Word prefix, root, or suffix
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Word prefix, root, or suffix
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PCSOM Terms 1234
(PCSOM) Med Term Block 1, 2, 3, & 4
Word prefix, root, or suffix | Meaning |
af- | toward |
ante- | before |
anti- | against, resisting |
auto- | self |
bi- | two, double |
circum- | around |
co- | with, together |
con- | with, together |
contra- | against |
de- | down from, undoing |
dia- | across, through |
dipl- | twofold, double |
dys- | bad, disordered, difficult |
ectop- | displaced |
-al | pertaining to |
-ac | pertaining to |
-algia | pain |
-aps | fit, fasten |
-apt | fit, fasten |
-arche | beginning, origin |
-ase | signifies an enzyme |
-blast | sprout, make |
-centesis | a piercing |
-cide | to kill |
-clast | break, destroy |
-crine | release, secrete |
-ectomy | a cutting out |
-emesis | vomiting |
-emia | refers to a blood condition |
-flux | flow |
-gen | creates, forms |
acro- | extremity |
aden- | gland |
alveol- | small hollow cavity |
angi- | vessel |
arthr- | joint |
asthen- | weakness |
bar- | pressure |
bili- | bile |
brachi- | arm |
brady- | slow |
bronch- | air passage |
capn- | smoke |
carcin- | cancer |
card- | heart |
cephal- | head, brain |
cerv- | neck |
chem- | chemical |
chol- | bile |
chondr- | cartilage |
corp- | body |
cortico- | pertaining to cortex |
crani- | skull |
crypt- | hidden |
cusp- | point |
cut(an)- | skin |
cyan- | blue |
cyst- | bladder |
cyt- | cell |
dactyl- | fingers, toes (digits) |
dendr- | tree; branched |
ef- | away from |
em- | in, into |
en- | in, into |
endo- | within |
epi- | upon |
eu- | good |
ex- | out of, out from |
exo- | out of, out from |
extra- | outside of |
hapl- | single |
hem- | blood |
hemat- | blood |
hemi- | half |
hom(e)o- | same, equal |
hyper- | over, above |
hypo- | under, below |
infra- | below, beneath |
inter- | between |
-genesis | creation, production |
-gram | something written |
-graphy(y) | to write, draw |
-hydrate | containing water |
-ia | condition, process |
-sia | condition, process |
-iasis | abnormal condition |
-ic | pertaining to |
-ac | pertaining to |
-in | signifies a protein |
-ism | signifies "condition of" |
-itis | signifies "inflammation of" |
-lemma | rind; peel |
-lepsy | seizure |
-lith | stone; rock |
-logy | study of |
-luna | moon, moonlike |
dent- | tooth |
derm- | skin |
diastol- | relax; stand apart |
dips- | thirst |
ejacul- | to throw out |
electr- | electrical |
enter- | intestine |
eryth(r)- | red |
esthe- | sensation |
febr- | fever |
gastr- | stomach |
gingiv- | gums |
glomer- | wound into a ball |
gloss- | tongue |
gluc- | glucose, sugar |
glutin- | glue |
glyc- | sugar (carbohydrate); glucose |
hepat- | liver |
hist- | tissue |
hydro- | water |
hyster- | uterus |
iatr- | treatment |
kal- | potassium |
kary- | nucleus |
kerat- | cornea |
lact- | milk; milk production |
lapar- | abdomen |
leuk- | white |
lig- | to tie, bind |
lip- | lipid (fat) |
intra- | within |
iso- | same, equal |
macro- | large |
mega- | large, million(th) |
mes- | middle |
meta- | beyond, after |
micro- | small; million(th) |
milli- | thousandth |
mono- | one (single) |
neo- | new |
non- | not |
oligo- | few, scanty |
ortho- | straight; correct, normal |
para- | by the side of; near |
per- | through |
-malacia | softening |
-megaly | enlargement |
-metric | measurement, length |
-metry | measurement, length |
-oid | like; in the shape of |
-oma | tumor |
-opia | vision, vision condition |
-oscopy | viewing |
-ose | signifies a carbohydrate (especially a sugar) |
-osis | condition, process |
-ostomy | formation of an opening |
-otomy | cut |
-penia | lack |
-philic | loving |
-phobic | fearing |
-phragm | partition |
lys- | break apart |
mal- | bad |
melan- | black |
men- | month (monthly) |
mens- | month (monthly) |
menstru- | month (monthly) |
muta- | change |
my- | muscle |
myo- | muscle |
myc- | fungus |
myel- | marrow |
nat- | birth |
natr- | sodium |
nephr- | nephron, kidney |
noct- | night |
nyct- | night |
ocul- | eye |
odont- | tooth |
onco- | cancer |
ophthalm- | eye |
orchid- | testis |
osteo- | bone |
oto- | ear |
ov- | egg |
oo- | egg |
oxy- | oxygen |
path- | disease |
ped- | children |
phag- | eat |
pharm- | drug |
phleb- | vein |
photo- | light |
physio- | nature (function) of |
plex- | twisted; woven |
pneumo- | air, breath |
semini | semen testis |
peri- | around |
poly- | many |
post- | after |
pre- | before |
pro- | first; promoting |
quadr- | four |
re- | back again |
retro- | behind |
semi- | half |
sub- | under |
super- | over, above, excessive |
supra- | over, above, excessive |
trans- | across, through |
tri- | three; triple |
-plasia | growth, formation |
-plasm | substance, matter |
-plasty | shape, make |
-plegia | paralysis |
-pnea | breath, breathing |
-(r)rhage | breaking out, discharge |
-(r)rhagia | breaking out, discharge |
-(r)rhapy | sew, suture |
-(r)rhea | flow |
-some | body |
-tensin | pressure |
-tension | pressure |
-tonic | pressure, tension |
-tripsy | crushing |
-ule | small, little |
-uria | refers to urine condition |
pneumon- | lung |
pod- | foot |
poie- | make; produce |
presby- | old |
proct- | rectum |
pseud- | false |
psych- | mind |
pyel- | pelvis |
ren- | kidney |
rhino- | nose |
rigor- | stiffness |
sarco- | flesh; muscle |
scler- | hard |
semen- | seed, sperm |
semin- | seed, sperm |
sept- | contamination |
sin- | cavity; recess |
son- | sound |
spiro- | breathe |
spire- | breathe |
stat- | a standing, stopping |
stas- | a standing, stopping |
syn- | together |
systol- | cotract; stand together |
tachy- | fast |
therm- | heat |
thromb- | clot |
tox- | poison |
troph- | grow, nourish |
tympan- | drum |
varic- | enlarged vessel |
vas- | vessel, duct |
vesic- | bladder, blister |
y | process, condition |
bi/o | life |
auto- | self |
a-, an | no, not, without |