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psych 10/12/11 pt 2

all the nerves that extend from the spinal cord and carry messages to and from muscles, glands peripheral nervous system
tendency of autonomic nervous system to maintain balanced state of optimum functioning homeostasis
passing low levels of X rays through brain and measuring radiation absorbed by brain cells CAT scan
located directly in back of frontal lobe; functions include sense of touch, temperature, and pain parietal lobe
glands (ovaries in females, testes in males) that regulate sexual development and reproduction gonads
passing nonharmful radio frequencies through brain, measuring how signals and cell interact MRI scan
system of glands which secrete hormones that affect organs, muscles, other glands in the body endocrine system
located at back of brain; involved in coordinating but not initiating voluntary movements cerebellum
part of limbic system; controls much of the endocrine system by regulating pituitary gland hypothalamus
a network of nerves that connect to sensory receptors or muscles you can move voluntarily somatic nervous system
regulates heart rate, breathing, blood pressure, other mainly involuntary movements autonomic nervous system
a relatively large cortical area at the front part of the brain; involved in many functions frontal lobe
core of forebrain; involved in many motivational behaviors and organizing emotional behaviors limbic system
involved in hearing, speaking coherently, understanding verbal and written material temporal lobe
a thin layer of cells covering entire surface of forebrain; folds over on itself to form large area cortex
involved in seeing, perceiving, and recognizing visual objects occipital lobes
largest part of brain; has right and left sides responsible for many functions forebrain
state of increased physiological arousal allowing for coping with threatening situations fight-flight response
made up of brain and spinal cord; carries info between brain and body central nervous system
specific segment on strand of DNA containing instructions for building brain and body gene
Created by: jv1594
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