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Nat. Review chpt. 19

Medical terminology

A-, An- Without Anesthesia
Ad- Toward Adduct
Adeno- Gland Adenoma
-algia Pain Myalgia
Ambi- Both Ambidextrous
Angio- Vessel (blood or lymph) Angiogram
Ante- Before Antebrachium
Anti- Against Antibiotic
Arthro- Joint Arthritis
Bi- Two Bilateral
Brachio- Arm Antebrachium
Brady- Slow Bradycardia
Cardio- Heart Cardiac
Caud- Tail Caudal
Cephal- Head Cephalad
Chondro- Cartilage Chondrocyte
Cochlea Shell Cochlea
Con- Together Conjoined
Contra- Against, opposite Contralateral
Crypto Hidden Cryptorchism (failure of one or both testes to move into the scrotum as the male fetus develops)
Cyano- Blue Cyanosis
Derm- Skin Dermatitis
Di- Two Digastric
Dur- Tough Dura mater
Dys- Hard, painful Dysuria
Ecto- Outside Ectopic pregnancy
-ectomy Surgical removal Appendectomy
Ede- Swelling Edema
Epi- Upon Epidermis
Ergo- Work Ergograph (instrument for measuring and recording work)
Ex-, Exo- Outside Excrete, Exocrine
For- Opening Foramen
Gastro- Belly, stomach Gastric juice
-genic Produce, create Pathogenic
Glosso- Tongue Glossitis
Glyco- Sugar Glycolysis
Hemi- Half Hemiplegia
Hemo- Blood Hemolysis
Hepa- Liver Hepatitis
Histo- Tissue Histology
Homo- Same Homosexual
Hydro- Water Hydrocephaly
-iatric Specialty Geriatrics, Pediatrics
Ilio(a)- Ilium Iliac crest
Infra- Below Infraspinatus
-ism Condition Hypothyroidism
Iso- Same Isometric
-itis Inflammation Arthritis
Kine- Movement Kinesiology
Labio- Lips Labia majora
Later- Side Lateral
Leuko- White Leukocyte
Lipo- Fat Lipolysis
Lyso- Break up Glycolysis
Macro- Big Macrophage
Mal- Bad Malalignment
Mater Mother Dura mater
Medi- Middle Medial
Mega- Big Splenomegaly
Multi- Many Multiaxial
Myo- Muscle Myofibril
Neo- New Neonatal
Nephro- Kidney Nephritis
-ology Study of Neurology
-oma Tumor Neuroma
Ora Mouth Oral cavity
Orchi- Testes Orchitis
Osteo- Bone Osteoma
Oto- Ear Otoscope
Para- Beside, near Parasternal
Patho- Disease Pathology
-penia Lack of Thrombocytopenia
Peri- Around Pericardium
-plegia Paralysis Hemiplegia
Pneumo- Breathing Pneumothorax
Pod-, Ped- Foot Podiatrist, Bipedal
-poiesis Formation Hemopoiesis
Poly- Many, much Polyuria
Pre- Before Premature
Psycho- Mind Psychology
Quadri- Four Quadriceps
Rect- Straighten Rectus abdominis
Reno- Kidney Renal
Retro- Behind Retroperitoneal
Semi- Half Semilunar
-sis Process Stenosis
Somato- Body Psychosomatic
Steno- Narrowing Stenosis
Sub- Under Subdural hematoma
Super-, Supra- Above Supraspinatus
Syn- Together Synapse, Synergistic
Tachy- Fast Tachycardia
Thermo- Heat Hypothermia
Thoraco- Chest Thoracic vertebrae
Thrombo- Clot Thrombocyte
Trans- Across, Over Transverse
Tri- Three Triceps
-trophy Growth Hypertrophy
Uni- One Unilateral
-uria, Uro- Urine Dysuria
Vaso- Vessel Vasoconstriction
Viscero- Organ Viscerotropic
-oid Look alike Corocoid
Acro- Above, high level, on top of Acromion
-mion Shoulder Acromion
Anserine Duck or goose Pes anserine
Odont- Tooth Periodontal
-plasm Growth Neoplasm
-plasis Formation Hyperplasia
Skleros Hard Scleroderma
Lupus Wolf Lupus erythematosus
Created by: skpoem
Popular Massage Therapy sets




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