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Psychology exa

words and stuff to remember

define Narcolepsy A sleep disorder characterized by excessive daytime sleepiness and brief lapses into sleep throughout the day
what is melatonin? A hormone manufactured by the pineal glad that produces sleepiness.
what is an EEG used for? it is used for brain-wave activity.
State of consciousness for beta and alph waves? beta: awake Alpha: relaxed
Different types of Drugs for depressants: Alcohol Barbiturates Inhalants Tranquilizers
Types of Stimulants Caffine Nicotine Amphetamines Cocaine
what is the Law of Effect? Rewarded behavior is likely to recur.
Define Positive Reinforcement A situation in which a response is followed by the adddition of a reinforcing stimulus
Define Negative Reinforcement A ituation in which a response results in the removal of, avoidance of, or escape from a punishing stimulus
Define Primary Reinforcer A stimulus or event that is naturally or inherently reinforcing for a given species such as food, water, or other biological necessities.
Define Punishment The presentation of a stimulus or event following a behavior that acts to decrease the likelihood of the behavior's being repeated
Define shaping the operant coditioning procedure of selectively reinforcing successively closer approximations of a goal behavior until the goal behavior is displayed
Define observational learning learning that occurs through observing the actions of others.
Define sensory memory the stage of memory that registers information from the enviorment and holds it for a very brief period of time
Define short-term memory the active stage of memory in which information is stored for up to about 20 seconds
Define long-term memory the stage of memory that represents the long-term storage of information
Define encode failure the inability to recall specific information because of insufficient encoding of the information for storage in long-term memory.
Define decay theory the view that forgetting is due to normal metabolic processes that occur in the brain over time.
Define interference theory the theory that forgetting is caused by one memory competing with or replacing another
List stages of sleep: stage 1- NREM:mixture of alpha and theta brain waves stage 2- NREM:sleep spindles k complexes, theta brain waves and beginning of delta stage 3-NREM:mixture of theta and delta brain waves stage 4- NREM:delta brain waves REM: fast, active brain waves.
List drugs classified as Opiates heroin, opium, morphine, and codeine
List scheldue of reinforment Fixed ration Variable- Ration fixed-interval variable-interval
List people associated with learning Edward Thorndike B.F. SKINNER John B. Watson Alber Bandura
List four brain structures involved in memory Prefrontal cortex Amygdala Cerebellum Hippocampus
Created by: smileyjay
Popular Psychology sets




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