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Learning and Cog 4-6
Stasser's Learning and Cog Ch. 4-6 Terms
Question | Answer |
Law of Effect | Thorndike's formulation that behavior that produces satifsying consequences will be repeated, and behavior that produces dissatisfying consequences will not be repeated |
Law of Readiness | Similar to the notion of biological preparedness and suggests that certain behaviors may be more easily conditioned than others |
Law of Exercise | The idea that simple repetition of a behavior will lead to strengthening |
Law of Attitude | Previous experiences, such as learning or deprivation, that may influence the ability of some event (food) to affect strength of learning |
Law of Response by Analogy | Similar to response generalization; the idea that animals will behave in one situation as they have behaved in similar situations |
Operant | Behavior that operates on the environment to produce consequences |
Three-term contingency | conceptual system for classifying behavior in relation to antecedent and consequent stimuli |
Antecedent Stimuli | an environment event that precedes the behavior of interest |
Reinforcers | consequent stimuli that strengthen or increase the behavior on which they are made contingent |
Primary reinforcers | stimuli that possess reinforcing properties because of their biological significance |
Secondary (conditioned) reinforcers | stimuli that acquire reinforcing properties through experince or association with primary reinforcers |
postive reinforcement | process by which response-contingent presentation of a stimulus increases the probability of the behavior |
negative reinforcement | process by which response-contingent removal of a stimulus increases the probability of the behavior |
aversive stimulus | object or event that an organism is motivated to avoid or escape |
punishment | process by which response-contingent stimulus presentation or removal results in reduction or elimination of the response |
positive punishment | process by which response-contingent presentation of a stimulus decreases the probablility of the behavior |
negative punishment | process by which response-contingent removal of a stimulus decreases the probablility of behavior |
response cost | negative punishment procedure in which previously earned reinforcers are removed contingent on behavior |
time-out | response cost procedure in which a behavior leads to a period in which reinforcement is not available |
Premack principle | the finding that high probablility behaviors can be used as contingent reinforcers for low probablility behaviors |
Response deprivation hypothesis | any behavior restricted below its baseline level can then be used as a contingen |
shaping | reinforcing successive approximations to a desired behavior |
extinction | elimination of an operant by withholding the reinforcer |
spontaneous recovery | reoccurrence of an operant that had been previously extinguished |
stimulus control | extent to which an operant exhibits stimulus generalization and discrimination |
discriminative stimulus | specific stimulus or stimulus dimension in whose presence a response is reinforced |
differential reinforcement | process of reinforcing an operant in the presence of one stimulus but not in the presence of another |
schedules of reinforcement | method of delivering reinforcement dependent on numerical and/or temporal dimensions of behavior |
continuous reinforcement | reinforcement schedule in which each response produces reinforcement |
ratio schedule | reinforcement scheudle in which reinforcers are delivered according to a predetermined number of responses |
interval schedule | reinforcement schedule in which reinforcers are delivered according to predetermined intervals of time |
concurrent scheduleq | condition in which two separate reinforcement schedules operate simultaneously and independently of one another |
matching law | Herrnstein's formula relating the relative response rate to relative reinforcement rate on concurrennt schedules of reinforcement |
John B. Watson | Behavioral psychologist, conditioned fear in Little Albert, pursued explainations of human behavior based on fundamental learning principles |
John B. Watson | the "mind" was a fanciful notion born on philosophical speculation (not experimental science) disagreed with introspection, focused on overt behavior |
Behavior modification | application of operant principles to human behavior having social or cinical importance |
Scientific epistemology | collection of ideas scientists hold about how to go about studying a particular phenomenon scientifically |
Token economy | behavior modification program delievered systematically to a large commnity or institution |
Behavioral medicine | application of basic behavior principles to behavior having significant repercussions for health and illness |
Obesity | one culprit is the modern high-tech lifestyle, sedentary jobs |
Exercise | foucs on elements of control, concerning the discriminative stimuli that sets the occasion for behavior, targets antecedent stimuli |
Stimulus control | extent to which an operant exhibits stimulus generalization and discrimination |
Biofeedback | technology-based process of providing an individual with visual or auditory feedback regarding some bodily or physiological activity |
Behavioral momentum | the idea that operants have a long and rich history of reinforcement may be especially resistant to change |
Teaching machines | arranges necessary academic contingencies needed for effective instruction |
programmed instruction | instructional method involving systematic arrangement of academically oriented antecedent-consequence contingencies |
personalized system of instruction (PSI) | Keller's operant-based instructional format utilizing self-pacing and unit mastery |
Bandura | Social learning accounts for much greater amount of learned behavior in humans than basic learning principles like operant conditioning, social learning theory, observational learning |
Imitation | ability to act soley by observing someone doing that act |
Emulation | imitative behaviors that produce the same consequence as the modeled behavior |
Deferred imitation | repeating an observed action after some temporal delay |
Social learning | process by which organims acquire behavior by observing others |
Observational learning | learning how to behave or not to behave by watching a model; benefiting from the behavior and consequences of another person |
Ratchet effect | progressive development of increasingly more effective techniques; benefiting from methodological advances |
Encoding | the process of placing information into a memory system |
Storage | the process of retaining information in memory over time |
Cognitive neuroscience | a scientific discipline concerned with the relationship between brain function and cognition |
Self-efficacy | an individual's degree of belief that he or she can accomplish some behavioral task in order to produce desirable consequences |
Conditional discrimination | a contingency in which the consequences of responding to one antecedent stimulus depends upon the presence or absence of a second antecedent stimulus |
Generalized imitation | the tendency to imitate behavior seen in others that has not been reinforced |
Rule-governed behavior | acquiring or emitting a behavior in response to written or verbal instructions |
Contingency-shaped behavior | behavior that is acquired as a result of direct exposure to behavior-consequence contingencies |
Operant chamber | Skinner’s experimental chamber that allowed the animal to be continuously housed throughout the duration of the experiment. Typically used for rats. |
Behavior | For Skinner, behavior is what an organism is doing, which encompasses a class of nearly infinite events |
Consequent stimuli | Stimulus events that are produced by, or occur as a consequence of, behavior. Thorndike and Skinner both looked into this. |
Stimulus generalization | Generalizing among like stimuli. A pea-green light is still recognized as a symbol to go. |
discrimination | Distinguishing between two given stimuli. A red light means something different than a green light |
Controlling variables | Stimulus events prior to behavior and those that follow contingently on behavior in the context of said behavior. |
Ratio strain | The breaking down of an operant due to an abrupt increase in response requirement |