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Anatomy - Muscles
Question | Answer |
What is the origin of the erector spinae | spinal proceses |
insertion of the erector spinae | spinal proceses |
action of erector spinae together | extend vertebral column |
action of 1 side of the erector spinae | lateral flexion or abduction |
action of the splenius-muscles together | extend neck |
action of the splenius-separate muscles | laterally flex neck to the same side |
action of the transversospinalis muslces | slight extension or roations of vertebral column |
origin of the trapezius | occipital bone; spinous processess C7-C12 |
insertion of the trapezius | clavicle and scapula |
action of the trapezius | elevate, retract, depress scapula, extend neck |
origin of levator scapulae | C1-4 transverse processes |
insertion of levator scapulae | vertebral border of scapula |
action of the levator scapulae | scapular elevation |
origin of the serratus anterior | ribs 1-8 |
insertion of the serratus anterior | Vertebral border of scapula |
action of the serratus anterior | Protract shoulder, upward rotation |
origin of pectoralis minor | ribs 3-5 |
insertion of pectoralis minor | coracoid process/scapula |
action of pectoralis minor | depress shoulder, downward rotation of scapula |
origin of the deltoid | clavicle and scapula |
insertion of the deltoid | deltoid tuberosity |
action of the deltoid | shoulder abduction, flexion/extension, medial rotation |
origin of the supraspinatus | supraspinous fossa |
insertion of the supraspinatus | greater turbercle |
action of the supraspinatus | shoulder abduction |
origin of the infraspinatus | infraspinous fossa |
insertion of the infraspinatus | greater tubercle |
action of the infraspinatus | shoulder lateral rotation |
origin of the teres minor | lateral border of scapula |
insertion of the teres minor | greater tubercle |
action of the teres minor | shoulder lateral rotation |
origin of subscapularis | Subscapular fossa |
insertion of subscapularis | Lesser tubercle |
action of subscapularis | Shoulder medial rotation |
origin of latissimus dorsi | Inferior T and all L vertebrae, ribs 8-12 |
insertion of latissimus dorsi | Intertubercular sulcus |
action of of latissimus dorsi | Shoulder extension, adduction, medial rotation |
origin of teres major | Scapula |
insertion of teres major | Intertubercular sulcus of humerus |
action of teres major | Shoulder extension, adduction, medial rotation |
origin of Pectoralis major | Clavicle, sternum, ribs 2-6 |
insertion of Pectoralis major | Greater tubercle, intertubercular sulcus |
action of Pectoralis major | Shoulder flexion, adduction, medial rotation |
origin of biceps brachii | Long head: supraglenoid tubercle Short head: coracoid process |
insertion of biceps brachii | Radial tuberosity |
action of biceps brachii | Shoulder and elbow flexion |
origin of triceps brachii | Long head: superior humerus Lateral head: posterior humerus Medial head: posterior humerus |
insertion of triceps brachii | olecranon of ulna |
action of triceps brachii | shoulder and elbow extension; shoulder adduction |
origin of Brachialis | distal humerus |
insertion of Brachialis | trochlea or coronoid process of ulna |
action of Brachialis | Elbow flexion |
origin of Brachioradialis | lateral epicondyle of humerus |
insertion of of Brachioradialis | styloid process of radius |
action of Brachioradialis | elbow flexion |
origin of coracobrachialis | coracoid process of scapula |
insertion of coracobrachialis | medial humerus |
action of coracobrachialis | shoulder flexion, adduction |
origin of Flexor carpi radialis | Medial epicondyle of humerus |
insertion of of Flexor carpi radialis | Metacarpal |
action of Flexor carpi radialis | Wrist flexion, abduction |
origin of Flexor carpi ulnaris | Medial epicondyle of humerus |
insertion of Flexor carpi ulnaris | Carpals and metacarpals |
action of Flexor carpi ulnaris | Wrist flexion and adduction |
origin of Pronator quadratus | Distal ulna |
insertion of Pronator quadratus | Distal radius |
action of Pronator quadratus | Forearm pronation |
origin of Palmaris longus | Medial epicondyle of humerus |
insertion of Palmaris longus | Palm aponeurosis |
action of Palmaris longus | Wrist flexion |
origin of Extensor carpi radialis longus | supracondyler ridge of humerus |
insertion of Extensor carpi radialis longus | 2nd metacarpal |
action of Extensor carpi radialis longus | Wrist extension, adduction |
origin of Gluteus medius | Ilium and gluteal lines |
insertion of Gluteus medius | Greater trochanter of femur |
action of Gluteus medius | Hip abduction, medial rotation |
origin of Psoas major | T12 – L5 |
insertion of Psoas major | Lesser trochanter of femur |
action of Psoas major | Hip flexion |
origin of Tensor fasciae latae | Iliac crest and spine |
insertion of Tensor fasciae latae | Proximal lateral tibia via iliotibial tract |
action of Tensor fasciae latae | Hip flexion, medial rotation |
origin of Rectus femoris | Iliac spine |
insertion of Rectus femoris | Tibial tuberosity |
action of Rectus femoris | Hip flexion, knee extension |
origin of Vastus lateralis | Greater trochanter, linea aspera |
insertion of Vastus lateralis | Tibial tuberosity |
action of Vastus lateralis | Knee extension |
origin of vastus medialis | linea aspera |
insertion of vastus medialis | Tibial tuberosity |
action of vastus medialis | Knee extension |
origin of Vastus intermedius | Anterior and lateral femoral surface |
insertion of Vastus intermedius | Tibial tuberosity |
action of Vastus intermedius | Knee extension |
origin of Sartorius | iliac spine |
insertion of Sartorius | medial tibia |
action of Sartorius | lateral rotation, knee flexion |
origin of Adductor longus | Ramus of pubis |
insertion of Adductor longus | Linea aspera of femur |
action of Adductor longus | Adduction, flexion and medial rotation of hip |
origin of Adductor magnus | Ramus of pubis |
insertion of Adductor magnus | Linea aspera of femur |
action of Adductor magnus | Adduction, flexion, medial, & lateral rotation of hip |
origin of Gracilis | Pubic ramus |
insertion of Gracilis | Medial tibia |
action of Gracilis | Hip adduction, medial rotation |
origin of Pectineus | Ramus of pubis |
insertion of Pectineus | Lessor trochanter |
action of Pectineus | Adduction and medial rotation of hip |
origin of Biceps femoris | Long head: ischial tuberosity Short head: linea aspera |
insertion of Biceps femoris | Lateral tibia and fibula |
action of Biceps femoris | Hip extension, knee flexion |
origin of Semimembranosus | Ischial tuberosity |
insertion of Semimembranosus | Medial condyle of tibia |
action of Semimembranosus | Hip extension, knee flexion, medial rotation |
origin of Semitendinosus | Ischial tuberosity |
insertion of Semitendinosus | Medial condyle of tibia |
action of Semitendinosus | Hip extension, knee flexion, medial rotation |
origin of Tibialis anterior | lateral tibia |
insertion of Tibialis anterior | 1st metatarsal and medial cuneiform |
action of Tibialis anterior | Ankle dorsiflexion; inversion |
orgin of Extensor digitorum longus | Lateral tibia and fibula |
insertion of Extensor digitorum longus | Middle and distal phalanges 2-5 |
action of Extensor digitorum longus | IP extension |
origin of Peroneus (fibularis) longus | Lateral tibia and fibula |
insertion of Peroneus (fibularis) longus | 1st metatarsal and medial cuneiform |
action of Peroneus (fibularis) longus | Plantarflexion; intertarsal eversion |
origin of Gastrocnemius | Condyles of femur |
insertion of Gastrocnemius | Calcaneus by way of calcaneal tendon |
action of Gastrocnemius | Plantarflexion and inversion |
origin of soleus | Head of fibula, medial tibia |
insertion of soleus | Calcaneus by way of calcaneal tendon |
action of soleus | plantarflexion |
origin of Internal intercostals | Superior border of rib below |
insertion of Internal intercostals | Inferior border of rib above |
action of Internal intercostals | Depress ribs |
origin of External Intercostals | Inferior border of rib above |
insertion of External Intercostals | Superior border of rib above |
action of External Intercostals | Elevate ribs |
origin of Diaphragm | Xiphoid process, costal cartilage ribs 6-12, lumbar vertebrae |
insertion of Diaphragm | Central tendon |
action of Diaphragm | Expand thoracic cavity |
origin of Rectus abdominis | Pubic bone |
insertion of Rectus abdominis | Cartilage ribs 5-7, xiphoid process |
action of Rectus abdominis | Flex vertebral column, depress ribs, compress abdomen |
origin of External abdominal Oblique | Ribs 5-12 |
insertion of External abdominal Oblique | Iliac crest, linea alba |
action of External abdominal Oblique | Flex vertebral column, depress ribs, compress abdomen |
origin of Transversus abdominis | Cartilage ribs 6-12, iliac crest, thoracolumbar fascia |
insertion of Transversus abdominis | Linea abla, pubis |
action of Transversus abdominis | Compress abdomen |
origin of Orbicularis oculi | Medial orbit |
insertion of Orbicularis oculi | Eyelid skin |
action of Orbicularis oculi | Close eye |
origin of Orbicularis oris | Maxilla and mandible |
insertion of Orbicularis oris | Lips |
action of Orbicularis oris | Compress, purse lips |
origin of Buccinator | Alveolar process of maxilla and mandible |
insertion of Buccinator | Orbicularis oris |
action of Buccinator | compress cheeks |
origin of Zygomaticus major & minor | Zygomatic |
insertion of Zygomaticus major & minor | Angle of mouth, upper lip |
action of Zygomaticus major & minor | Draw corner of mouth up, angle |
origin of Temporalis | Temporal bone |
insertion of Temporalis | Coronoid process |
action of Temporalis | mastication |
origin of Occipitofrontalis | Galea aponeurotica |
insertion of Occipitofrontalis | Skin of eyebrows, nose, occipital bone |
action of Occipitofrontalis | Raise eyebrows, wrinkle forehead skin |
origin of Platysma | 2nd rib and scapula |
insertion of Platysma | Mandible |
action of Platysma | Tense skin of neck, depress mandible |
origin of Masseter | Zygomatic arch |
insertion of Masseter | Ramus of mandible |
action of Masseter | mastication |
origin of Sternohyoid | Clavicle and manubrium |
insertion of Sternohyoid | Hyoid |
action of Sternohyoid | Depress larynx and hyoid |
origin of Stylohyoid | styloid process |
insertion of Stylohyoid | hyoid |
action of Stylohyoid | elevate hyoid |
origin of Sternocleidomastoid | Sternum, clavicle |
insertion of Sternocleidomastoid | Mastoid process (temporal) |
bilateral action of Sternocleidomastoid | flex neck |
unilateral action of Sternocleidomastoid | rotate head to opposite side |
origin of Digastric | Chin, mastoid process |
insertion of Digastric | Hyoid |
action of Digastric | Elevate larynx, depress mandible |
origin of Mylohyoid | Mandible |
insertion of Mylohyoid | hyoid |
action of Mylohyoid | Elevate oral floor, depress mandible |
origin of Sternothyroid | Sternum |
insertion of Sternothyroid | Thyroid cartilage (larynx) |
action of Sternothyroid | Depress larynx and hyoid |
origin of extensor carpi ulnaris | lateral epicondyle of humerus |
insertion of extensor carpi ulnaris | 5th metacarpal |
action of extensor carpi ulnaris | wrist extension, adduction |
gluteus maximus origin | iliac crest, sacrum, coccyx |
gluteus maxiumus insertion | iliotibial tract, gluteal tuberosity |
gluteus maximus action | hip extension, lateral rotation |
origin of gluteus minimus | external inferior surface of ilium |
insertion of gluteus minimus | greater trochanter of femur |
action of gluteus minimus | abduct; medially rotates thigh |