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Social Psych Ch.11

Prosocial Behavior; Chapter 11 of Social Psychology

Prosocial Behavior Any act performed with the goal of benefiting another person.
Altruism The desire to help another person even if it involves a cost to the helper.
Kin Selection The idea that behaviors that help a genetic relative are favored by natural selection.
Norm of Reciprocity The expectation that helping others will increase the likelihood that they will help us in the future.
Empathy The ability to put oneself in the shoes of another person and to experience events and emotions (e.g., joy and sadness) the way that person experiences them.
Empathy-Altruism Hypothesis The idea that when we feel empathy for a person, we will attempt to help that person purely for altruistic reasons, regardless of what we have to gain.
Altruistic Personality The qualities that cause an individual to help others in a wide variety of situations.
In-Group The group with which an individual identifies as a member.
Out-Group Any group with which an individual does not identify.
Urban Overload Hypothesis The theory that people living in cities are constantly being bombarded with stimulation and that they keep to themselves to avoid being overwhelmed by it.
Bystander Effect The finding that the greater the number of bystanders who witness an emergency, the less likely any one of them is to help.
Pluralistic Ignorance The case in which people think that everyone else is interpreting a situation in a certain way, when in fact they are not.
Diffusion of Responsibility The phenomenon whereby each bystander's sense of responsibility to help decreases as the number of witnesses increases.
Created by: 597396576
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