phosphor crystals distributed throughout a phosphor layer
modulation transfer function- measure of the quality of a detector system, determined by the systems contrast and spatial resolution quality
range/region of interest-box shaped area of an anatomic structure on a reconstructed digital image defined by the operator by moving the cursor
what is the third step in the conversion of a latent image to manifest image in the IRD
*light is captured by CCD, which converts it to an electronic signal
cannot be penetrated by xrays
when should you use a grid
*kVp higher than 60
*whent the part being xrayed is at least 12cm thick
phosphor/active layer
*acquires latent image
what are the two ways that phosphor crystals are aranged in a psp plate
*needle/columnar *turbid
what are some other terms for CR
*indirect capture
nyquist frequency
*determines the maximum spatial resolution for a given sampling frequency by IRD
*states that if the desired spatial resolution is (x) the sampling frequency must be 2(x)
-increasing the sampling frequency increases the time it takes to display an image