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Olfactory Nerve | Cranial Nerve I Type: Sensory Function: Sense of Smell | Test: Ask Pt. to close their eyes, then hold an alcohol swab up to nose and inquire about ability to smell. |
Trochlear Nerve | Cranial Nerve IV Type: Motor Function: Downward gaze | Test: Have Pt. hold head still while following your finger in H pattern, then inwards to touch nose. |
Oculomotor Nerve | Cranial Nerve III Type: Motor Function: Eye movement, Pupil constriction | Test: Have Pt. follow finger in H pattern. Test pupil response w/ penlight. Diagnosis: Pinpoint pupils = opiate OD or trauma to pons; Dilated pupils = anxiey, seizure, or stimulant use; Sluggish or fixed pupils = brain injury or swelling. |
Trigeminal Nerve | Test: Have Pt. hold head still while following your finger in H pattern, then inwards to touch nose. | Test: Ask Pt. to open wide, then clench jaw while palpating lower jaw muscles. Touch each side of forehead, sheek and lower jaw to determine sensory ability. |
Spinal Accessory Nerve | Cranial Nerve XI Type: Motor Function: Shoulder movements, turning of head, and movements of viscera. | Test: Evaluate muscle strength against resistance in the trapezius and sternocleidomastoids via shrugging and looking left and right respectively. |
Optic Nerve | Cranial Nerve II Type: Sensory Function: Sense of Sight | Test: Ask Pt. to cover one eye, then hold up a number of fingers and ask Pt. to announce number or fingers seen. Repeat for opposite eye. |
Glossopharyngeal Nerve | Cranial Nerve IX Type: Sensory and Motor Function: (S) Taste sensation from posterior tongue and pharynx (M) Muscles of swallowing and gag reflex | Test: Ask Pt. to open mouth wide and say "Ah" while inspecting uvula. Pull to one side indicates possible stroke affecting CN9 on side opposite to uvula pull. |
Facial Nerve | Cranial Nerve VII Type: Sensory and Motor Function: (S) Taste (M) Sectretion of saliva, facial expressions | Test: Assess facial movement during interrogation, ask Pt. to smile, raise eyebrows, blow up cheeks. Any assymmetrical movement is bad, usually indicative of a stroke at the middle cerebral artery. Click to flip |
Abducens Nerve | Cranial Nerve VI Type: Motor Function: Lateral Eye Movement | Test: Have Pt. hold head still while following your finger in H pattern, then inward to touch nose. |
Vagus Nerve | Cranial Nerve X Type: Sensory and Motor Function: (S) Gag reflex and stretch receptors in gut (M) Decreases heart rate, increases peristalsis, contracts muscles for voice production. | Test: Test gag reflex by tickling back of throat, however not usually necessary and prone to create vomitus! |
Hypoglossal | Cranial Nerve XII Type: Motor Function: Tongue Movements | Test: Ask Pt. to protrude tongue then move it in all four cardinal directions. Note favoring of one side or absence of smooth, fluid motions. |
Acoustic (Vestibulocochlear) | Cranial Nerve VIII Type: Sensory Function: Senses of hearing and balance | Test: Stand behind Pt. then rub fingers together near each ear and inquire as to which side the sound is coming from. |