogistic reasoning all men are mortal, Socrates is a man, therefore SOcrates is mortal."
scholastic chruch members in the MAs that debated cognitive psych.
representation model that sensory is transformed into an internal object.
scientific model later became ochams razor
reflex arc sensory connected to the mind and then back to a motor system.
wernicks area if damaged you cant understand speech. speech recognition
structuralism mental experience is the result of a combination of simple, nonmeaningful elements. gestalt, things can be broken down to simpler portions.
psychophysics established the functional relationship between the sensory stimulus and the mind. how we deal with stimulus.
cognitve map internal mental representation of the layout of ones environment.
psycholinguists the states of mind that underlie language behavior.
box model on information processing attention in which information is processed in a series of stages
temporal lobe if damaged leads to problems understanding spoken language
hippocampus memory and emotion
Amygdala memory and emotional processing.
primary memory momentary experience that vanished if not focused on, (sensory memory).
secondary memory knowledge of former state of mind after it has already once dropped from consciousness. knowledge of something we have not been thinking about.
primacy effect recall is better for items at the beginning of a list.
recency effect recall is better for items at the end of a list.
sensory store holds sensory information for a short amount of time.
iconic memory visual memory
retroactive interference when new info block old info
proactive interference when old info blocks new information.
word length effect harder to remember short term words in short term.
Articulatory suppression asked to repeat something while trying to remember something else.
semantic coding like chunking
Created by: bbbennington
Popular Psychology sets




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