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Word prefix, root, or suffix

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Word prefix, root, or suffix

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PCSOM Terms 1234

(PCSOM) Med Term Block 1, 2, 3, & 4

Word prefix, root, or suffixMeaning
af- toward
ante- before
anti- against, resisting
auto- self
bi- two, double
circum- around
co- with, together
con- with, together
contra- against
de- down from, undoing
dia- across, through
dipl- twofold, double
dys- bad, disordered, difficult
ectop- displaced
-al pertaining to
-ac pertaining to
-algia pain
-aps fit, fasten
-apt fit, fasten
-arche beginning, origin
-ase signifies an enzyme
-blast sprout, make
-centesis a piercing
-cide to kill
-clast break, destroy
-crine release, secrete
-ectomy a cutting out
-emesis vomiting
-emia refers to a blood condition
-flux flow
-gen creates, forms
acro- extremity
aden- gland
alveol- small hollow cavity
angi- vessel
arthr- joint
asthen- weakness
bar- pressure
bili- bile
brachi- arm
brady- slow
bronch- air passage
capn- smoke
carcin- cancer
card- heart
cephal- head, brain
cerv- neck
chem- chemical
chol- bile
chondr- cartilage
corp- body
cortico- pertaining to cortex
crani- skull
crypt- hidden
cusp- point
cut(an)- skin
cyan- blue
cyst- bladder
cyt- cell
dactyl- fingers, toes (digits)
dendr- tree; branched
ef- away from
em- in, into
en- in, into
endo- within
epi- upon
eu- good
ex- out of, out from
exo- out of, out from
extra- outside of
hapl- single
hem- blood
hemat- blood
hemi- half
hom(e)o- same, equal
hyper- over, above
hypo- under, below
infra- below, beneath
inter- between
-genesis creation, production
-gram something written
-graphy(y) to write, draw
-hydrate containing water
-ia condition, process
-sia condition, process
-iasis abnormal condition
-ic pertaining to
-ac pertaining to
-in signifies a protein
-ism signifies "condition of"
-itis signifies "inflammation of"
-lemma rind; peel
-lepsy seizure
-lith stone; rock
-logy study of
-luna moon, moonlike
dent- tooth
derm- skin
diastol- relax; stand apart
dips- thirst
ejacul- to throw out
electr- electrical
enter- intestine
eryth(r)- red
esthe- sensation
febr- fever
gastr- stomach
gingiv- gums
glomer- wound into a ball
gloss- tongue
gluc- glucose, sugar
glutin- glue
glyc- sugar (carbohydrate); glucose
hepat- liver
hist- tissue
hydro- water
hyster- uterus
iatr- treatment
kal- potassium
kary- nucleus
kerat- cornea
lact- milk; milk production
lapar- abdomen
leuk- white
lig- to tie, bind
lip- lipid (fat)
intra- within
iso- same, equal
macro- large
mega- large, million(th)
mes- middle
meta- beyond, after
micro- small; million(th)
milli- thousandth
mono- one (single)
neo- new
non- not
oligo- few, scanty
ortho- straight; correct, normal
para- by the side of; near
per- through
-malacia softening
-megaly enlargement
-metric measurement, length
-metry measurement, length
-oid like; in the shape of
-oma tumor
-opia vision, vision condition
-oscopy viewing
-ose signifies a carbohydrate (especially a sugar)
-osis condition, process
-ostomy formation of an opening
-otomy cut
-penia lack
-philic loving
-phobic fearing
-phragm partition
lys- break apart
mal- bad
melan- black
men- month (monthly)
mens- month (monthly)
menstru- month (monthly)
muta- change
my- muscle
myo- muscle
myc- fungus
myel- marrow
nat- birth
natr- sodium
nephr- nephron, kidney
noct- night
nyct- night
ocul- eye
odont- tooth
onco- cancer
ophthalm- eye
orchid- testis
osteo- bone
oto- ear
ov- egg
oo- egg
oxy- oxygen
path- disease
ped- children
phag- eat
pharm- drug
phleb- vein
photo- light
physio- nature (function) of
plex- twisted; woven
pneumo- air, breath
semini semen testis
peri- around
poly- many
post- after
pre- before
pro- first; promoting
quadr- four
re- back again
retro- behind
semi- half
sub- under
super- over, above, excessive
supra- over, above, excessive
trans- across, through
tri- three; triple
-plasia growth, formation
-plasm substance, matter
-plasty shape, make
-plegia paralysis
-pnea breath, breathing
-(r)rhage breaking out, discharge
-(r)rhagia breaking out, discharge
-(r)rhapy sew, suture
-(r)rhea flow
-some body
-tensin pressure
-tension pressure
-tonic pressure, tension
-tripsy crushing
-ule small, little
-uria refers to urine condition
pneumon- lung
pod- foot
poie- make; produce
presby- old
proct- rectum
pseud- false
psych- mind
pyel- pelvis
ren- kidney
rhino- nose
rigor- stiffness
sarco- flesh; muscle
scler- hard
semen- seed, sperm
semin- seed, sperm
sept- contamination
sin- cavity; recess
son- sound
spiro- breathe
spire- breathe
stat- a standing, stopping
stas- a standing, stopping
syn- together
systol- cotract; stand together
tachy- fast
therm- heat
thromb- clot
tox- poison
troph- grow, nourish
tympan- drum
varic- enlarged vessel
vas- vessel, duct
vesic- bladder, blister
y process, condition
bi/o life
auto- self
a-, an no, not, without
Created by: spurrp
Popular Anatomy sets




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