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AP Psych Prolo Vocab

Psychology Eighth Edition by David G. Myers

Socrates Believed that the mind was separate from the body and that the mind continues even after the body dies
Plato Was Socrates' student and believed that all knowledge is born with us
Aristotle Was Plato's student and believed that truth is derived from the physical world and led his studies through observations
Rene Descartes Believed that the world is under a set of observable laws and rules but the mind is an exception to this rule because it cannot be observed
Francis Bacon He realized that as humans we find a greater degree of order than what is really there
John Locke Wrote an essay that argued that the mind was a blank slate at birth and that all knowledge was then learned
G. Stanley Hall Studied development and evolutionary psychology and tried to learn the inheritance of behavior
Gestalt Psychology a psychological approach that views psychological phenomena, like perception, learning and thinking. They believe that the whole is different than the sum of its parts
Max Wertheimer one of the founders of Gestalt Psychology that was against the molecularism of Wundt's program for philosophy
Structuralism the idea that introspection must be used to explore the structure of the mind
Wilhelm Wundt Known as the father of psychology because he created the first psychology laboratory to study consciousness
Edward Titchener One of Wundt's students that founded the idea of structuralism. He felt that understanding all parts of the mind would lead to understanding the mind
Introspection looking inward on oneself to uncover the mysteries of the human mind
Functionalism school of psychology that tries to understand the function of mental and behavioral processes and how they let organisms survive and flourish
William James Opposed the structuralist approach and felt that it was necessary to find and understand how the mind fulfills its purpose
Mary Calkins James' student who was refused her degree from Harvard but became president of the APA in 1905
Margaret Floyd Washburn Harvard's first female Ph.D. in Psychology who studied the psychology of animals
Psychoanalysis the field of psychology that believes in the importance of childhood experiences and the unconscious mind
Sigmund Freud created the psychoanalysis and uncovered the difference between the conscious and unconscious mind
Carl Jung Pioneered the field of dream analysis and worked through the target areas of alchemy, astrology, and sociology.
Alfred Adler founded individual psychology and felt that childhood was the crucial period in a persons life and he studied how children develop feelings of inferiority
Karen Horney Classified as Neo-Freudian, she disliked the male bias in Freud's work and based her work on the need for security
Behaviorism The study of observable behavior
John Watson applied classical conditioning to humans in his famous "Little Albert" experiment
Ivan Pavlov Identified classical conditioning which is using conditioned stimulus and conditioned stimulus to create a response
BF Skinner Rejected introspection and helped redefine psychology as the study of observable behavior. He also pioneered the study of operant conditioning
Edward Thorndike proposed the law of effect and used the Skinner box
Albert Bandura Collected research on social learning and did experiments on the response reward relationship
Humanistic the school of Psychology that found the importance of current environmental influences on our growth potential along with the need for love and acceptance
Carl Rogers Stressed the role of unconditional positive regard in interactions and the need for positive self concept to attain self-actualization
Abraham Maslow Came up with the concept of self-actualization which means accepting yourself and your nature while knowing what your limits are
Cognitive the branch of psychology that studies the interaction between thought processes and the brain
Jean Piaget pioneered the study of cognitive development and proposed the idea that children try to reach equilibrium by assimilating into their environment
Noam Chomsky Studied the organization of language and what he referred to as transformational grammar
Herbert Simon A cognitive scientist that was able to research artificial intelligence, information processing, decision making, and problem solving
Howard Gardner identified different types of intelligence including: verbal, mathematical, musical, spatial, kinesthetic, environmental, interpersonal, and interpersonal
George Miller Studied short term memory and found that 7 was the magic number in the verbal capacity limit
Biological/Neuroscience the type of psychology that tries to find the link between anatomy and the brain
Roger Sperry Found that the two hemispheres of the brain can operate separately from each other
James Olds figured out intracranial self-stimulation and that certain areas of the brain cause the subject to want to stimulate themselves more often
VS Ramachandran A Behavioral neurologist that studied human vision along with phantom limbs, and synesthesia
Evolutionary the school of psychology that tries to find how different behaviors adapt to different situations
Charles Darwin led theories on evolution with his idea of natural selection and also studied nature vs. nurture
David Buss an evolutionary psychologist that studied sex differences and mate selection
Sociocultural the school of psychology that believes that the environment a subject is in has a great deal to do with how that person behaves
Erik Erikson Found that development occurs over an entire lifetime in a series of stages
Phillip Zimbardo Studied dehumanization in victims of violence
Stanley Milgram Conducted obedience experiments where he used deceit to see how different patients would act
Solomon Asch studied conformity by seeing how people naturally try and act like a supposed leader of the group
Biopsychosocial an approach to psychology that incorporates a biological standpoint as well as a psychological standpoint and a sociocultural standpoint
Industrial/Organizational Psychologist study and advise behavior in the workplace
Clinical Psychologist studies, assesses and treats people with psychological disorders
Counseling Psychologist assists people with problems in living and in achieving greater well being
Psychiatrist a branch of medicine dealing with psychology in which physicians can prescribe medical treatments as well as psychological therapy.
Created by: BrandonMush
Popular Psychology sets




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