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HUSEV10 ch. 1

history of social welfare and work

What is Social Welfare? A broad sense of systems that are intended to maintain the well being of individuals in society
Values Assumptions, convictions or beliefs about what is good and desirable or the way things ought to be
What are values based on? How we were raised. Supported by the majority of the population
What is the primary profession in the social welfare system? Social Work
Why do Social workers advocate for change? To better human needs. Done at local, state, national and global levels
What is the dominant value that has guided our social welfare system? Humanitarianism
What is based on the Judeo-Christian philosophy and teaching? Humanitarianism
What does Laissez-Faire stand for? Limited Government interaction. Individualism and personal responsibility
Political Conservative belief Little or no help from the government. Individuals are responsible for taking care of themselves. Government should provide a safety net only for those with the greatest need (i.e. mentally ill)
Political Liberal Perspective Government is responsible for ensuring the availability of social resources for those in need
The residual perspective views social welfare as serving those with the most problems and greatest need. People can and should take care of themselves and those that cant are deficient in some way
Institutional perspective Everyone has needs at some time during their life. Society is responsible for providing for those needs. (society, not necessarily government)
What was the Black Death The plague killed 2/3 of the population between 1348 and 1349. The church was no longer able to care for the poor, thus involving the government for the first time
Why did the English Government first become involved in social welfare? The BLACK DEATH
Statute of Laborers Act Required all able bodied individuals to accept any type of employment within their parish. Laid the groundwork for residency requirements This became the framework for American Social Welfare Legislation
What is our Social Welfare legislation based on? Statute of laborers act
define industrial revolution Europe's shift from being an agricultural community to industrial.
What happened as a result of the industrial revolution Many poor farmers went to the big cities to work in the factories but had no job skills. The local government turned to Parliament for help
What is the able bodied poor Those who could work but didn't. They were seen as lazy and were often sent to work houses, were factory servants or slave laborers in order to be made an example of.
What law attempted to establish a national policy about how to deal with the poor in England? The Elizabethan Poor law
U.S. social policy gets its roots from where? The Elizabethan poor law
Value base of social work does NOT include ________ Moral direction in time of crisis
What were paupers and how were they treated? The very poor. They were cast out from society
What is indoor relief? The poor were placed in the homes of others or in Alms-houses where they were given jobs to pay for their keep. The poor were punished for being poor
What is outdoor relief? Provided cash assistance for those in need and allowed them to stay in their own homes
What was the guiding philosophy in England until1834 and in the U.S. until 1934? The Elizabethan Poor Law
What was the most effective relief for the poor in the 1800's? The Charity Organization Society (C.O.S.)
Who was responsible for fostering awareness for people with mental health problems? Dorathea Dix
Who created the settlement house movement? Jane Adams
What was the COS attitude towards the poor? Urban poverty was a moral and character deficiency and could be abolished by helping people recognize and correct their flawed character. Little sympathy for chronic beggars
what was the mission of the settlement houses? Social reform
What year did the great depression start? 1929
What was the significance of the New Deal? It was the first time the federal government became directly involved in providing relief
What prompted the New Deal? The Great Depression
Works Progress Administration provided what for whom? 8 million public service jobs to those in need of work
What was the most significant piece of social legislation ever enacted in the U.S.? The Social Security act of 1935
What were the 3 major categories of the social security act? Social Insurance, public assistance, health and welfare services
The Great Society programs were from when to when? 1963-1968
What was the goal of the Great Society Provide maximum opportunities for those in need
Economic opportunity act of 1964 was also known as what? The war on poverty
What programs did the WOP start? Head Start, Youth Job Corps and small business loans
The Reagan-Bush attitude toward social programs and welfare Efforts to reduce and eliminate social entitlement programs
What is an enabler? Provides encouragement, offers hope that enables the client to make choices that improve the situation
What is a person who identifies specific client systems the reaches out? Outreach worker
Planned Change An orderly approach to addressing a client's needs
Ethics A product of values and defines what should be done in specific situations
Who can prescribe meds? Psychiatrist
What are the education levels for social workers BSW- bachelor's degree, entry level MSW- Master's degree, higher level of work DSW or PHD- docotrate, administrators
Why do people have problems? Genetics and heredity, socialization, cultural differences, environmental
Created by: 1198605156
Popular Health & Social Care sets




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