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Computed Radiography

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Created by: bigad1982
Popular Radiology sets



artifactAnswer: any unwanted density10false
malfunction *gost*dust/dirt *scratches *pixel _____ images21true
artifacts*toward tube *prevents handling _____ *allows cleaning31true
radiopaqueAnswer: cannot be penetrated by xrays40false
allows*impurity that _____ luminescence *has ecxess electrons at ground level *activator *storage property51true
contrastmodulation transfer function- measure of the quality of a detector system, determined by the systems _____ and spatial resolution quality71true
capture *cassette-based *film-less*indirect _____81true
subject artifactsAnswer: *piercings on pt *any metal or artifacts on pt *collimation off100false
2(x) -increasing*determines the maximum spatial resolution for a given sampling frequency by IRD *states that if the desired spatial resolution is (x) the sampling frequency must be _____ the sampling frequency increases the time it takes to display an image111true
shapedrange/region of interest-box _____ area of an anatomic structure on a reconstructed digital image defined by the operator by moving the cursor131true
dicocm headerAnswer: *header with pt name and medical record number, and other pt info, that cannot be edited by RT160false
double*unsure of what is on them *hasnt been used in 48 hrs *erase twice if _____ exposed or used on large pt171true
latent*there is an initial low level laser scan that sets boundries for collimation of the image and test to make sure _____ image matches histogram selected before setting aut-rescaling191true
voxelAnswer: 3D pixel200false
radioluscentAnswer: easily penetrated by xrays210false
bandingAnswer: *frequency of scan does not meet grid frequency -can be prevented by using appropriate grid220false
energy*within 1hr to avoid degeneration -latent image loses 25% of its _____ within 8hrs231true
carbon or bakeliteQuestion: what is the material that is on the outer covering(tube side) made of241false
acceptableto tell the range of exposures that are _____261true
readerimage _____ device-reads latent image on CR cassette271true