AICP Functional Areas Transportation and Housing
show | The imaginary line that denotes the boundary of the study area in an Origin-Destination Survey.
show | This survey requires that road blocks be set up along major routes. Motorists within the cordon area can then be asked questions on their origin / destination. A more detailed survey with questions on socioeconomic characteristics can also be given.
Cross tabulation models | show ๐
Typical trip generation rates include: | show ๐
What does trip end refer to? | show ๐
show | Examines travel w/in traffic zones. TD generally provides info on how many trips are made between each zone and every other zone. Also provides info on trip dist., time & cost, nature of trip, socioeco characteristics, & nature of the transpo system.
Gravity Model | show ๐
Design Hour Volume (DHV) | show ๐
Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) | show ๐
What does high VMT mean? | show ๐
show | The Bureau of Transportation Statistics
show | A 43,000-km system of highways.
show | 1944. Designated a 65,000-km national system of interstate highways, to be selected by state highway departments. Act authorized highway system, but did not provide any funding.
Funding for Federal-Aid Highway Act | show ๐
show | Responsible for implementing highway system. In 1947, designated 60,640 km of interstate highways.
Important features of Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1962 | show ๐
show | New: transit/peds/bikes. Intermod Surface Transpo Efficiency 1991 (ISTEA); Transpo Equity 21st Century (TEA-21); Transportation Equity 3 (TEA3); Safe, Accountable, Flexible, and Efficient Transportation Equity (SAFETEA); Moving Ahead for Progress (MAP-21)
show | Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1962 required that urbanized areas with populations of 50,000 or more develop comprehensive urban transportation plans to receive federal financial assistance for road construction projects.
MPOs History (2/2) | show ๐
MPO / Unified Planning Work Program population threshold | show ๐
Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) | show ๐
Transportation Demand Management strategies | show ๐
show | 9' X 18'
Public Health Movement | show ๐
First model tenement built in NYC | show ๐
First dumbbell tenement was built | show ๐
Tenement House Act | show ๐
show | 1890
Tenement House Law | show ๐
show | Clarence Perry, 1920 as part of the NY Regional Plan. Concept defines a neighborhood based on a five minute walking radius; At center is a school. Each neighborhood is approximately 160 acres.
Public Works Administration (PWA) | show ๐
National Housing Act | show ๐
show | 1935. Used New Deal funds to develop new towns: Greendale, WI, Greenhills, OH, and Greenbelt, MD + 99 other planned communities.
U.S. Housing Act of 1937 | show ๐
show | 1944. Guaranteed home loans to veterans. The result was the rapid development of suburbs.
Housing Act of 1949 | show ๐
Housing Act of 1954 | show ๐
show | Made federal matching funds available for comprehensive planning at the metropolitan, regional, state, and interstate levels.
show | Provided interest subsidies to nonprofit organizations, limited-dividend corporations, cooperatives, and public agencies for the construction of public housing projects for low and moderate income families to rent.
HUD Formed through the Housing and Urban Development Act | show ๐
Demonstration Cities and Metropolitan Development Act | show ๐
Civil Rights Act of 19___; commonly known as Fair Housing Act | show ๐
show | 1968. provided for construction of 6 Million subsidized housing units. Also authorized monthly subsidies for private houses for low income families.
Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission | show ๐
show | 1972. Demolition marked a shift away from high-rise concentrated public housing.
Housing and Community Development Act | show ๐
Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG) | show ๐
National Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Act | show ๐
Urban Development Action Grant Program (UDAG) | show ๐
National Affordable Housing Act | show ๐
HOPE VI | show ๐
show | Beginning in 1995, required localities to prepare this doc to receive funding from number of HUD programs. Ests. unified vision for comm dev actions, analyzing entire comm + linkages to region. Builds on assets, coordinates a response to need.
Consolidated Plan con't | show ๐
Some of HUD's programs | show ๐
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