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After administering three doses of nitroglycerin, the patient's blood pressure falls below 100 systolic. You should:
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Nitroglycerin is contraindicated for a patient who has a
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Cardiac Emergency2

Cardiac Emergency Terms and Definitions

After administering three doses of nitroglycerin, the patient's blood pressure falls below 100 systolic. You should: treat for shock and transport promptly
Nitroglycerin is contraindicated for a patient who has a head injury
Common side effects of nitroglycerin include: hypotension, headache, pulse rate changes
After administering nitroglycerin, always reassess vital signs
Three causes of cardiovascular emergencies: changes in the inner walls of arteries, problems with the heart's electrical functions, problems with the heart's mechanical functions
When the body is subjected to exertion or stress, the heart rate will normally increase
Two conditions that commonly cause narrowing or blocking of the arteries: atherosclerosis, arteriosclerosis
Four factors that put a person at risk for developing coronary artery disease and symptoms: lack of exercise, cigarette smoking, obesity, hypertension
Most cardiac emergencies are due to: reduced blood flow to the myocardium
Angina pectoris means a a pain in the chest
Important reason why nitroglycerin is administered to a person with chest pain: it dilates the blood vessels and decreases the work of the heart
Condition where a portion of the myocardium dies as a result of oxygen starvation. acute myocardial infarction
When a cardiac arrest occurs within 2 hours of the onset of cardiac symptoms. sudden death
This percentage of patiens who experience a cardiac arrest within 2 hours of the onset of symptoms have no previous history of cardiac problems. 25%
Changes in the field care of acute coronary symptoms have made these two procedures the most important treatment methods. thrombolytics, defibrillation
When there is damage to the left ventricle and blood backs up into the lungs, this usually presents as a form of: pulmonary edema
Elements of the chain of survival include early access to: CPR, defibrillation, advanced care
Decrease EMS access time by: placing 911 stickers on telephones, installing a 911 system, providing public information workshops
The typical cardiac arrest patient is: a male in his 60's
The most common witness to a cardiac arrest is: a woman in her 60's
The single most important factor in determining survival from cardiac arrest is: early defibrillation
Virtually no one survives a cardiac arrest if response time for a defibrillator is LONGER than 8 minutes
If you are treating a cardiac arrest patient and there is no ACLS unit in the community, the EMT-B should package quickly and transport to the closest medical facility
Shockable rhythms include: ventricular fibrillation, pulseless ventricular tachycardia, ventricular tachycardia
Nonshockable rhythm that can be the result of a terminally sick heart or severe blood loss is called: pulseless electrical activity
A nonshockable rhythm that is commonly called a flatline is named: asystole
When the AED is analyzing a person's heart rhythm, the EMT-B must avoid touching the patient
The AED should be used on adults and children with a shockable rhythm
The AED pads are first attached to the cables. Then the patch attached to this cable goes to the LEFT lower ribs. Red
After the first shock, the patient has a strong carotid pulse and is breathing adequately. You should: give high-concentration oxygen via a nonrebreather mask and transport
After 3 shocks,the EMT should do this, unless local protocol says otherwise. transport the patient
3 general principles of AED use- avoid contact with the patient during rhythm analysis, be sure everyone is "clear" before administtering a shock, avoid defibrillation in a moving ambulance
Don't defibrillate patients who are: wet, in contact with metal surfaces, have severe blood loss
If you have to remove a nitroglycerin tablet to defibrillate a patient- wear gloves
If a patient has a cardiac pacemaker and needs defibrillation, put the pad several inches away from the pacemaker battery
Four elements of the chain of survival Early access, early CPR, early defibrillation, early advanced care
Created by: UBEMT
Popular Paramedic/EMT sets




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