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Opiates in Gen

PSY 315

opiates purified crude opium morphine codenine and paoviene
morphine prototype of tge opiates
codeine one of he natural alkolods derrived from opium
opiods alterations og the morphine molecute invluding heroin
enkephalins pentapeptides that play a role i opiod receptor communication
beta-endorphin smller hormone from camel pituitary that is a powerful analegisc
epidural analegesia a catheter is implnated to tte rich opiate receptiors in spine
Harrison Narcotics Act 1rst fed. antinarctic act ended up eing passed as a tax at beucse of constitutionality
opiate receptor discovery opened field to the existence of natural recpetrs for exogenous substances
Opiate receotor subtype: MU supraspinal analgesia, respitory depression, miosis, reduced GI movement
Opate recpetore subtype: KAPPA spinal analegia, les intence respitory depression/miosis, dysphoria, psychhomimetirc effects
opiate receptor subtypes: DELTA analegesia and positive reinforcement in animal studies
clinical importance of morphine analgesic effects and limited sleep induction
Created by: pgalbato
Popular Psychology sets




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