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1HNFBM Test Review

GMS-Test Review for Bone&Muscle of the Head Neck & Face

Name the structures that pass between the anterior & middle scalenes. Bracial Plexus & Subclavian Artery
Name the muscles between the SCM and the anterior flap of the trapezius. Scalenes
Name the strongest muscle in the body relative to its size. Masseter
Name the muscle that attaches to the frontal, temporal & parietal bones. Temporalis
What actions will stretch/lengthen the temporalis? Depress & Protract Mandible
What is the origin of the Masseter? Zygomatic Arch
Name the insertions for the anterior, middle, & posterior Scalenes. 1st & 2nd ribs
Where can we find the SCM/Sternocleidomastoid? Lateral & anterior aspects of the Neck
This broad tendon connects the frontalis & occiptals muscles together. Galea Aponeurotica
This action will shorten the SCM&Scalenes unilaterally to the same side. Lateral Flexion
This muscle tightens the fascia of the neck. Platysma
This bone lies above the thyroid cartilage & serves as an attachment site for several muscles Hyoid Bone
This Scalene inserts into the 2nd rib and is hard to distinguish from surrounding muscle bellies. Posterior Scalene
This muscle is the most prominent chewing muscle and the name is derived from mastication. Masseter
This is the common insertion for the anterior & middle Scalene. 1st Rib
This muscles raises your eyebrows and wrinkles your forehead. Frontalis
This muscle attaches to the superior nuchal line and retracts the galea aponeurotica. Occipitalis
This action will stretch a clients Scalene muscle. Rotation to SAME Side
The Temporalis muscle origin is______. Temporal fossa & fascia
This muscle helps maintain posture by compensating for the tilt of the shoulder. Sternocleidomastoid (SCM)
This muscle acts as a synergist with the left SCM during rotation of the H&N to the opposite side. Left Scalene
This group of muscles is located between the SCM and anterior flap of the trapezius. Scalenes
This action of the mandible shortens the fibers of the masseter. Elevation
This action can be done by a client for the therapist to locate the insertion of the temporalis. Depress Mandible
This condition is characterized by stiffing of the SCM. Torticollis
One head of the SCM attaches to the manubruim of sternum Where does the 2nd head attach? Medial 1/3 Clavical
These rectagular bones form the top & sides of the cranium. Parietal Bones
This blood vessel passes deep & medial to SCM. Carotid Artery
The Brachial Plexus passes between what two scalene muscles anterior & middle scalene
What is an action of Longus Capitis? Rotate H&N to same side
A bilateral(shorten/contract)action of the SCM . Flex Head & Neck
This muscle retracts the mandible. Temporalis
The bone that separates the nostrils is the___. Vomer
What is the insertion of the Temporalis? Coronoid process of the mandible
The Longus Capitis is located on the ________ anterior cervical vertebrae
What is the insertion of the SCM? Mastoid process of temporal bone & Lateral superior nuchal line of the Occiput
What bone is shaped like a moth or bat? Sphenoid bone
What boney landmark along with the angle of the mandible is the insertion of the Masseter? Ramus
A rounded articular surface at the extremity of a bone is what type of boney landmark? Condyle
What name given to the 2 holes located on the anterior surface of the mandible? Mental Foreman
The SCM has two head what are they? Sternal & Clavicular
The origin of the Anterior Scalene is Transverse Process 3-6 Cervical Vertebrae
The Posterior Scalene origin is Transverse Process 5th & 6th Cervical Vertebrae
The unilateral actions of the Scalenes are___ Laterally Flex H&N SS & Rotate H&N OS
A bilateral action of all the Scalenes is____ Elevate ribs on inhalation
The Middle Scalene origin is the Transverse Process of ______ Cervical Vertebra. 2nd - 7th
Temporalis action are _______&_______the mandible Elevate,Retract
The inferior attachment site of the Platysma is ___________. Fascia covering superior Pectoralis Major
What muscles lie btw the trachea & the anterior surface of the cervical vertebrae? Longus Capitis & Longus Colli
The Longus Colli origin is _______ Bodies of C5-T3 Transverse Process of C3-C5
Created by: Gina Massage
Popular Massage Therapy sets




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