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psych exam 2
Question | Answer |
Habituation | responding less strongly over time to a repeated stimulus. |
Stimulus-Stimulus learning | classical conditioning, making a connection with two stimulus |
Aquisition | the 1/2 a second of learning a conditioned response; pairing of bahavior/response with reinforcement or punishment |
Unconditioned Response | the unlearned, naturally occuring response to the unconditioned stimulus |
Unconditioned Stimulus | a stimulus that unconditionally- natually and automatically-triggers a resonse |
Conditioned Response | the learned response to a previously neutral stimulus |
Conditioned Stuimulus | after assoc with an unconditioned stimulus, comes to trigger a conditioned response |
Extinction | the diminishing of a conditioned response; withdrawing reinforcement/punishment after behavior/response |
Spontaneous Recovery | the reappearance, after a pause of an extinduished conditioned response |
Generalization | once a response has been conditioned, for stimuli similar to the conditioned stimulus to elicit simillar responses; tendency to respond similarly to 2 stimuli b/c both result in reinf or punish |
Discrimination | the learned ablility to distinguish between a conditioned stimulus and stimuli that do not signal and unconditioned response; lerning to respond to certain stimuli that are reinforced or punished but not other stimuli that are not reinf/punished |
Aversive Conditioning | when classical conditioning results in negative response |
Higher-Order Conditioning | when we develop conditioned assoc to the original conditioned stimulus |
Response-Consequene Learning | operant conditioning, type of learning in which behavior is strengthened if followed by a reinforcer,or diminished if followed by a punisher |
Law of Effect | rewarded behavior is likely to reoccur |
Operant Chanber | chamber containing a bar or key that an animal can manipulate to obtain a reinforcer |
Shaping | procedure in which reinforcers gradually guide an animal's actions towards the desired behavior |
Sucessive Aproximations | reward responses that are closer to the final desired behavior and ignore all other responses |
Reinforcer | any event that strengthens a preceding response |
Positive Reinforcement | strengthens by adding a desired stimulus |
Negative Reinforcement | strengthens a response by removing an aversive stimulus |
Primary Reinforcers | an innately reinforcing stimulus that satisfies a biological need (food or drink) |
Conditioned Reinforcers | a learned reinforcer that gets its reinforcing power through assoc with primary reinforcer |
Immediate Reinforcers | a reinforcer that occurs instantly after behavior |
Delayed Reinforcers | a reinforcer that is delayed in time for a certain behavior |
Continuous Reinforcement | reinforcing the desired response every time it occurs |
Partial Reinforcement | responses are sometimes reinforced, sometimes not |
Ratio | reinforcing based on number of responses |
Interval | reinforcing based on a time gap as long as the desired behavior has occured atleast once |
Fixed | reinforcement always occurs on a regular basis |
Variable | reinforcement occurs on an irregular basis |
Punishment | any consequence that decreases the frequency of a preceding behavior |
Cognitive Map | a mental representation of the layout of one's enviroment |
Latent Learning | learning that occurs but is not apparent until there is an incentive to demonstrate it. |
Observational Learning | learning by observing and imitating others |
Modeling | the process of observing and imitating a specific behavior |
Motor Neurons | neuron whose activity provides a neural basis for imitation and observational learning |