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CEP 870

Mid Term

Smith & Hughes Act 1917, voc edu for civilians, made need for voc educators, created board for voc ed
Soldier's Rehabilitation Act 1918, First VR program form soldiers, later became VA, strict eligibility, no civilians
Smith & Fess Act 1920, AKA civilian voc rehab act, birth of VR, Only physical dis Temporary legislation 50/50 match w/ state funds Place & train model Formed rehab counselor occupation
Social Security Act 1935, Voc rehab program became permanent Min increase in funding -for umemployed, aged, blind, disabled, and children
Wagner O'Day Act 1938• Established workshops for the blind and the National Industries for the Blind Gov’t to purchase products from workshops
Barden Lafollette Act 1943 Extended services to MR & MI Sig funds for people who were blind
Vocational Rehabilitation Amendments of 1954 “what should a good VR education program look like? President Eisenhower Increased federal funds 50% Increased programming for MR & MI
Rehabilitation Act of 1973 Civil rights provision to include PWD! Increased consumer involvement/input Priority services to people w/ severe disabilities IWRP – individual written rehabilitation plan Program evaluation
Rehabilitation Act of 1973-Section 501 nondiscrimination by the fed govt in its own hiring practices, placement and advancement. Model agency
Rehabilitation Act of 1973-Section 502 accessibility
Rehabilitation Act of 1973-Section 503 prohibits discrim. in employment on basis of physical or mental handicap of all fed contractors
Rehabilitation Act of 1973-Section 504 equal opportunities in all federally funded programs or activities Reasonable accommodation & access to transportation
The Education for All Handicapped Children's Act 1975, Increased federal funding for PWD Free and appropriate public education (FAPE) in the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) with an IEP Revised to become Individuals w/ disabilities edu improvement act (IDEA)
Rehabilation Act Amendments of 1978 Independent living! For people w severe disabilities “Consumer Involvement in Federal Level” Established the National Council on the Handicapped (later renamed the National Council on Disability) Established National Institute of Handicapped Research (
Rehabilitation Act Amendments of 1984 Client Assistance Programs (CAPs), 51% of staff and board of directors of CILs staffed and administered by people with disabilities
Rehabilitation Act Amendments of 1986  “Qualified” personnel in state agencies  Rehabilitation engineering required in IWRP  Supported employment for severe disability and competitive employment is unlikely Gradual decrease in federal funding through fiscal years 1993
Rehabilitation Act Amendments of 1992  Presumption of eligibility “if one has a disability and experiencing difficulty in securing employment, one can benefit from VR services”  Client-centered, consumer-driven  Annual IWRP reviewsàclient outcomes  Order of selection  60 days from ap
Rehabilitation Act Amendments of 1997 ◦ Informed choice, counselor as IPE (Former IWRP) facilitator ◦ Links between VR and federal Workforce Programsàserved throughout system ◦ Outreach to underserved populations ◦ Push for more ecological assessment ◦ Transition planning ◦ CSPD: counsel
Individuals w/ Disabilities Education act of 1990, 1997 Responsibility to schools to identify and assess all children with disabilities  Review of IEP and increased parental involvement
IDEA 2004  IDEA was amended by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004, now known as IDEIA -Several provisions aligned with the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 -Authorized 15 states to implement 3-yrs IEPs on a trial basis when pare
SSI Judged to be totally and permanetly disabled. Social Security Income
SSDI Social Security Disability Insurance, monthly income benefits and medicare insurance  Trial Work Period (9 months within 60 month or 5 yrs.)Extended Period of Eligibility (Next 36 months after TWP) Medical Coverage continue for 39 months after TWP SSA
Ticket to Work Legislation Not sufficient benefits, minimal usage by PWD improvement act of 1999 (TWWIIA) 12 months non affected funds, 93 month medical insurance, reinstated benefits if work trial fails
American w/ Disabilities Act 1990 Extended civil rights to private employers, public accommodations, state and local government services, transportation, and telecommunications
ADA Title I-5 title 1: no employment discr. title 2: no discrim in state & local services title 3: Public Accommodations and Commercial Facilities title 4:^access to communic. title 5:misc
ADA Amendments of 2008 -ADAAA americans w/ disabilities act amendments act restore the original intent of Congress in the scope of protections of the ADA. mitigration measures, illustrative lists, remitting conditions, major life activites, type of work
Created by: bethandy
Popular Psychology sets




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