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Cognitive psy.

ch. 1-4 test #1

Bottom up processing based on incoming data. Color, contrast, orientation
Top down processing the meaning and knowlede
early selection model the filtered step occurs before the incoming information is analyzed to determine meaning
letters presented to both ears, high load proccessing early selection model
only meaningfull information gets to the detector
identifies attended message based on physical characteristics ( pitch, spped, tone) filter
late selection model everything gets processed on meaning. Low load
dictionary unit which contains stored words, each have thresholds for being activated.
attenuating theory of attention instead of filter theres an attenuator. BOTH attended and unattended are let through
late selection is based on meaning
early selection is based on characteristics
high load task = early selection
low load task= late selection
more likely to be distracted in a low load task
less likely to be distracted in a high load task
Gamers are distracted in both high and low load task
divided attention attention to a number of things simultaneously. Ex. driving and talking on phone
factors that influence divided attention practice, difficulty, type of task
effect of practice became more automatic, reduces task load
harder it is the less automatic
talking on phone is cognitive processing
change blindness difficulty detecting changes in scene
feature detectors neurons such as simple, complex, and end-stopped cells, which fire in response to specific features of the stimuli
simple oriented bar of light
complex oriented bar of light moving in a specific direction
end stopped oriented bar of light, with a specific length, moving in a specific direction.
Geons more complex, 3D features detectors. Ex. cylinders or cubes
feature detectors are both built in and based on experience
cerebral cortex divided into four lobes: temporal, frontal, occipital, parietal
subcortical structures below cortex, hippocampus, amygdala, thalamus
amygdala emotions
rely stationg ofr sensory info. (EXCEPT smell) vision, hearing, and touch thalamus
memories hippocampus
neurons cells that are specialized to recieve and transmit info. in the nervous sys.
180 billion cells with 1000 connection for each
cell body contains mechanism to kekpp cell alive (dendrites, axaon, nerve fiber, receptors)
dendrites branch out from the cell body to receive electrical signals from other neurons
recepots are on the dendrites
axon or nerve fiber is a tube filled with fluid that conducts electrical signals.
neurons that are specialized to receive information from the environmen are called receptors
transmit information throughout the body neurons
transmit all electrical and chemical signals neuron
transduction one form of energy into another form of energy
action potential recorded from neurons with tiny microelectrodes that are positioned inside or right next to the neurons axon.
electrical firing of a neuron action potential
action potential becomes more positive because other neurons fired
the strength of the firing never changes the frequency increases or decreases
information about stimulis intensit is represented not by the size of the action potential but by their rate of firing
two scenarios that can occur when neurotransmitters are released excitatory and inhibitory
excitatory neurotransmitter increase the chance that the next neuron will fire
inhinitory neurotransmitter decrease the chance of neuron will fire.
broca's area speaking, located in frontal lobe
Wernicke's area understands sppech, located in temporal lobe
neural code the pattern of neuron fires
distributed coding the code that indicates a specific face is distributed across a number of neurons
each face is represented by a specific pattern of firing across a number of neurons. the solution is distributed coding
Rolling ball ex. when the ball rolls numberous neurons fire throughout the brain, for things like color, distance, speed
methods for studing hte physiological nature of cognition single unit recording, ERP, PET, fMRI, brain lesioning
Provides information about what single unit neurons are doing single-unit recording
ERP tells you when activity occurs but not where
response of many thousands of neurons to a specific event Event related potential (ERP)
Brain imaging Good at where, but bad at when
Measure blood flow in the brain brain imagin PET, fMRI
neuropsychology study of the behavioral effects of brain damage in humans
Gestalt laws seires of rules that specify how we perceptually organize parts into wholes
pragnanz "law of simplicity" every stimulis pattern is seen in such a way that the resulting structure is as simple as possible
similarity similar things appear to be grouped together
good continuation strait or smooth cury lines are seen as belonging together.
proximity of nearness things that are near eachother appear to be grouped together
common fate things that are moving in the same direction appear to be grouped together
familiarity tings are more likely to form groups if the groups appear familiar or meaningful.
n Cognition is adaptive n Cognition seems to have developed to allow us to anticipate what is coming next and behave accordingly
n We can be aware or unaware of our own cognitive processes as they occur (blank)
n Cognition is based in physiology n Genes produce the physical building blocks of cognition
n Cognition is extremely complex n We process billions of pieces of information almost instantaneously
n Cognition cannot be directly measured n Use indirect methods of determining cognitive processes
low task load = greater distraction
varying task load can lead to more difficulty because it increases the task load
factors that lead to how you perceive a sound Pervious experience, Contex, expectations
Created by: ashley5273
Popular Psychology sets




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