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CHF201 1 Flash

CHF201 Chapters 1 Flashcards

3 aspects of the How and Why of development Empirical / Use Scientific Method / Dynamic Sytems
Empirical Evidence, both objective & Subjective
Scientific Method Question - Hypothesis - testing - conclusions - publishing
Dynamic Systems - Change in one thing affects many other things - A small change can become huge - Power of continuity - a large change can be inconsequential
Nature - Nurture f(environment*heredity)
Three domains Biosocial / Cognitive / Psychosocial
Biosocial including physical growth & development as well as the family, community, & cultural factors that affect that growth & development
Cognitive including all the mental processes through which the individual thinks, learns, & communicates
Psychosocial including emotions, personality, and relationships with other people.
Life-Span perspective Multidirectional Multicontextual Multidisciplinary Plastic
Multidirectional nonlinear - gains/losses, predictable/unexpected, compensations/deficits
Multcontextual historical, cultural, socioeconomic
Multidisciplinary reflects multitude of values, traditions, tools for living
Plastic individuals change throughout life span
Three Broad Contexts Historical / Cultural / Socioeconomic
Historical prevailing assumptions, critical public events, current technologies, popular trends that shape lives & thoughts of individuals living in that period
Cultural set of shared values, attitudes, customs, & physical objects maintained by people in a specific setting as part of design for living one's daily life.
Ethnic Context - collection of people who share background characteristics such as national origin, religion, upbringing, & language & have similar beliefs, values, & cultural experiences.
Racial identity shared biological traits (skin coloring, facial features, body type, etc) - but may have different ethnic (attitude & experiences) backgrounds
Socioeconomic indicator of social class that is based primarily on income, education, & occupation poverty line families & neighborhoods economics & ethnic groups
Aspects of Scientific Method in regards to human development Validity / Reliability / Generalizability / Usefullness
Validity do we measure what we say we are measureing
Reliability is our measure accurate
Generalizability do observations apply to other populations & situations
Usefulness do results apply to real life situations
Measures of Usefulness sample size / representative sample / "blind" experimenters / operational definitions / statistical significance
Observation Naturalistic / Laboratory
Experiment Independent / Dependant Variables - Experimental and control groups
Case Study Study of single individual
Cross-Sectional Research Groups of subjects at different ages; same period in time.
Longitudinal Research Same group of children at different points in time
Cross Sequential Research Combination of Cross sectional / Longitudinal
Ethics 1. Child has rights that supersede the investigator 2. Respect child's freedom to choose to participate or not. 3. Obtain informed consent of parent or guardian 4. Use no research operation that may harm the child
Correlation An observed correlation cannot distinguish causation.
Quantitative Measurable data. eg. numbers
Qualitative Data from interviews etc.
Ecological approach microsystem / Mesosystem / Exosystem
Microsystem immediate system such as family & classroom
Mesosystem interlocking systems such as parent- teacher relations that link microsystems
Exosystem neighborhood and community structures
Macrosystem overarching patterns of culture, politics, the economy, etc.
Social Context focus on many specific contexts of development w/o locating in given ecosystem
Created by: spicywafflefries
Popular Psychology sets




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