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8th Grade Roots

Final Exam Root Words

CANIS dog (L)
FELES cat (L)
LEON lion (G)
EQUUS horse (L)
CABALLUS horse (L)
HIPPOS horse (G)
PORCUS pig (L)
ORNIS bird (G)
AVIS bird (L)
GREX/GREGIS herd, group, flock (L)
OMNIS all (L)
AMPHI both (G)
AMBI both (L)
EU well, good (G)
MALUS bad, ugly, evil, ill (L)
E, EX out of, from (L)
ARCHOS leader, chief, beginning (G)
ARCUS bow, arc (L)
CIRCUM around, about (L)
KYKLOS ring, circle, wheel (G)
PERI around (G)
THEOS god (G)
DEUS god (L)
DIVINUS god-like (L)
HOMO/HOMINIS man, human (L)
ANTHROPOS man, mankind (G)
VIR man (L)
FEMINA woman (L)
INFANS speechless (L)
SCHOLE leisure, free time (G)
LUDO/LUSUS play, mock (L)
IATROS physician, comforter (G)
MEDICUS doctor (L)
SANUS healthy, free of disease (L)
HOLOS whole, entire, complete (G)
RHINOS nose, snout (G)
CORNU horn (L)
DERMA skin, hide, shell (G)
CUTIS skin, hide (L)
COR/CORDIS heart (L)
DORSUM back (L)
ATHLON prize, award (G)
AGON contest, struggle (G)
DROMOS running, race course (G)
MONS/MONTIS mountain (L)
HUMUS earth, soil (L)
FOLIUM leaf (L)
SAL/SALIS salt (L)
MARE sea, ocean (L)
NAUS ship, boat (G)
NAVIS ship, boat (L)
HOMOS same (G)
HETEROS other, different (G)
PORTA door, gate, entry (L)
NOVUS new (L)
ORDO/ORDINIS row, order (L)
SAECULUM age, century (L)
PRIMUS first (L)
SECUNDUS second (L)
TERTIUS third (L)
QUARTUS fourth (L)
QUINTUS fifth (L)
SEXTUS sixth (L)
SEPTIMUS seventh (L)
OCTAVUS eighth (L)
NONUS ninth (L)
DECIMUS tenth (L)
ELEKTRON amber (G)
GRADUS step, degree (L)
PLUS/PLURIS more, many (L)
AKROS top-most, extreme (G)
KATA down, against, completely (G)
ANA up, back, again (G)
DUCO/DUCTUM draw, attract, lead (L)
AGO/ACTUM do, act, perform (L)
PENDO/PENSUM hang, weigh (L)
HYPER above, overly, beyond (G)
HYPO under, below (G)
SUPER above, over (L)
SUB under (L)
PAX/PACIS peace (L)
SPECTO/SPECTATUM look at, see (L)
VOX/VOCIS voice (L)
FIDES faith (L)
SOLUS alone (L)
MONOS alone, solitary (G)
RIDEO/RISUM laugh, make fun of (L)
ERGON work (G)
DURUS hard (L)
BELLUM war, combat, fight (L)
BARBAROS foreign (G)
ORTHOS straight, correct (G)
DOKEIN think, have an opinion (G)
Created by: LiseBrinkley
Popular Greek sets




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