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PSY 211 research

Research methods and Ethics in Psychology

Observational research Identifies natural behaviors; Reactive and Non-reactive.
3 Types of Reactive research methods Ethogram, Participant Observation, Ethnography.
6 Types of Non-reactive research methods Case Studies, Archival Research, Surveys, Cross-Sectional study, Longitudinal study, Correlational study
Case study Rare and unusual people or events.
Archival research Pre-existing data collected for other purposes re-examined in new context.
Survey Self-report composed of questions; can be open/closed-ended, yes/no, ratings.
5 Steps to Creating and Issuing a Survey Define topic and sample, Pilot test, Revise questions/instructions, Administer survey, Administer follow-up
Cross-sectional study Data collected from different groups of people at the same time.
Longitudinal study Data collected from the same group of people at several points over an extended period of time.
Correlational study Describes and attempts to predict relationships between variables.
Quasi-Experimental study Studies practical cause-and-effect relationships in the real world.
Experimental study Manipulates variables to determine cause-and-effect; yields statistically significant effects.
6 Ethical Safeguards Approval from IRB, Credit Receipt, Respect privacy, Data is honest, Avoid Plagiarism, Cite references
6 Concerns for Institutional Review Board Recruitment, Level of risk, Informed consent, Use of subjects, Anonymity and confidentiality, Debriefing
5 Methods of Inquiry Authority figure, Intuition, Tenacity, Rationalism, Empiricism
Tenacity Accepted as truth/fact due to popularity.
Rationalism Logical reasoning based on observations.
Empiricism Reasoning based on experience.
Created by: pichelle
Popular Psychology sets




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