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Spitting up blood from the respiratory tract and lungs is called
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The suffix which means "suture"
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Study Guide Ch 6

Chabner, Language of Medicine 8th Edition, Ch 6 Add'l Suffix & Digestive Terms

Spitting up blood from the respiratory tract and lungs is called hemoptysis (hemo = blood, -ptysis = spitting)
The suffix which means "suture" rrhaphy, as in "herniorrhaphy"
(Procedure to create) new opening between two parts of the jejunum jejunojejunostomy (jejunum = pertaining to the jujeno. 2 parts = jejuno to jejuno, -stomy = opening)
lymphangiectasis dilation of a lymph vessel (-ectasis = dilation, lymph = lymph, angie = vessel)
dyspepsia difficult digestion (pepsia = digestion, dys- = difficult)
bursting forth of blood from the spleen is called ... ? splenorrhagia (-rrhagia = bursting forth of blood, splen/o = spleen) note the change from spleen to splen.
Narrowing of the opening between the stomach and intestine is called ...? Pyloric stenosis (stenosis = narrowing of a duct or canal, pylorus = distal aperture of the stomach, opening to the duodenum)
WHICH TEST would tell the presence of melena? (melena = black tarry stools; feces containing digested blood.) Stool guaiac (hemoccult, -occult = hidden, hem/o = blood) Guaiac is pronounced gwee-ack.
An ulcer would most likely be detected by which test? Gastroscopy (-scopy, visual examination w/scope, gastr/o = stomach)
congenital lack of continuity of the esophagus is called ... ? esophageal atresia (atresia = congenital absence of a normal body opening, esophageal = pertaining to the esophagus.)
what is Lipase? An enzyme that digests fat. (-ase = enzyme, lip/o = fat) A lipase is any enzyme that catalyzes the clevage of a fatty acid anion from a triglyceride or phospholipid.
Name the procedure to surgically repair the roof of the mouth. palatoplasty (-plasty = surgical repair, palat/o = palate / roof of mouth.)
The following ARE liver function tests. Serum Bilirubin, ALP (alkaline phosphatase), AST (SGOT), ALT (SGPT). ERCP (Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography) is NOT a liver function test.
TEST which would demonstrate choledocolithiasis? (stones in the bile duct) Transhepatic cholangiography (trans- = through, hepatic = pertaining to the liver, chol = gallbladder, angi/o = vessels, graphy = record) X-Ray exam of the biliary system - after injection of contrast into the bile ducts (via needle into liver)
OPPOSITE of suffix -ectasis (= stretch, widen, dilate) -stenosis (tighten, stricture, narrowing)
Define the suffix -rrhea Flow, discharge
Give an example of "Anastomosis" (surgical connection between two parts, vessels, ducts, bowel segments) Cholecystojejunostomy (surgical connection between gallbladder & jejunum)
choledoch/o common bile duct (chole = gallbladder, doch/o = duct)
Forward protrusion of the eye. Proptosis = forward displacement or bulging, especially of the eye.
paracentesis Surgical puncture to remove fluid from the abdomen. (para = near, nearby, close to) (-centesis = puncture to drain accumulated fluids - puncture and aspiration of...)
twisting of part of the intestine upon itself is called ... ? Cecal volvulus (cecal = pertaining to the cecum / first part of the large intestine) (volvulus = twisted intestine)
Gingivectomy PERIDONTAL PROCEDURE to remove gingiva tissue (-ectomy = remove, resect)
Menorrhagia bursting forth, HEAVY menses. (men/o = mensruation, menses) (-rrhagia - bursting, heavy, excessive flow)
Laparoscopy Visual examination of the abdomen using a scope (-scopy = using scope, lapar/o = abdomen)
Sialolithiasis salivary stones (lithiasis = condition of presence of stones) (sial/o = salivary)
blepharoplasty surgical repair of the eyelid (-plasty = surgical repair, blephar/o = eyelid)
sphincterotomy incision of a ring of muscles (-tomy = incision, sphincter/o = sphincter)
cholecystectomy removal of the gallbladder (-ectomy = removal, chole = gallbladder, cyst/o = urinary bladder)
herniorrhaphy suture of a weakened muscular wall (rrhaphy = suture, herni/o = hernia)
cecostomy new opening of the first part of the colon to the outside of the body (-stomy = new opening, cec/o = cecum, first part of ascending large intestine)
gastroduodenal anastomosis pertaining to a new surgical connection between the stomach and the first part of the small intestine. (anastomosis = surgical connection of parts, -al = pertaining to, duoden/o = duodenum (first part of the small intestine), gastr/o = stomach)
gingivectomy removal of gum tissue (-ectomy = removal, gingiv/o = gum tissue
abdominal ultrasonography sound waves are used to image abdominal organs
liver biopsy percutaneous removal of liver tissue followed by microscopic analysis (biopsy is the study of life w/scope)
serum bilirubin measure of bile pigment in the blood (bilirubin is byproduct of the breakdown of red blood cells)
barium enema x-ray examination of the lower gastrointestinal tract (contrast is administered via the anus)
percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography contrast material is injected "through the liver" (transhepatic) and x-rays are taken (graphy) of bile vessels (choleangio).
stool culture feces are placed in a growth medium for bacterial analysis
CT of the abdomen transverse x-ray pictures of abdominal organs (CT = Computed Tomography)
nasogastric intubation tube inserted through the nose - into the stomach.
stool guaiac (hemoccult) test to reveal hidden blood in feces. Guaiac (gwee-ack), (hem/o = blood, -occult = hidden)
Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography Contrast is injected through an endoscope, x-rays taken of the pancreas and bile ducts. (-graphy = process of recording), (pancreat/o = pancreas), (angi/o = vessels), (chol/o = gallbladder)
upper gastro-intestional series x-ray images of the esophagus, stomach, and small intestine after administering barium by mouth.
Liver Scan radioactive material is injected and image recorded of uptake in liver cells.
Created by: penguin
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