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Question | Answer |
Oxygen | Increases arterial o2 tension and hemoglobin saturation,transported by hemoglobin,and enables cells to break down glucose |
Epinephrine (1:10,000) | catecholamine that stimulates alpha and beta adrenergic receptors |
Dopamine (inotropin) | Catecholamine that stimulates dopaminergic,beta and alpha adrenergic receptors,natural precurser of nor-epi |
Norepinephrine (levophed) | alpha 1 stim and beta 1 stim-predominantly Alpha 1 stimulating |
Vasopressin | non-adrenergic vasoconstrictor,increases perfusion and o2 delivery,and V-fib frequency |
Propranolol (inderal) | Blocks beta 1 and beta 2 receptors,decreases renin from the kidneys |
Metoprolol (lopressor) | decreases HR,CO,SBP and reflex tachy,antagonizes catecholamines |
Atenolol (tenormin) | blocks stim of beta1,doesnt effect beta 2,decreases HR,O2 consumption,decreases renin-aldosterone, angiotensin system at high doses |
Lidocaine (xylocaine) | Blocks fast sodium channels leading to decreased automaticity,shortens repolarization times,raises v-fib threshold,decreases conduction velocity |
Procainamide (pronestyl) | Blocks slow sodium channels leading to decreased automaticity (atrial),blocks fast sodium channels to decrease muscle depolarization (ventricles),prolongs repolarization times,produces peripheral vasodilation,increases v-fib threshold |
Amiodarone (cordaron) | acts on all cardiac tissue,blocks Na+,Ca++,K+ amd alpha and beta receptors,which prolongs action potential and refractory period,decreases automaticity/conductivity/and contractility,relaxes coronary and vascular smooth muscle |
Magnesium sulfate (cardiac) | CNS depressant,reduces the release of ACh by motor nerves so seizure activity is decreased,slows HR,causes peripheral vasodilation,stabilizes cell membranes, necessary for Na+/K+ pump function |
Adenosine (adenocard) | decreases conduction of electrical impulse through the AV node,interupts AV re-entry pathways,slows sinus rate |
Calcium chloride | increases myocardial contractility and ventricular automaticity,necessary for transmission of nerve impulses,contraction of all muscle,renal function,blood clotting,regulation of hormones and mainting integrity of cell membranes |
Verapamil (isoptin,calan) | Inhibits movement of calcium ions across cell membranes during depolarization,decreases afterload,dilation of arterioles and coronary arteries,slows SA and AV conduction,decreases O2 requirements,may cause heart blocks |
Diltiazem (cardiazem) | Inhibits calcium ion influx during depolarizations,decreases B/P,angina,supresses arrhythmias,relazes coronary vasculature,slows SA/AV conduction times |
Atropine Sulfate | Inhibits action of acetylcholine,increases automaticity,conduction,HR and CO,will reduce organophosphate overdose (sludge),relaxes bronchial smooth muscle,dilates pupils |
Digoxin (lanoxin) | Inhibits Na+/K+ pump,increases inotropic effect(contractility),vagal tone,and CO,negative chronotropic effects |
Aspirin | decreases pain and fever,platelet inhibitor,vasodilation,decreased clot formation,reduses inflammation |
Retaplase (retavase) | Converts endogenous plasminogen to plasmin,plasmin then degrades the fibrin of the thrombus=clot breaks up |
Sodium bicarbonate | Neutralizes excess acid,raises the pH in the serum and urine so drugs can be excreted more rapidly,encourages redistribution of K+ from extracellular to intracellular fluids,electrolyte replacement |
Morphine sulfate | CNS depressant,inhibits pain perception,decreases emotional response,causes sedation,decreases preload(venous dilation,decreases afterload (arteriole dilation)-more venous then arteriole |
Fentanyl (sublimaze) | Inhibits ascending pain pathways in CNS, increases pain threshold, and alters pain perception by binding to opiate receptors |
Nitrous oxide | Depresses CNS causing anesthesia,reduces hypoxia |
furosemide (lasix) | causes rapid diuresis,venodilation (reduced preload),decreases renal vascular resistance,excretion of Na+,Cl-,K+,H+,Ca++,Mg++,HCO-3, may cause elctrolyte imbalances |
Nitroglycerin (nitrostat) | relaxes vascular smooth muscle promoting vasodilation,decreases preload/afterload,and O2 consuption,dilates pulmonary capillary beds |
labetolol (trandate normodyne) | alpha 1 blocking agent,vasodilates,decreased PVR,nonselective beta blocking agent,BP reduces without reflex tachy-more potent alpha blocker thean beta blocker |
Albuterol (proventil) | stimulates B2 receptors,minimal B1 stim,may cause tachy,promotes intracellular shift of K+ from serum,inhibits histamine release,increased diuresis |
Methylprednisolone (solu-medrol) | Supresses acute and chronic inflammation,potentiates vascular smooth muscle relation by beta adrenergic agonist |
Dexamethasone (decadron) | Supresses acute and chronic inflammation,relaxes vascular and bronchial smooth muscles by beta adrenergic agonists |
Racemic Epinephrine (micro nefrin) | bronchodilator that stimulates B2 receptors in the lungs,relaxes bronchial smooth muscle,inhibits the release of histasmine,useful in treating laryngeal edema |
50% dextrose | Increases blood glucose,provides calories,decreases rate of ketone production,osmotic diuretic |
Thiamine | Required for metabolic processes,important in carbohydrate metabolism,helps breakdown glucose |
Glucagon | exerts positive inotropic action on the heart which decreases renal vascular resistance,increases the breakdown of glycogen to glucose |
Diazepam (valium) | CNS depressant,relaxes skeletal and smooth muscle,anticonvulsant,decreases agitation,tremors and hallucinations |
Magnesium Sulfate (non cardiac) | CNS depressant,reduce the release of ACh by motor nerves to decrease seizures,slows HR,causes peripheral vasodilation,stabalizes cell membranes, necessary for Na+/K+ pump function |
Activated Charcoal | Binds to and absorbs ingested poisons,effective with ASA,amphetamines,strychnine,dilantin,theophylline and phenobarbital,absorbs enzymes,vitamins,minerals and nutrients from GI tract |
Diphenhydramine (benadryl) | reverses effects of phenothiazine tranquilizers (dystonic reactions),causes CNS depression,anticholinergic properties (blocks ACh),antimimetic, competes with histamine receptor sites |
Naloxone (Narcan) | Reverses effects of narcotics or synthetic narcotics,competes for and displaces narcotic molecules from opiate receptors in the brain,reverses stupor,coma,respiratory depression caused by opiates |
Promethazine (phenergan) | blocks the actions of histamine,sedative,anti motion,antimimetic and anticholinergic activity,often administered with analgesics,particularly narcotics to potentiate their effects |