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Chapter 7 Clinical
Surgical Asepsis - Terms
Question | Answer |
Aerobe | An organism that is able to live and grow ONLY in the PRECENSE of OXYGEN |
Anaerobe | An organism that is able to survive and grow ONLY in the WITHOUT OXYGEN |
Aseptic Technique | AKA: Sterile Technique - Maintaining a pathogen free or pathogen-controlled enviroment to prevent the spread of illness and disease. |
Bactericidal | Capable of killing or destorying bacteria |
Bloodborne Pathogens | Pathogens carried in the blood stream |
BSI Body Substance Isolation | Procedure, Equipment and supplies used to prevent the transmission of cummunicable disease by preventing direct contact with all body substance |
Carrier | A person who has the capacity to transmit a disease and is usually unaware of infection |
CDC Centers of Disease Control | Studies and monitors disease and disease prevention and works to protect public health and safety |
Cilia | Hairlike processes projecting from the epithelial cells |
Contamination | Making a sterile field unclean or having pathogens placed in it |
Dermis | Middle layers of the skin |
Disinfection | Method of decontamination that destroys or inhibits pathogenic microorganisms but does not kill spores and some viruses |
Epidermis | Outer Most layer of the skin |
Epithelial | Pertaining to the epithelium (cells covering the external and internal surface of the body) |
Follicle | Small hallow or cavity with secretory functions |
Formites | Non living objects that may transmit infectious material |
Homestasis | Interactions between the body systems that maintains optimum body functions |
Immunity | Ability to resist disease |
Incubation | A period of time between exposure to infection and the appearance of symptoms |
Infection | Invaision of the body by a pathogenic microorganism |
Integumentary | Pertaining to the skin, hair and nails |
Keratinocyte | Any skin cells that produce keratin, the hard protein material found in the skin, hair and nails |
Medical Asepsis | Practice of removing or reducing the number of pathogens and the transmission of disease. AKA - Clean Technique |
Microorganisims | Organisim that can be viewed under a microscope,but not by the naked eye |
Non Pathogen | Harmless organism that does not cause disease |
Nosocomial Infection | Infection resulting from the hospitalization of a patient |
PPE - Personal Protection Equipment | Protective clothing and equipment such as gloves, gowns and muscles that are worn to prevent conatimination |
Phagocytosis | Engulging and destruction of microorganisim or foreign matter by phagocytic cells |
Standard precaustions | Precaustions that replace body substance isolation and universal precaustions in instutional health care |
Sterile | Free from pathogens and all microorganisms |
Subcutaneous Tissue | Deepest layer of the skin |
Transmission-Based Precautions | Care based on symptoms of disease and transmission method of the pathogens, such as contact, droplet, air |
Universal Precautions | The CDC's orginal guideline for preventing the transmission of AIDs and other blood borne disease. |
ELISA | Enzyme - Linked immunosorbent assay |