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Interpersonal therapy defined as
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Interpersonal therapy view of maladaptive behavior
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EPPP Clinical 6

Brief therapies

Interpersonal therapy defined as brief manual-based therapy that combines elements of psychodynamic and cognitive-behavioral therapy.
Interpersonal therapy view of maladaptive behavior is related to problems in social roles and interpersonal relationships that are traceable to a lack of strong attachments early in life.
Interpersonal therapy goals focus is on current social relationship. Symptom reduction and improved interpersonal functioning.
Interpersonal therapy techniques education about disorder, insillation of hope, and when necessary, pharmacotherapy. Target one or more of 4 primary problem areas- unresolved grief, interpersonal role disputes, role transitions, and interpersonal deficits.
Solution focused therapy defined as you get more of what you talk about, focus on solution to the client's problems rather than on the problems themselves.
Solution focused therapy view of maladaptive behaviors understanding the etiology of problem behavior is irrelevant and focus instead on solutions to problems.
Solution focused therapy Goals designed to assist the client recognize and use his strengths and resources to achieve specific goals.
Solution focused therapy techniques miriacle question, client as the expert, exception question, scaling question.
Transtheoretical model definition recognition that change entails progress through a series of predictable stages. 10 empirically supported change processes.
Transtheoretical model view of maladaptive behavior does not address the etiology or characteristics of maladaptive behavior but, instead focuses on factors that facilitate behavior change
Transtheoretical model goals to help clients move through stages of change and id factors that facilitate behavior change.
Transtheoretical model techniques 6 stages of change: precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance and termination.
Motivational interviewing definition addresses the client's beliefs about his ability to change. Also assumes that interventions ar most effective when they match the client's stage of change.
Motivational interviewing view of maladaptive behavior does not focus on the etiology of maladaptive behavior but, instead, on factors that impede an individual's ability to change that behavior
Motivational interviewing goals to enhance the client's intrinsic motivation to alter his behavior by helping the client examine and resolve his ambivalence about changing.
Motivational interviewing techniques OARS, Open ended questions, affirmations that express empathy and understanding, reflective listening which builds rapport and includes restatements, paraphrasing, and reflection of feeling, and summaries which are a type of reflective listening.
Created by: ljane79
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