Cranial Nerve VII Type: Sensory and Motor Function: (S) Taste (M) Sectretion of saliva, facial expressions
Olfactory Nerve
Cranial Nerve I Type: Sensory Function: Sense of Smell
Oculomotor Nerve
Cranial Nerve III Type: Motor Function: Eye movement, Pupil constriction
Glossopharyngeal Nerve
Cranial Nerve IX Type: Sensory and Motor Function: (S) Taste sensation from posterior tongue and pharynx (M) Muscles of swallowing and gag reflex
Abducens Nerve
Cranial Nerve VI Type: Motor Function: Lateral Eye Movement
Spinal Accessory Nerve
Cranial Nerve XI Type: Motor Function: Shoulder movements, turning of head, and movements of viscera.
Trigeminal Nerve
Test: Have Pt. hold head still while following your finger in H pattern, then inwards to touch nose.
Optic Nerve
Cranial Nerve II Type: Sensory Function: Sense of Sight
Vagus Nerve
Cranial Nerve X Type: Sensory and Motor Function: (S) Gag reflex and stretch receptors in gut (M) Decreases heart rate, increases peristalsis, contracts muscles for voice production.
Acoustic (Vestibulocochlear)
Cranial Nerve VIII Type: Sensory Function: Senses of hearing and balance