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Abbreviations SOAP

Abbreviates used for SOAP charting

mild, light L
moderate M
sever, significant S
constant cons.
frequent freq.
intermittent inter.
seldom seld.
headache HA
inflammation, acute, subacute, chronic I, I-A, I-S, I-C
tender point tp
spasm Sp
tension ten.
after p, post
times X
cross fiber friction XFF
direct pressure DP
lymphatic drainage LD
linear friction lin. F
muscle energy technique MET
strain counter-strain SCS
polarity Pol.
proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation PNF
cranial-sacral therapy C/S
neuromuscular therapy NMT
myofascial release MFR
soft tissue manipulation STM
manual lymphatic drainage MLD
bilateral BL
superior sup.
inferior inf.
anterior ant.
posterior post.
medial med.
lateral lat.
caudal caud.
cephalic ceph.
proximal prox.
distal dist.
internal int.
external ext.
prone prone
supine sup.
side lying SL
range of motion ROM
active, passive, resistive A, P, R-ROM
adduction add.
abduction abd.
rotation rot.
flexion flex.
extension ext.
supination sup.
pronation pron.
side bending SB
inversion inv.
eversion evr.
ulnar/radial deviation uln./rad. dev.
protraction protr.
retraction retr.
within normal limits WNL
none, no
due to, as a result of
greater than >
less than
through, leads to, results in
positive, negative; plus, minus +,−
cervical vertebrae 1 thru 7 C-1→7
thoracic vertebrae 1 thru 12 T-1→12
lumbar vertebrae 1 thru t L1→5
around/attaching to the vertebrae paravert, paracerv
transverse process TVP
spinous process SP
illio-tibial band ITB
sacro-illiac SI
low back LB
quadratus lumborum QL
sternocleido-mastoid SCM
latissimus dorsi lats
trapezius traps
deltoid delt
pectorailis pec
major and minor mj + m
levator scapulaie lev. scap.
gastrocnemius gastroc.
treatment Tx
history Hx
prescription Rx
diagnosis Dx
prognosis Px
non-applicable NA
complains of c/o
muscle mm
patient pt
date of injury DOI
motor vehicle accident MVA
medication meds
over the counter OTC
as necessary/as needed PRN
every day qd
twice a day bid
three times a day tid
four times a day qid
every other day qod
before meals ac
after meals pc
at bedtime qhs
orally po
rectally pr
intravenous iv
subcutaneous sc
intramuscular im
independent medical exam IME
postural analysis PA
emergency room ER
licensed massage practitioner LMP
physical therapist PT
Doctor of Chiropractic DC
Doctor of osteopathy DO
Medical doctor MD
registered nurse RN
licensed nurse practitioner LPN
naturopathic doctor ND
masters in social work MSW
chemical dependency counselor CDC
occupational therapist OT
recreational therapist RT
health care assistant HCA
headache HA
hypertonicity HT
trigger point TP
adhesion Adh.
osteoarthritis OA
rheumatoid arthritis RA
strain str.
sprain spr.
fracture Fx
post-traumatic stress syndrome PTS
chronic fatigue syndrome CFS
multiple sclerosis MS
cerebral palsy CP
acromioclavicular separation AC sep.
scoliosis scol.
lordosis lord.
kyphosis kyph.
carpal tunnel syndrom CTS
thoracic outlet syndrome TOS
Created by: khawkin
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