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EPPP Clinical 7

Family therapies

communication/interaction family therapy assumptions all beh is communication, people are always communicating, even when doing nothing. All comm has a report function and a command function. Problems arise when the report and command functions are contradictory.Comm are either symmetrical or complementary
communication/interaction family therapy view of maladaptive behavior accept a circular model of causality that regards a symptom as both a cause and effect of dysfuncitonal comm patterns, which include blaming and criticizing, mindreading & overgeneralizing.
communication/interaction family therapy goals to alter the interactional patterns that are maintaining the presenting symptoms.
communication/interaction family therapy techniques direct techniques (pointing out to family members problematic interaction patterns as they occur) and paradoxical strategies such as perscribing the symptom and reframing.
Extended family systems theory concepts extends general systems theory beyond the nuclear family, and it describes the functioning of the extended family and it's members in terms of several interlocking concepts: Differentiation of self, emotional triangle, family projection process.
Extended family systems theory view of maladaptive behavior are the result of a multigenerational transmission process in which progressively lower levels of differentiation are transmitted from one generation to the next.
Extended family systems theory goal is to increase the differentiation of all family members.
Extended family systems theory techniques therapist presence helps family members reduce the fusion betwwn them and achieve higer levels of differentiation. genogram.
Structural family therapy concepts rigid boundaries - "disengaged" permeable boundaries - "enmeshed" 3 chronic boundary problems:detouring stable coalition, and triangulation
Structural family therapy view of maladaptive behavior inflexible family structure
Structural family therapy goal Restucturing the family.
Structural family therapy techniques joining (by tracking), evaluating the family structure, and restructuring.
Strategic family therapy view of maladaptive behaviour communication misuse to increase control in relationship
Strategic family therapy goal is on alleviating current symptoms by altering a family's transactions and organi\ation, especially its hierarchies and generational boundaries.
Strategic family therapy assumption behavior change results in changes in perceptions and emotions.
Strategic family therapy techniques paradoxical intervention (to make use of resistance) by restraining, positioning, reframing, prescribing the sx ordeals
Milan systemic family therapy view of maladaptive behavior circular patterns of action and reaction in family system.
Milan systemic family therapy goal help family members see their choices and to assist them in exercising teir prerogative of choosing.
Milan systemic family therapy techniques therapeutic team (observational mirror & conferences) and circular questioning (to clarify discrepancies in perspectives), hypothesizing, neutrality, paradox.
Behavioral family therapy concepts based on principles of operant conditioning, social learning theory and social exchange theory.
Behavioral family therapy view of maladaptive behavior behavior is learned and maintained by its antecedents and consequences.
Behavioral family therapy goal is to alter the environmental factors (antecedents and consequences) that are maintaining the behavior.
Behavioral family therapy techniques focus on obsservable behaviors, ongoing assessment of beh to id the appropriate targets of therapy and evaluate its effects, and emphasis on increasing or decreasing target beh through R+. Focus on improving communication and problem solving skills.
object relations family therapy
object relations family therapy
object relations family therapy
Created by: ljane79
Popular Psychology sets




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