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POS 150 chapter 1-6
Word | Definition |
Nation | psychological bound to one another |
State | Institutional or gov. element of a country |
Soverenignty | Owning your own territory |
constructed | Deliberatly created but widely accepted as natural |
multinational | country composed of several peoples with distinct national feelings |
diplomatic recognition | state announcing official contact with other state |
failed state | collapse of sovereignty essentially no national governing power |
reification | taking theory as reality |
causality | proving one thing causes another |
electoral franchise | right to vote |
parliament | national assembly that considers and enacts laws |
authoritarin | nondemocratic or dictatorial politics |
pragmatic | without ideological considerations base on praticality |
Exchequer | Britain'streasury ministry |
the continent | British term for mainland europe |
Mixed Monarchy | king balanced by nobles |
Magna Carta | 1215 agreement to preseve rights of English nobles |
burghers | town dwellers/middle class |
commons (Parliament) | lower house of Parliament/ elected important chamber |
lords (parliament) | upper house of parliament, less impartant than commons, birth right or life |
commonwealth | a republic |
rebulican | getting rid of monarchy |
levellers | radicals during English civil war who argued for equality and one man one vote |
prime minister | chief of government |
minister | head of a majr department or government |
whigs | faction of parliament that became the libral party |
tories | faction of parliament that became conservative party |
state of nature | humans before civilization |
civil society | humans after becoming civilized |
welfare state | political system that redistributes weatlth from rich to poor standard in west europe |
statute | ordinary law, usually for specific problem |
eclectic | drawn from a variety of sources |
Crown | powers of the british gov |
MP | ember of Parliament |
junior minister | MP with executive responsibilities below cabinet rank |
portfolio | ministers assigned ministry |
Fusion of Powers | connection of executive and legislative branches in parliamentry systems |
whip | parliamentry party leader who makes sure members obey party in voting |
vote of no-confidence | parliamentary vote to oust cabinet |
by-election | special election for vacant seat in parliament |
whitehall | main british goverment offices |
westminster | parliaement building |
law lords | britians top judges, members of lords |
anachronism | something from the past that does not fit resent times |
FPTP | first past the post, single member districsts with plurality win |
single-member distric | sends one representative to parliament |
plurality | largest quantity, |
solidarity | feeling of cohesion within a social class |
meritocracy | promotion by brains and ablility rather than heredity |
public school | British private boarding schools |
old boy | somoene you knew at public school |
deferential | acepting leadershop of social superiors |
civility | good manners in politics |
periphery | nations outlying regions |
IRA | irish republican army, anti-british terrorist who seek unification of ireland |
malthusian | view that population grown outstrips food |
home rule | giv ing region some autonomy to govern itself |
orangemen | northern irish protestants |
relative decline | failing to keep up economically with other nations |
absolute decline | growing weaker economically compared to one's own past |
deindustrialization | decline of heavy industry |
pluralistic stagnation | theory that out of control interest groups produce policy log jams |
deregulation | cutting government rules on industry |
entitlement | spending programs citizens are automatically entitled to such as social security |
Good Friday agreement | 1998 pact to share power in northern ireland |
consociation | sharing of political pwer at the execuative level giving all major parties cabinet positions |
subject | british citizen |
devolution | central overnment turns some powers over to regions |
referendum | vote on an issue rather than for an office |
unilinear | progressing evenly and always upward |