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Capp #7

Integumentary System

Hair-Composition Keratin, Melanin
Hair- Function protection from injury, sun, heat loss, or foreign particles
Hair- nerve ending Sensitive to touch
Hair- oil Sebaceaous gland
Hair - muscle Arrector pili
Sebaceaous Gland Secrete Sebum (oil)
Sebeceaous Gland - location Every where but palms and soles
Sebaceaous Gland - function prevent skin from drying out, inhibits bacterial growth and keeps skin flexible
Acne over-production of sebum with bacterial growth (pimple)
Sudoriferous glands Secrete sweat, directly onto skin
Sudoriferous glands- function Regulate body temp (evaporation), eliminate waste (urea)
Eccrine gland (sudoriferous gland) Most common type, forehead, palms and soles with watery secretion
Apocine gland (sudoriferous)- location "smelly areas", axilla, inguinal, breast regions
Apcine gland (secretetion) Phermones attracts- oposite sex
Ceruminous glands Secrete ear wax (modified sudoriferous gland)
Ceruminous gland function traps foriegn particles and bugs to prevent damage to ear
Mammary glands secrete Milk
Mammary gland is modified Sudoriferous gland
Nipple pigmented projection where all milk ducts empty
Areola circular pigmented area around nipple, rough due to oil glands
Mammary gland function Lactation (synthesis, seccretion and ejection of milk
Nails are composed of: hard keratin plates
Nail- function Grasp/manipulate objects, protection end of finger or toe
Nails grow: 1 mm per week
Created by: dlt0951
Popular Massage Therapy sets




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