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Psych. 101 #2

Nature V.S Nurture

Behavior Geneticists study our differences and weigh the relative effects of heredity and environment.
Separated twin studies Personality, intelligence, Abilities, attitudes, Interests, fears, Brain Waves, heart rate
Separated twins -note fraternal twins are greater than identical twins
Temperament refers to a person’s stable emotional reactivity and intensity. Identical twins express similar temperaments, suggesting heredity predisposes temperament
Physical traits harder to change psychological traits are liable to change with environmental experience.
Genes provide choices for the organism to change its form or traits when environmental variables change. Therefore, genes are pliable or self-regulating.
Thomas Bouchard, Genetic Influences Personality Mental Ability Psychological Interests Psychiatric Illnesses Social Attitudes
Environment can affect gene activity,Genes can influence traits which affect responses
Parenting influences on children attitude, manners, beliefs, values, faith, politics
Parental influence largely genetic
Early postnatal experiences ,Rosenzweig affects brain development, experiments on rats, thicker cortex
conforming to our surroundings people tend to adapt to their environment, so Peers are influential in such areas as learning to cooperate with others, gaining popularity, and developing interactions.
Culture is composed of behaviors, ideas, attitudes, values and traditions shared by a group. we can change culture
Cultural Norms rules for accepted and expected behavior
Cultures change over time. This change cannot be attributed to changes in the human gene pool because genes evolve very slowly.
Individualist cultures (European) raise their children as independent individuals
collectivist cultures (Asian) raise their children as interdependent.
Males and females differ biologically, genetically similar in body fat, muscle, height, onset of puberty, and life expectancy.
Aggression men are physically more aggressive
Aggression men are physically more aggressive
testosterone levels in uterus more makes men
xx vs xy 23 pair of chromosomes determine sex
testosterone levels in uterus more makes men
Aggression men are physically more aggressive
xx vs xy 23 pair of chromosomes determine sex
testosterone levels in uterus more makes men
Sexual differentiation biological, psychological and social
genes and hormones play a huge part in picking gender
gender roles ,Gender Identity expected roles, who we are
Social Learning Theory proposes that we learn gender behavior like any other behavior—reinforcement, punishment, and observation.
Gender Schema Theory suggests that we learn a cultural “recipe” of how to be a male or a female, which influences our gender- based perceptions and behaviors.
Created by: swansor
Popular Psychology sets




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