Anatomy - Muscles
Quiz yourself by thinking what should be in
each of the black spaces below before clicking
on it to display the answer.
What is the origin of the erector spinae | show 🗑
show | spinal proceses
show | extend vertebral column
action of 1 side of the erector spinae | show 🗑
action of the splenius-muscles together | show 🗑
show | laterally flex neck to the same side
show | slight extension or roations of vertebral column
origin of the trapezius | show 🗑
insertion of the trapezius | show 🗑
show | elevate, retract, depress scapula, extend neck
origin of levator scapulae | show 🗑
insertion of levator scapulae | show 🗑
action of the levator scapulae | show 🗑
show | ribs 1-8
show | Vertebral border of scapula
action of the serratus anterior | show 🗑
origin of pectoralis minor | show 🗑
insertion of pectoralis minor | show 🗑
show | depress shoulder, downward rotation of scapula
show | clavicle and scapula
show | deltoid tuberosity
show | shoulder abduction, flexion/extension, medial rotation
show | supraspinous fossa
insertion of the supraspinatus | show 🗑
action of the supraspinatus | show 🗑
show | infraspinous fossa
insertion of the infraspinatus | show 🗑
show | shoulder lateral rotation
show | lateral border of scapula
insertion of the teres minor | show 🗑
action of the teres minor | show 🗑
show | Subscapular fossa
show | Lesser tubercle
show | Shoulder medial rotation
show | Inferior T and all L vertebrae, ribs 8-12
insertion of latissimus dorsi | show 🗑
show | Shoulder extension, adduction, medial rotation
show | Scapula
insertion of teres major | show 🗑
action of teres major | show 🗑
origin of Pectoralis major | show 🗑
show | Greater tubercle, intertubercular sulcus
action of Pectoralis major | show 🗑
origin of biceps brachii | show 🗑
show | Radial tuberosity
action of biceps brachii | show 🗑
show | Long head: superior humerus
Lateral head: posterior humerus
Medial head: posterior humerus
insertion of triceps brachii | show 🗑
action of triceps brachii | show 🗑
origin of Brachialis | show 🗑
show | trochlea or coronoid process of ulna
show | Elbow flexion
origin of Brachioradialis | show 🗑
insertion of of Brachioradialis | show 🗑
show | elbow flexion
show | coracoid process of scapula
show | medial humerus
action of coracobrachialis | show 🗑
origin of Flexor carpi radialis | show 🗑
show | Metacarpal
show | Wrist flexion, abduction
show | Medial epicondyle of humerus
insertion of Flexor carpi ulnaris | show 🗑
show | Wrist flexion and adduction
show | Distal ulna
insertion of Pronator quadratus | show 🗑
show | Forearm pronation
origin of Palmaris longus | show 🗑
insertion of Palmaris longus | show 🗑
action of Palmaris longus | show 🗑
origin of Extensor carpi radialis longus | show 🗑
show | 2nd metacarpal
show | Wrist extension, adduction
origin of Gluteus medius | show 🗑
insertion of Gluteus medius | show 🗑
action of Gluteus medius | show 🗑
show | T12 – L5
show | Lesser trochanter of femur
action of Psoas major | show 🗑
origin of Tensor fasciae latae | show 🗑
show | Proximal lateral tibia via iliotibial tract
action of Tensor fasciae latae | show 🗑
show | Iliac spine
insertion of Rectus femoris | show 🗑
show | Hip flexion, knee extension
show | Greater trochanter, linea aspera
show | Tibial tuberosity
action of Vastus lateralis | show 🗑
show | linea aspera
show | Tibial tuberosity
show | Knee extension
show | Anterior and lateral femoral surface
insertion of Vastus intermedius | show 🗑
action of Vastus intermedius | show 🗑
origin of Sartorius | show 🗑
show | medial tibia
show | lateral rotation, knee flexion
show | Ramus of pubis
insertion of Adductor longus | show 🗑
action of Adductor longus | show 🗑
show | Ramus of pubis
show | Linea aspera of femur
show | Adduction, flexion, medial, & lateral rotation of hip
origin of Gracilis | show 🗑
show | Medial tibia
action of Gracilis | show 🗑
origin of Pectineus | show 🗑
insertion of Pectineus | show 🗑
show | Adduction and medial rotation of hip
show | Long head: ischial tuberosity Short head: linea aspera
insertion of Biceps femoris | show 🗑
show | Hip extension, knee flexion
show | Ischial tuberosity
show | Medial condyle of tibia
action of Semimembranosus | show 🗑
show | Ischial tuberosity
show | Medial condyle of tibia
show | Hip extension, knee flexion, medial rotation
origin of Tibialis anterior | show 🗑
show | 1st metatarsal and medial cuneiform
show | Ankle dorsiflexion; inversion
orgin of Extensor digitorum longus | show 🗑
show | Middle and distal phalanges 2-5
show | IP extension
show | Lateral tibia and fibula
insertion of Peroneus (fibularis) longus | show 🗑
show | Plantarflexion; intertarsal eversion
show | Condyles of femur
insertion of Gastrocnemius | show 🗑
action of Gastrocnemius | show 🗑
show | Head of fibula, medial tibia
insertion of soleus | show 🗑
show | plantarflexion
origin of Internal intercostals | show 🗑
insertion of Internal intercostals | show 🗑
action of Internal intercostals | show 🗑
show | Inferior border of rib above
show | Superior border of rib above
show | Elevate ribs
show | Xiphoid process, costal cartilage ribs 6-12, lumbar vertebrae
insertion of Diaphragm | show 🗑
action of Diaphragm | show 🗑
origin of Rectus abdominis | show 🗑
insertion of Rectus abdominis | show 🗑
action of Rectus abdominis | show 🗑
origin of External abdominal Oblique | show 🗑
show | Iliac crest, linea alba
show | Flex vertebral column, depress ribs, compress abdomen
origin of Transversus abdominis | show 🗑
show | Linea abla, pubis
action of Transversus abdominis | show 🗑
origin of Orbicularis oculi | show 🗑
show | Eyelid skin
action of Orbicularis oculi | show 🗑
show | Maxilla and mandible
insertion of Orbicularis oris | show 🗑
show | Compress, purse lips
show | Alveolar process of maxilla and mandible
insertion of Buccinator | show 🗑
action of Buccinator | show 🗑
show | Zygomatic
insertion of Zygomaticus major & minor | show 🗑
show | Draw corner of mouth up, angle
origin of Temporalis | show 🗑
insertion of Temporalis | show 🗑
show | mastication
origin of Occipitofrontalis | show 🗑
insertion of Occipitofrontalis | show 🗑
action of Occipitofrontalis | show 🗑
origin of Platysma | show 🗑
show | Mandible
action of Platysma | show 🗑
origin of Masseter | show 🗑
show | Ramus of mandible
show | mastication
origin of Sternohyoid | show 🗑
show | Hyoid
action of Sternohyoid | show 🗑
origin of Stylohyoid | show 🗑
show | hyoid
action of Stylohyoid | show 🗑
origin of Sternocleidomastoid | show 🗑
show | Mastoid process (temporal)
show | flex neck
unilateral action of Sternocleidomastoid | show 🗑
origin of Digastric | show 🗑
show | Hyoid
show | Elevate larynx, depress mandible
show | Mandible
show | hyoid
show | Elevate oral floor, depress mandible
origin of Sternothyroid | show 🗑
show | Thyroid cartilage (larynx)
show | Depress larynx and hyoid
show | lateral epicondyle of humerus
insertion of extensor carpi ulnaris | show 🗑
action of extensor carpi ulnaris | show 🗑
gluteus maximus origin | show 🗑
gluteus maxiumus insertion | show 🗑
show | hip extension, lateral rotation
show | external inferior surface of ilium
insertion of gluteus minimus | show 🗑
show | abduct; medially rotates thigh
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You may also shuffle the rows of the table by clicking on the "Shuffle" button.
Or sort by any of the columns using the down arrow next to any column heading.
If you know all the data on any row, you can temporarily remove it by tapping the trash can to the right of the row.
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Popular Anatomy sets