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Medical terms LMT

Medical terms for being a liced massage therapist

Acro - Extremity Acral lentiginous melanoma usually begins in the fingers or toes
Adeno- Glandular Adenocarcinoma is cancer that begins in the glands.
-algia Pain An analgesic is a painkiller
angio- Blood or lymph vessels Angiogenesis is production of new blood vessels
arth- joint Arthroplasty is surgical implantation of an artificial joint, often to treat osteoarthritis
Brady- Slow Bradycardia means slow heartbeat.
Carcin- Crab(cancer) A carcinogen is a cancer-triggering agent.
Cardio- Heart Cardiomyopathy refers to damaged heart muscle.
Cervi- Cervico- Neck Cervical cancer originates in cells found in the neck of the uterus
-cele Swelling, hernia In spina bifida meningocele, dura mater and arachnoid protrude an incompletely closed vertebral arch
Cep- Ceph- Head, Brain Encephalitis refers to inflammation of the brain
Chole Bile Cholecyst is another term for gallbladder
com- con- with, together A concentric muscle contraction brings the bony attachments closer together
Contra- Against A coup-contrecoup head injury occurs when the brain hits the opposite side of the cranium from the direction of the original blow
Cyst Hollow Organ Cholecystitis is inflammation of the gallbladder
Demo- People Demographics is recorder information about a specific group of people.
Derm- Skin Dermatophytosis is condition of having plants (in this case fungi) growing on the skin
Dia- Through Diabetes mellitus means sweetness flowing through, referring to excessive production of urine that is high in sugar
Dys- Difficulty Dysphagia is difficulty with swallowing or eating.
Ecto- Ectomy Outside, removal An appendectomy is the removal of the appendix
-emia Blood Septicemia is a type of infection of the blood.
endo- Inside An endoscopy is a test to examine the lining of the gastrointestinal tract.
Epi- Upon An epidemic is a contagious disease that affects a lot of people. (Literally it means upon the people)
Eryth- Red Erythropoietin is a hormone that stimulates production of red blood cells.
ex- Out of Exophthalmos is a condition in which the eyes bulge out of their usual position.
-gen Beginning, producing An allergen is an allergy-producing substance
glyco- Relating to sugar Hypoglycemia is another term for blood sugar
-graphy Recording, writing Venography is a test to measure blood flow through veins.
hemi- half Hemiplegic cerebral palsy affects half of the body
Hemo- Blood Hemorrage means flowing blood
Hepat- Liver Hepatitis is inflammation of the liver
Hydro- Water Hydrocephalus is a condition involving to much cerebrospinal fluid.
Hyper- Above, too much Hyper uricemia describes having to much uric acid in the blood
Hypo- Below, too little Hypo tension is another term for low blood pressure.
A, an - Without Malignant melanoma lesions may show as asymmetrical discolorations on the skin.
Created by: JPZepeda
Popular Massage Therapy sets




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